Meet ANGELICA Robles

We were lucky to catch up with ANGELICA Robles recently and have shared our conversation below.

ANGELICA, thanks so much for taking the time to share your insights and lessons with us today. We’re particularly interested in hearing about how you became such a resilient person. Where do you get your resilience from?
My resilience stems from being exposed to so much trauma as a child. I learned to deal with my emotions, thoughts and feelings until I couldn’t anymore. I was introduced to therapy at the age of 17 when I fell into a deep suicidal depression following a tragic murder of my boyfriend’s sister. A murder that left me unable to cope with my own thoughts and emotions. Landing in the therapist office as a 17-year-old was a gift to me. I was able to speak my traumas and be heard. I was taught to heal, move forward and process my traumas. I was equipped with the tools to be able to deal with traumas. With every traumatic event you learn to process it more effectively and efficiently. You learn the process of grieving a loss and coming out the other end stronger. Learning to move forward and leaving the past in the past and not allowing it to have an impact on your present and future.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?
I am currently working on my next book “The Power of Forgiveness” and continuing to share my story to touch move and inspire others to live “alive”. I will be executing producing my own life story in film & television. I am deeply focused on my mindset coaching services and helping others manifest their ultimate goals and missions. Some amazing collaborations are brewing with some influential individuals, together we will join forces to inspire and empower the masses on how to achieve higher levels of success, redemption and elevation.

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
The three qualities that I felt have made the biggest impact on my journey has been belief, consistency and self-love. When you decide that you are going to do something bigger than yourself and start believing in your own capabilities and abilities. You remain consistent and vigilant to your goal and make all the changes and actions to get you moving in that direction. You decide that no matter what, you will continue to work on yourself and your goals. When you turn the attention towards yourself and start focusing on your growth and well-being, magnificent things begin to happen. You start looking at your reflection with pride and so much love. You start admiring the hard work and consistency you have given yourself and your goals. My advice is to continue to strive and move in the direction of your goals. Stay consistent and don’t stop believing that you can achieve anything and everything. Learn to love your reflection, flaws and all. Love that image and remember that you are growing and evolving every day that passes. Have compassion and love for yourself. Don’t be so hard on yourself, the journey is your own and special in it’s own way. Don’t stop and keep moving, even if you are moving slow.

What do you do when you feel overwhelmed? Any advice or strategies?
Feelings of being overwhelmed come with a loss of control. Having emotions, processes, tasks and projects under control is imperative to staying in line with your goals. We are only human and feelings of being overwhelmed will always surface. Learning to being aware of the root cause of the feelings and processing those emotions with actions. Taking mental health days and breaks, stepping away from a project to reconvene thoughts always helps. Talking with a superior or even sharing with another person about your challenges can also help tease the feelings out. Always staying in action and aware of feelings of being overwhelmed and having processes in place on how to manage it is extremely important. Not allowing feelings of being overwhelmed dictate any outcomes, it’s a transient feeling and is not here to stay.

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