Meet Sarrah Smith

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Sarrah Smith. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Sarrah , we’re so excited for our community to get to know you and learn from your journey and the wisdom you’ve acquired over time. Let’s kick things off with a discussion on self-confidence and self-esteem. How did you develop yours?

My adolescence and teen years were a struggle for me. I was bullied by my peers and even by adults. This toke a toll on my confidence and self esteem. I had a hard time Making connections with others. I was a people pleaser always doing anything and everything for everyone in hopes that I would be loved and accepted. This led to toxic relationships that further destroyed my self esteem and confidence. It wasn’t until everything in my life was a complete disaster and I was hitting rock bottom that I finally said enough. Something has to give I need to make serious changes in my life. I started with meditation. Through meditation I started to receive guidance that led me through a self healing. At the time I had no idea what healing with hands was so I did some research and found Reiki. I thought ok I need to learn Reiki! I followed the guidance I was receiving and began my journey to become a Reiki Master. Little did I know at the time I was receiving this information not from my guides but a whole collective who presented them selves to me as Ezekiel. You see I had to learn what energy healing was because they were going to gift me the information of an ancient healing modality called Holy Light Intuitive Energetic Healing. Holy Light deeply heals past traumas, past life traumas, and ancestral traumas on the soul and cellular level. Once I began this journey of healing and working with Holy Light I began to see significant changes within my self. I was finding my voice, I began to have more love respect for my self and started to create healthy boundaries for myself. I no longer felt like I needed to hide or that I wasn’t worthy because, I was healing the trauma and releasing the stuck energy I was storing in my body that was holding me back. I went from hinding in corners to speaking on stages because I began to truly heal from the inside out .

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?

Once I began working with the incredible Holy Light Intuitive Energetic Healing energy, I witnessed profound changes and transformations within myself. It became clear that I had to share this powerful healing modality with the world. My passion lies in helping women and men heal deep-rooted traumas from their past, past lives, and ancestral lines, breaking the karmic bonds that hold them back. By doing so, they can realign with their soul journey and live their best lives.

It lights me up to see others reclaim their power. I am passionate about helping people and witnessing the incredible transformations they achieve.

I teach Holy Light Intuitive Energetic Healing, empowering others to learn the modality for personal use or to enhance their healing practices with clients. I also offer one-on-one healing sessions and recently authored a book titled Holy Light Intuitive Energetic Healing: Triggers to Transformation, now available on Amazon.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?

The three skills that impacted me most at the start of my healing journey were learning to trust—trusting the divine guidance I was receiving, believing that the universe always has our backs, and understanding that nothing happens to us, but rather for us. Every experience, whether good, bad, or challenging, is an opportunity for growth and learning. Blessings begin with gratitude; the more gratitude we express for every person, experience, and moment, the more effortlessly blessings flow into our lives, as our vibration and energy shift to attract what we desire.

My advice is this: there will never be a perfect time to begin your healing journey, so start where you are and embrace the process. Find a healer you resonate with and trust to guide you. Remember that healing happens in divine timing; it doesn’t occur overnight, but it is the most rewarding gift you can give yourself.

How can folks who want to work with you connect?

I am always eager to collaborate and connect with like-minded individuals who are on a journey to heal and uplift themselves and others. Whether through healing, events, retreats, or speaking engagements, I love creating opportunities for growth and connection. I can be found on Social Media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram or email:

Contact Info:

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