Meet Wendy Gonzalez

We were lucky to catch up with Wendy Gonzalez recently and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Wendy, we’re so appreciative of you taking the time to share your nuggets of wisdom with our community. One of the topics we think is most important for folks looking to level up their lives is building up their self-confidence and self-esteem. Can you share how you developed your confidence?

When I decided to take my art career in a different direction. My art career was going nowhere, after graduating with a degree of Media Arts & Animation, it was then when my confidence and self-esteem was being challenged. I was applying job, after job in the animation industry, game industry, film or anything I felt I was fit for, but I had no luck. So I had to direct my attention in finding another job I am able to do, which came to be a desk jobs. Even-though I wasn’t working a dream job, it wouldn’t stop me from continuing to draw everyday. One day, a friend of mine (at the time) had mentioned to start promoting my art to the open public by becoming an art vendor at art-walks. I said no at first because it was a whole new world I wasn’t familiar with, and becoming a seller of my art-work wasn’t a skill I knew how to do. So the next best thing I did was to check it out for myself to see if it is a fit for me. It turns out that it was, the next time my friend was going to be a vendor at an art-walk, I mentioned to her, to give me the information because I want to be part of it. My first art-walk was in 2016 at a bar called, Mal’s Bar, located in Downtown Los Angeles. It was new and scary, even though I am grateful for the friends who attended and supported me, but deep down I was nervous, vulnerable and excited. After this art-walk and may others that followed after that, is always an open door to new possibilities, because you never know who you will meet, and knowing that always gives me hopes in something great.

My experiences as an art-vendor, is what gave me the self-confidence I needed, to become a better artist. Seeing people gravitate to my art-work, was the best feeling in the world, because kept me inspired, and motivated, and it gave me a purpose in seeing people get inspired by my art.

Thanks for sharing that. So, before we get any further into our conversation, can you tell our readers a bit about yourself and what you’re working on?

My art business offers a chance to inspire and create art for people who like to take risk. I’ve invested my life in my art because believing is what gave me the opportunities to grow. I am skilled in 2D pencil, ink, painting, and as well as digital softwares; adobe photoshop and procreate. I am open for any opportunities, commissions or collaborating with other artist who are open in collaborating in creative projects.

Currently, I’m working on two art pieces themed, Day of the Dead, for an art-gallery show on the month of, October 2024, called, “El Velorio,” located in Los Angeles.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

Looking back to my journey, one of the tree qualities that were most impactful was the lack of direction I had for myself. Better focus on where to take my skills would have been less stress.

Second impactful qualities, would be more practice on my craft. More practice, more growth.

Third impactful qualities, would be to have been skilled in speech. Taking a speech class, would have improved my communication skills with new people or a group of people, and it would remove fear and improve confidence as well.

Any advice for folks feeling overwhelmed?

When I get overwhelmed, my mind tends to be all over the place, it could be either excitement or work overload.
Either one, my tactic would be to organize my tasks. Prioritize the most important tasks first, after that your list should start making you feel less and less weight on your shoulders.

Also what helps is to take a break, working on something else, or sometimes removing yourself from the situation, a can re-direct you to gain better clarity or focus to tackle the challenge you have in-front of you.

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