Meet Angie, Eleazar Yoh, Chinne

We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Angie, Eleazar Yoh, Chinne a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Angie, Eleazar, thrilled to have you on the platform as I think our readers can really benefit from your insights and experiences. In particular, we’d love to hear about how you think about burnout, avoiding or overcoming burnout, etc.

As business owners, it is a really tiresome. The work on the clock is brutal, but it is work after “clocking out” that really gets you. I have found that compartmentalizing helps a lot. When it is time to work, put my head down and grind it all out. I set specific goals and targets, both big and small and try to hit them. This stops me from attempting too much all at the same time. At work, we work. After leaving, I afford myself some time to be alone. Away from work. In the quiet of my presence. I go on walks to clear my mind and wind down. I find it very rejuvenating, it also affords me time to think. I have been trying to get my fitness regimen in motion. The gym is has been a good friend of mine! I go in there and come out, well, tired but refreshed. When my schedule permits it, I like to go socialize with friends. Go into the city, immerse myself in the night life and have a good time. I was at Asake’s concert a few weeks back and it was a blast! I had a great time enjoying the afrobeats music and being around many people that enjoy similar things. My secret recipe has been to work hard so I can play hard. Whenever I reach a milestone or achieve a goal, I treat myself to a little reward. Then unto the next.

Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?

The journey of Angie Hairr Stylist began with a spark of passion and a leap of faith. My business partner and I met at my former job, with a vague idea of what we wanted: a clear goal, plan, and vision. It wasn’t a perfect process, but the passion was there, and we decided to go for it. With my Instagram (@AngieHairr) already running, we didn’t have everything figured out, but we moved forward.

A key lesson: define your identity. Ask yourself: Who are you? What do you offer? Who are your clients? These answers shape your brand. For us, it was a learning curve. We dove in, signed up for pricey services, but soon found cheaper, better options. Looking back, I’d advise anyone to research thoroughly and stay patient.

Despite the challenges, I’d say just do it. Mistakes are part of the process. Our journey has been about learning and evolving, and we’ve loved every moment.

I’ve always loved hair, braiding my sister’s hair and helping friends. Moving to Orange County, I saw the need for affordable, quality braiding services. In 2023, I quit my job and went all in with my business partner Eleazar, who specializes in dreadlocks. I handle most braiding services, including box braids, cornrows, and goddess braids for men, women, and children. At Angie Hairr Stylist, we pride ourselves on top-quality work and creating a welcoming space. We’re more than just a salon; we’re “La Maison de Chevaux”—the home for your hair.

Our vision is bigger than hairstyling. We want to inspire aspiring entrepreneurs—whether artists, seamstresses, or tradespeople—to pursue their craft. Success is possible with hard work.

In the nearly five years since we met, Eleazar and I have built a strong partnership. He’s the loctician, and I handle the braids. We often collaborate, bringing four hands to many clients. It hasn’t always been smooth, but our teamwork has kept us strong. Angie keeps me motivated, and together we keep learning and growing.

One major lesson: be genuine and consistent. Every project gets our full attention and heart. Social media has been essential for growth, so we post consistently on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, and Pinterest. Visibility is a challenge, but persistence pays off. Even on slow days, we keep building our portfolio to be ready when clients come.

Authenticity is key. Clients want to see your real work, not stock images. At Angie Hairr Stylist, we take pride in providing the best hairstyling at the best prices in Orange County, and our social media proves it. Stay true to your brand, have fun with it, and let the world see what makes you unique!

We’re excited about what’s ahead! We have plans for a new location, a fresh approach to social media that we can’t wait to unveil, maybe even a new logo, and tons more content to share.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?

Looking back, the three most impactful qualities in my journey were patience, persistence, and adaptability—all of which shaped Angie Hairr Stylist into what it is today.

Patience was essential because, in the early days, nothing was clear-cut. When Eleazar and I first started, we didn’t have all the answers. We had a vague idea, but we had to learn as we went. It took time to understand our brand identity and build our client base. Every small step forward was progress, but I had to remind myself that results don’t come overnight. We were eager to get our name out there, signing up for services and platforms to boost our visibility. However, I quickly learned that some things couldn’t be rushed. Being patient allowed us to grow naturally without burning out or making rash decisions, especially when waiting for clients or for our social media strategy to pick up.

Persistence was equally critical, especially when the stress of starting out began to mount. In the beginning, we faced the pressure to succeed, pay bills, and get our name recognized. The temptation to give up was real, but we stayed focused. When we didn’t get the results we wanted right away, we kept pushing. We hustled hard on social media, posting daily even when engagement was low, creating content, and building our reputation one client at a time. Each post, each new service, and each satisfied client were small wins that accumulated over time. Persistence is what made us stay the course, through the ups and downs.

Adaptability was perhaps the most important skill we developed. When you’re starting out, you’ll be bombarded with offers that sound too good to pass up. We signed up for various premium accounts, thinking we needed to spend big to get ahead. Later, we realized there were cheaper, more effective alternatives. Learning to be flexible and pivot when necessary saved us money and helped us make better decisions moving forward. We also adapted in our approach to client feedback, new techniques, and even our overall business model. As we refined our processes, we learned how to adjust based on what was working and what wasn’t.

For anyone starting their journey, I recommend cultivating patience by understanding that success doesn’t happen instantly. Take your time to build a solid foundation, whether it’s establishing your brand identity or growing your online presence. Persistence is non-negotiable—no matter how slow things seem, keep moving forward. Consistency in your craft and with your marketing efforts will eventually pay off. Lastly, always remain adaptable. Be open to change and ready to pivot your strategies when something isn’t working. Staying flexible helped us uncover better opportunities and avoid unnecessary costs.

If I could go back, I wouldn’t change much, but I’d remind myself that with patience, persistence, and the willingness to adapt, anything is possible. It’s these qualities that continue to fuel our growth as we look forward to exciting new plans for Angie Hairr Stylist.

Any advice for folks feeling overwhelmed?

Compartmentalizing and taking time off were life-savers when things got too much. There were moments when I felt overwhelmed by the weight of it all—the decisions, the mistakes, the constant pressure. When that happened, I learned that stepping back and taking a break was the best thing I could do. Clearing my head and taking some time away from the business allowed me to come back with a fresh perspective. I also leaned heavily on talking to others when I needed to sort through ideas. Sometimes, just bouncing thoughts off someone else helped me reorganize the clutter in my mind and gain clarity. I realized that seeking out different perspectives is crucial when you’re in a rut. Many times, the solution isn’t obvious when you’re too deep in it, but talking to someone else can give you a new way of looking at things.
Stay persistent, even when the results aren’t instant, because it all adds up in the long run. And most importantly, take time off when you feel overwhelmed. Don’t be afraid to step back and recharge—you’ll come back stronger and with a clearer vision. When things get tough, compartmentalizing and getting outside perspectives can be the breath of fresh air you need to push forward.
There have been moments when Eleazar and I have been stuck on a problem for moments. What color should the logo be? How should we design or portfolio? Is this too much? Do we have enough? At times the answer is just right in front of you, just out of focus.

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Angie Hairr Stylist

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