Meet Kristy Faytle

We were lucky to catch up with Kristy Faytle recently and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Kristy, thank you so much for opening up with us about some important, but sometimes personal topics. One that really matters to us is overcoming Imposter Syndrome because we’ve seen how so many people are held back in life because of this and so we’d really appreciate hearing about how you overcame Imposter Syndrome.

Well, first I think it’s important to acknowledge imposter syndrome is something will come up at different points in your life and your career. I don’t think you can truly ever overcome it if you are also constantly challenging yourself and looking to grow. When I am feeling a case of imposter syndrome coming on, first I remind myself of a quote I love by Mindy Kaling (who then wrote a book based on this quote), “Why not me?” Because in all seriousness, why NOT me? I work hard, I strive for excellence in the service I provide, and I am passionate about creating genuine and lasting relationships with my clients. There is nothing about me that would prevent me from achieving the success I want for my business.

Then I think about all of the families I have been able to partner with through my business. I think about the memories I’ve helped them create on their magical vacations and the stress I’ve alleviated from their lives by planning the perfect trip for their family. I read the reviews I’ve received, the emails I’ve been sent that rave about my services, and I even look through some of handwritten thank you notes and pictures sent to me by different families I’ve helped. I look back on all the experience I’ve gained in my 20+ year career in my industry and remind myself that I am an expert in my field. I remember how hard I’ve worked to get to this point in my career – the challenges I’ve overcome in the all the different roles I’ve had in my career, the courage it took to start my business from scratch completely on my own, and the resilience and drive I I demonstrated to grow my business to this point in a little over a year. I use every roadblock and every hurdle I’ve been faced with as evidence that I am worthy and deserving of not only the success I’ve achieved but the success I want in the future.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?

I am the Owner and Founder of Palm, Park & Sea Travel, a concierge travel planning business specializing in Disney destinations. I help families plan memorable vacations to all Disney destinations and eliminate the stress and overwhelm that usually accompanies planning this type of vacation.

I’ve been in the event and travel planning industry for over 20 years. I started my career working for a large catering company in Chicago planning large scale events. Since then, my roles have included events manager at a DMC (destination management company) and incentive travel firm, meetings and communications director for a technology consulting firm, and a senior planner in the meetings & events department at a prominent account firm.

I left my last role when my third child was born. It was during the pandemic, meetings and events were at a standstill, and the industry was facing major changes. I felt like it was the perfect time to step away and reevaluate my career. It was getting difficult to keep up a travel schedule with three young kids and life looked much different from what it was when I began my career. I always knew I wanted my own business but I had decided that I didn’t want to continue planning events.

Fast forward about three years…I was having lunch with a friend of mine and she mentioned they had just come back from a family trip to Walt Disney World. They had the best time and she had worked with a travel planner to coordinate her trip. I’ve been a fan of all things Disney (that’s putting it mildly) for as long as I can remember. My parents took us to Walt Disney World for the first time when I was six years old and I’ve been obsessed (more accurate) ever since. The movies, the parks, just the whole vibe. It’s always been my happy place. So that conversation got me thinking. I wasn’t even aware that there was such a thing as Disney focused travel planners. A few months went be (and we were coincidentally planning our own family Disney trip) and it hit me – why am I not doing this for other families? Why am I not planning Disney vacations? I texted my husband that second “should I be a Disney planner??” and his one word answer was confirmation enough that I had figured out what my business was going to be. “Absolutely” he said. I hit the ground running that day and haven’t stopped!

I feel like I have the best job in the world. I get to spend my days planning vacations to destinations that are near and dear to my heart for some really amazing families. I get to know each of my clients so well that by the end of our time working together, I feel like we are friends. I think it’s so special that I get to play a role in planning these vacations that they’ll remember for years to come and I get a front row seat to the incredible memories they are making. We work together to plan the perfect itinerary for their unique family, I teach them all about their destination (Disney.World, Disneyland, Disney Cruise Line, even Aulani – A Disney Resort and Spa in Oahu) and get them feeling excited and confident about their adventure, and most of the time I get to watch it unfold on social media or through the pictures they send me while they are there.

As a brand, I have worked to develop Palm, Park & Sea Travel as a professional and expert travel planning partner, while being approachable, fun and personal at the same time. I want to earn my clients’ trust and respect but at the same time develop a relationship that feels comfortable and natural – like a friend you’ve known for years. After all, planning a vacation to a destination like Disney World or a Disney Cruise should be fun and exciting and full of magic. It’s incredibly personal and I want my clients to enjoy the process while also having confidence that everything is being perfectly planned behind the scenes.

My most important role in life is being mom to three unique, funny, smart, sweet and special kids that keep me laughing, busy, and on my toes. My husband of 10 years, Matt, is one of my biggest supporters and loves Disney almost as much as me…almost.

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?

Looking back, I’d say the three qualities that had the biggest impact on my journey were creativity, resilience, and organization.

Creativity helped me think outside the box and come up with unique solutions, especially when planning complex trips or crafting personalized itineraries. It also think in terms of my clients and come up with different service offerings that they didn’t event know they needed. Resilience was key when things didn’t go as planned (there was a lot of that in my journey from having rename my business after establishing the LLC, web domain, etc. to facing others in my industry that treated me coldly as competition rather than a.colleague) —being able to adapt, pick myself up and bounce back quickly kept me moving forward. And staying organized was essential for managing all the details of running a business and working with clients without getting overwhelmed.

For anyone early in their journey, I’d say practice creativity by exploring new ideas and approaches, even if they seem unconventional at first. Build resilience by embracing challenges and learning from setbacks. And as for organization, find systems and tools that work for you and stick with them—they’ll be your best friend as things get busier!

Before we go, maybe you can tell us a bit about your parents and what you feel was the most impactful thing they did for you?

The most impactful thing my parents did for me was instilling the belief that I could achieve anything I set my mind to, as long as I was willing to work hard and stay true to my values. They taught me that success isn’t just about talent or opportunity, but about dedication and integrity. This foundation gave me the confidence to pursue my passions, face challenges head-on, and always act with character. It’s a lesson that’s guided me through every step of my journey.

My dad is an entrepreneur himself and is currently running a fourth generation family business alongside his youngest brother that they’ve reinvented multiple times over the years. My mom was a teacher and was passionate about helping children learn and achieve their dreams. I couldn’t have had better role models for demonstrating passion, hard work, innovation and integrity.

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Image Credits

Elyse Bullard Photography

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