Meet Dr. Darrius Geter


Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Dr. Darrius Geter. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Dr. Darrius , thank you so much for joining us today. Let’s jump right into something we’re really interested in hearing about from you – being the only one in the room. So many of us find ourselves as the only woman in the room, the only immigrant or the only artist in the room, etc. Can you talk to us about how you have learned to be effective and successful in situations where you are the only one in the room like you?

I’ll start with this disclaimer: It is important to dress for success! With that being said, over time, I’ve realized that wearing a suit in these spaces, unless specifically required, no longer serves me. I found that dressing up often put me in a mindset of pretending — as if I had to convince myself and others that I belonged. The suit became part of that performance, making me feel like I was selling something with little value. But once I stopped wearing the suit, I allowed myself to show up authentically.

This shift also came with a new mentality: I started seeing myself as the most important person in the room. When you believe you are the most important person in the room, you no longer feel the need to pretend; you no longer feel like you have to impress others so that you can be accepted within their circle. When you believe in the value you bring, you no longer feel the need to put on a front or seek validation from others. You’re not there to sell a product, a service, or even yourself. Instead, you’re offering an opportunity for others to engage with the value you carry. And that, in itself, is worth something.

It’s a bold approach. While a suit might occasionally get you into a room, it’s the intrinsic value you possess that not only gets you in but positions you as an asset within that space.”

Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?

I am the founding pastor of Full Impact Christian Church and Darrius Geter Ministries, where my mission is to empower people through the Word of God. Additionally, I’m the Founder and CEO of Impactful Publishing, LLC, which helps aspiring authors develop and bring their books to market. Our specialty is working with individuals who may not know how to transform their ideas into book form. We take pride in polishing their work and preparing it for publication.

I am also the Founder of The Full Impact Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit organization that I’m incredibly passionate about. The Foundation’s mission is to Edify, Educate, and Empower. Through this mission, we focus on encouraging students to pursue post-secondary education, engaging in social advocacy to address issues that hinder the growth of individuals and communities, and educating aspiring entrepreneurs to bring their visions to life—from idea to execution.

Currently, The Full Impact Foundation is partnering with Dr. Gena Crawford of The Power Experience to launch an exciting new program called Catalyst. Catalyst is designed to provide a comprehensive educational experience for business and ministry leaders, as well as budding entrepreneurs. Beginning in January 2025, we’ll be rolling out a cohort of courses covering topics like organizational structure, leadership, business finances, marketing, the unique pressures of leadership, and more.

This program is perfect for those who feel stuck at the start of their business journey, as well as for established professionals looking to level up. We also offer networking opportunities, allowing participants to connect with other leaders and potentially form new business partnerships. I encourage anyone seeking the tools to grow their business or ministry to check out what we have to offer!

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?

The three qualities or areas of knowledge that have been most impactful in my journey start with understanding the value of building relationships. As an introvert by nature, being highly social doesn’t come easily to me, but I’ve learned that fulfilling your God-ordained purpose requires the support of others. You need people around you who can carry your vision into spaces you may never have access to and who can offer perspectives that broaden your own. Relationships are essential for expanding your horizons and pushing your vision further than you could alone.

Adding value to others goes hand in hand with relationship building. It’s not enough to simply benefit from your connections—you have to be an asset to them as well. Supporting the people in your circle, pouring into their goals, and helping them fulfill their purpose is just as important as receiving help. It’s about mutual growth, opening doors for others as they open doors for you. Relationship building is not meant to be transactional. It’s about developing genuine friendships with others so that you know their passion for their purpose and they know yours. When you know that passion someone else has for their purpose, and you have a genuine relationship with them, the impact you can make in each other’s lives with assistance, with advice, with a word of encouragement become invaluable.

The third quality that has been crucial for me, and one I would advise for anyone early in their journey, is the importance of continuous learning. It’s easy to focus only on the areas directly related to your business or industry, but that’s a mistake. You never know when your path will intersect with another field, and if you haven’t educated yourself beyond your immediate scope, you’ll find yourself playing catch-up. By learning across multiple disciplines, you not only stay ahead of the curve, but you also position yourself to build relationships with people outside your usual sphere, opening up even more opportunities for growth.

Okay, so before we go we always love to ask if you are looking for folks to partner or collaborate with?

I’m always open to collaborating with individuals who are seeking practical guidance to overcome obstacles in their personal, professional, or spiritual lives. One of the ways I do this is through a series I call Conversations with Dr. Geter. In these sessions, no topic is off-limits—whether it’s spiritual growth, business challenges, relationships, or any other area where someone might feel stuck. I offer a space to openly discuss these issues and provide biblically grounded, yet highly practical advice that people can apply directly to their situations.

I’ve found that this approach has been incredibly helpful to those who have taken the opportunity to sit down with me. My goal is to help people break through the barriers that are holding them back from pursuing their God-given purpose. If you’re reading this and feel like you could benefit from a conversation that offers clarity and actionable steps, I’d love to collaborate with you.

To connect with me, you can reach out through my website, and we can start a dialogue on how to move forward toward the life and purpose you’re meant to fulfill.

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