Meet Leona Perez

We recently connected with Leona Perez and have shared our conversation below.

Leona, so great to be with you and I think a lot of folks are going to benefit from hearing your story and lessons and wisdom. Imposter Syndrome is something that we know how words to describe, but it’s something that has held people back forever and so we’re really interested to hear about your story and how you overcame imposter syndrome.

“Ah, imposter syndrome! It’s a familiar companion for many creatives. For me, it was a constant whisper that I wasn’t good enough, that my art was a fluke, and that I’d be ‘found out’ soon. But I knew I couldn’t let it hold me back.

To overcome it, I focused on developing self-compassion and reframing my mindset. I started acknowledging my achievements, no matter how small they seemed. I celebrated each finished piece, each exhibition, and each positive feedback.

I also surrounded myself with supportive people who genuinely believed in me. My ambition, encouraged me to take risks and push beyond my comfort zone. My peers and friends reminded me that we’re all in this together, struggling and growing as artists.

Moreover, I practiced mindfulness and self-care. I learned to recognize when imposter syndrome was creeping in and took steps to calm my inner critic. I reminded myself that everyone starts somewhere, even the artists I admire.

Through this journey, I fostered a growth mindset, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth. I learned to trust my unique voice and vision, even when it felt vulnerable. And I discovered that my ‘imperfections’ are actually what make my art relatable and authentic.

Now, I want to pass on this lesson to others: imposter syndrome may be a part of our journey, but it doesn’t define us. We are capable of overcoming it, and our unique perspectives are worth sharing with the world.”

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?

I’m thrilled to share my story with your readers! As a professional artist and creative coach, I’m passionate about empowering individuals to tap into their inner source of inspiration and creativity. My artistic journey began as a way to self-discovery, but it evolved into a full-time career that allows me to inspire and guide others.

What excites me most is witnessing the transformative power of art and creativity in people’s lives. Whether through my paintings, workshops, or one-on-one coaching, I love seeing individuals break free from self-doubt and unlock their unique expression.

My brand, Soul Sisters Studio, is built around this mission. I create vibrant, emotive paintings that explore the human experience, and I offer resources and support for creatives to cultivate their skills and confidence.

Currently, I’m offering art classes at my studio,where anyone can feel the experience becoming a professional artist and exploring new styles and mediums, we paint not just on canvases, we are becoming a clothing designers, expressing the uniqueness. Book your spot now at

In addition, I’m collaborating with Executive Coach, Missy Lawrence to offer a unique workshop experience,
“Executive Empowerment: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Creativity,” which combines art neuroscience, IRL executive coaching, and mindfulness techniques to support executives and entrepreneurs in mastering their creative potential in order to make better executive decisions and reduce executive stress.

I’m eager to connect with like-minded individuals who share my passion for creativity, empowerment, and growth. Let’s explore the possibilities of art and imagination together!

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

Reflecting on my journey, I believe the three qualities that made the most impact were:

1. Resilience: The ability to bounce back from setbacks, self-doubt, and criticism. Developing resilience helped me navigate the ups and downs of my creative path.

2. Authenticity: Embracing my unique voice, style, and vision. Authenticity allowed me to stand out, connect with like-minded individuals, and create meaningful work.

3. Curiosity: Maintaining a childlike curiosity and willingness to learn, experiment, and explore new techniques and mediums. Curiosity kept me growing, innovating, and pushing boundaries.

For those early in their journey, I advise:

· Cultivate resilience by practicing self-care, setting realistic goals, and embracing failures as learning opportunities.
· Develop authenticity by exploring your passions, values, and strengths, and staying true to your vision.
· Nurture curiosity by seeking out new experiences, learning from others, and embracing uncertainty.

Remember, your journey is unique, and these qualities will evolve with you. Stay open, stay curious, and stay true to yourself.

How would you spend the next decade if you somehow knew that it was your last?

Yes, I’m currently facing the challenge of scaling my art business while maintaining its personal touch and authenticity. As my brand grows, I’m finding it increasingly important to balance efficiency with individual connection. I’m exploring ways to streamline processes without sacrificing the heart and soul of my work.

Additionally, I’m navigating the ever-changing landscape of social media and online platforms, ensuring that my message and art reach the right audience without getting lost in the noise.

Lastly, I’m pushing myself to continue innovating and taking creative risks, even as my style and voice become more recognized. It’s a delicate balance between staying true to my vision and exploring new horizons.

I’m embracing these challenges as opportunities for growth, learning, and refinement, and I’m excited to see how they shape my journey and art in the future.

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