Meet Reneta Jenik

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Reneta Jenik. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Reneta, so great to be with you and I think a lot of folks are going to benefit from hearing your story and lessons and wisdom. Imposter Syndrome is something that we know how words to describe, but it’s something that has held people back forever and so we’re really interested to hear about your story and how you overcame imposter syndrome.

Imposter syndrome is something I’ve wrestled with throughout my career, especially as I transitioned from being a high-tech executive to founding Foodom. The seeds of doubt often creep in, making you question your capabilities and accomplishments. But over time, I learned to harness these feelings as a driving force for growth and innovation.

When I started Foodom, the idea was born out of a deeply personal experience. Losing my mother to cancer at a young age and watching her fight the disease with nutrition left an indelible mark on me. My father’s dedication to cooking healthy meals further instilled the belief that food is medicine. Despite my successful corporate career, I always felt a sense of guilt for not cooking healthy homemade meals for my own family like my dad did for my sister and me, which sparked the creation of Foodom.

Transitioning from a stable corporate job to entrepreneurship was daunting. The doubts were persistent: “Am I cut out for this?” “Will I be able to make a difference?” However, every time I questioned myself, I returned to my core mission—helping families enjoy nutritious, home-cooked meals without the daily burden of cooking, and help families with chronic conditions manage their health better with personalized meals for them. This mission anchored me, reminding me of the profound impact we could have on people’s health and lives.

Building Foodom wasn’t just about launching a business; it was about creating a community. Connecting local chefs with busy families and individuals with chronic conditions brought our vision to life. Each success story, each family that found relief and joy through our service, reinforced my belief in what we were doing. I realized that imposter syndrome often stems from a fear of the unknown, but embracing that fear and turning it into curiosity and motivation can be incredibly powerful.

Moreover, the feedback from our clients and chefs has been invaluable. Hearing how our service helped someone manage their diabetes or allowed a busy parent to spend more quality time with their children was not only affirming but also inspiring. These stories remind me that while doubts may come and go, the impact we’re making is real and and will last for a long time.

One pivotal moment for me was meeting Dr. David Lubarsky, the CEO of UC Davis. His deep and strategic insights about the healthcare industry needs and gaps opened my eyes to the immense potential of food as medicine in healthcare. Inspired by his innovative leadership approach, I embarked on a journey of learning and understanding the healthcare landscape better.

This journey culminated in the launch of our medically tailored meals menu. The trust and positive feedback from people with chronic conditions or those recovering from surgeries is incredibly affirming. Knowing that we are helping individuals manage their health on a daily basis through nutritious, home-cooked meals is a powerful validation of our mission. Additionally, I recognized the importance of supporting the entire family—those who eat regular food and those who require special medical diets. By personalizing to the diverse needs of every family member, we help the entire family live healthier and happier lives. This reinforced the significance of our work and showed me that despite the occasional feelings of inadequacy, we are indeed on the right path. We are a “pain killer” not a “vitamin”.

In the end, overcoming imposter syndrome is about shifting the focus from self-doubt to curiosity, learning and focusing on the value you bring to others. For me, it’s about remembering the families we’ve helped and the lives we’ve touched through Foodom. It’s about staying true to the mission, learning along the way from incredible mentors, advisors and partners, and letting the passion for that mission drive me forward, no matter the obstacles.

So, to anyone grappling with imposter syndrome, I say this: Embrace your journey, trust in your vision, and let your passion guide you. Remember that every step you take is a step towards making a difference, and that in itself is a powerful antidote to doubt.

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?

I was born in Ukraine and was a political refugee at the age of three when my family fled the Soviet Union. Growing up, I was deeply influenced by my parents’ dedication to healthy eating. My father, who cooked amazing Eastern European food, always emphasized the importance of nutritious meals and avoided eating out due to concerns about food quality. This upbringing instilled in me a profound appreciation for home-cooked, wholesome food.

As a working mom in corporate America, juggling a demanding career with raising kids and managing their school and after school activities, I faced the constant challenge of maintaining some sort of balance. Despite my best efforts, I struggled to find the time to cook nutritious meals for my family. This resulted in eating out 5 days a week, having our weekly food expenses reach $1000 and this was before the inflation! We were throwing away a third of the groceries I bought, which went bad before being used. In addition to this, my heart sank when my daughter confessed she has PTSD from my grilled chicken breast, blanched broccoli, and steamed butternut squash. I realized it was too much and that a change was needed to preserve my sanity.

Shortly after, I decided to hire a chef, and my life changed forever. I found a wonderful local young chef, Chef Shani, who later became the first chef on Foodom. She helped my family and me get affordable homemade meals that fit each of our needs, including gluten-free, vegetarian, and low-carb options. I call us a Sudoku family because it’s easier to solve a Sudoku than plan our meals! She also saved me 10-15 hours a week worrying about food. This inspired the name “Foodom,” a combo of food and freedom. With her help, we also reduced our food waste to zero and cut our food expenses by half. It was a game-changer for us, making healthy meals a consistent part of our lives and lifting the stress of daily cooking. I realized that once I was on Foodom, there was no turning back!

My friends, noticing the positive changes in our household, asked for the same service. This demand was the catalyst for giving birth to Foodom, making it accessible to other busy families who faced similar challenges.

Foodom is more than just a business to me; it’s a mission to help families live healthier, happier lives through the power of home-cooked meals. My goal is to make Foodom the default way to dine at home. To do that, we connect busy families with local, vetted chefs who prepare personalized, nutritious meals right in their homes. This not only saves time but also promotes a healthy lifestyle.

Our services are designed to be affordable, starting at just $125 plus the cost of groceries per visit and families get in each visit food for the week. Recently, we launched a medically tailored meals menu to support individuals with chronic conditions or those recovering from surgeries. This initiative was inspired by a pivotal meeting with the CEO of UC Davis Health, who opened my eyes to the extreme health needs within the healthcare industry.

Additionally, we are in the process of adding new options that will further enhance accessibility, including options for FSA (Flexible Spending Account), HSA (Health Savings Account), and LSA (Lifestyle Spending Account). These additions make it even easier for families to benefit from our services without financial strain. We were recently added to Perks at Work network, offering perks to 30m employees in large corporations around the world, including Google, Cisco, Large banks and more. We offer their employees special perks and deals that are not available anywhere else.

My ultimate goal is to help every family—whether they eat regular food or require special medical diets—live healthier and happier lives by preventing chronic conditions through healthy eating at home. I look forward to continuing this journey and making a positive difference in the world through the power of nutritious, home-cooked meals.

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?

Looking back, three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in my journey are increasing resilience with realistic optimism, adaptability, and a deep understanding of my mission.

1. Increasing Resilience with Realistic Optimism: Facing numerous challenges and setbacks, resilience and optimism helped me push through difficult times. From immigrating to the U.S. to balancing a demanding career and family life, resilience and optimism kept me going even when the path was tough. A major test of resilience was when the pandemic hit just three days after we launched our alpha version of the platform. We then faced a recession, a bank run (Silicon Valley Bank), inflation, and global conflicts like the wars in Ukraine and Israel. Despite these hurdles, we persevered. For those early in their journey, my advice is to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Each obstacle is a lesson in disguise, and building resilience with a dose of optimism helps me navigate the ups and downs, that are an integral part of building a startup.

2. Adaptability: The ability to pivot and adapt to changing circumstances has been crucial. Whether it was learning about the health care industry or adjusting our business model based on user feedback, adaptability allowed us to stay relevant and innovative. To develop this skill, I learned to listen more than I talk, be open to learning and willing to step out of my comfort zone. The world is constantly changing, and the ability to adapt will ensure we remain agile and responsive to new opportunities and challenges.

3. Mission driven: The reason I started Foodom is to make healthy, home-cooked meals accessible for everyone – this mission has guided every decision. It helped me stay focused and aligned with my values, especially when faced with tough choices. For those starting their journey, take the time to define your mission and values. This will be your compass, helping you stay true to your purpose, hire the right people and raise from the right investors that will make the journey successful and enjoyable and make decisions that align with your long-term goals.

Looking back from the early days to today, I cultivated these qualities through personal experience (and I have scars to prove it), mentorship, and continuous learning. Seek out relevant mentors who can provide guidance and support, embrace challenges as learning opportunities, and always stay true to your vision and mission. With resilience, optimism, adaptability, and a clear sense of purpose, you can navigate any obstacle and achieve all the goals you set for yourself.

How would you describe your ideal client?

My ideal client? Imagine a mix of health-conscious superheroes, busy families juggling work and play, and individuals navigating the tricky terrain of chronic diseases, allergies, or any diet-related special needs. I see the body as a finely-tuned machine that thrives on high-quality fuel to keep it running smoothly and prevent it from breaking down. Just like with any machine, fixing it is costly and can take it out of commission for a long time. Keeping it fueled with the right food prevents those breakdowns for the entire life!

Whether you’re a busy parent needing nutritious meals for the family, someone managing a chronic condition, or just passionate about staying healthy, Foodom and I are here to keep your “machine” in top shape. It’s all about prevention, proactive health management and making sure you enjoy life to the fullest with delicious, wholesome meals prepared by local chefs. Who’s hungry for some healthy fuel? 😊

To find us, visit our website,

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Image Credits

Ilanit Turgeman

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