Meet Alesia Matiushchenko

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Alesia Matiushchenko. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Hi Alesia, so excited to talk about all sorts of important topics with you today. The first one we want to jump into is about being the only one in the room – for some that’s being the only person of color or the only non-native English speaker or the only non-MBA, etc Can you talk to us about how you have managed to be successful even when you were the only one in the room that looked like you?

Being an entrepreneur and often the only one in the room that looks like me has been both a challenge and an opportunity. When I started Sphere Photo, I quickly learned that being different gave me a unique perspective, but it also meant that I had to constantly prove my value and vision to others. Here are a few key things I’ve learned along the way:

Confidence in My Vision: Early on, I realized that my ideas were unique for a reason—because they reflected my individual perspective. Instead of seeing my difference as a barrier, I embraced it as a strength. Being the only one in the room has pushed me to develop a strong sense of self-belief and clarity in my vision for Sphere Photo.

Building Strong Networks: I’ve also learned that being the only one in the room can be isolating, so I’ve made it a priority to surround myself with mentors, peers, and advisors who not only understand but support my journey. This has allowed me to maintain focus, gain insights, and build relationships that have helped me grow my business.

Resilience and Adaptability: There have been moments where I’ve felt out of place, but those moments have taught me resilience. As a business owner, you face a lot of challenges, and being able to stand firm in your values and adapt to different environments is key. This has been a valuable skill in everything from negotiating partnerships to marketing to different audiences.

Advocating for Diversity: Finally, I’ve made it part of my mission to ensure that my business is inclusive and diverse, because I know the importance of representation. I believe that diversity of thought and background leads to innovation, and that’s reflected in how I approach my business.

In the end, being the only one in the room has taught me that success doesn’t come from fitting in—it comes from standing out. By owning my uniqueness, I’ve been able to create something new and valuable for my community and my business.

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?

My journey began in the IT industry, where I led engineering teams to develop exceptional software products. As an experienced project manager, I always dreamed of spearheading my own venture and creating something truly extraordinary. This aspiration recently took a tangible form when I stumbled upon the concept of self-portrait photo studios. Intrigued and inspired, I decided to infuse my own vision into this idea. Thus, Sphere Photo Studio was born—a space where people can authentically express themselves and where content creators can find a one-stop shop for producing high-quality content without breaking the bank.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

Looking back on my journey of building Sphere Photo, three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that had the most impact on my success would be resilience, creative problem-solving, and building relationships. Here’s why these mattered most to me and how others can develop them:

Resilience: As an entrepreneur, you’ll face countless obstacles, from financial challenges to market competition and self-doubt. Resilience is the ability to bounce back and push forward no matter what. For me, it was essential when I was launching Sphere Photo and establishing it as a new concept. To develop resilience, I suggest embracing failure as part of the learning process. Every setback teaches you something valuable if you’re willing to adapt and grow from it. Focus on small wins along the way to keep momentum and positivity alive.

Creative Problem-Solving: Entrepreneurship is rarely straightforward, and you often have to think outside the box to find solutions. Whether it was deciding how to set Sphere Photo apart in a competitive market or developing cost-effective marketing strategies, creative problem-solving was crucial. For those early in their journey, I recommend actively seeking out challenges that require innovative thinking. Take on projects that push you outside your comfort zone and practice approaching problems from different angles. Collaborate with others for fresh perspectives, as innovation often comes from diversity of thought.

Building Relationships: Networking and building relationships have been key to my growth as a business owner. No one succeeds in a vacuum, and the connections I’ve made—whether through partnerships, mentorships, or clients—have opened doors and created opportunities I wouldn’t have had otherwise. For anyone just starting, my advice is to prioritize authentic relationship-building. Reach out to others in your field, attend industry events, and don’t be afraid to ask for help or offer it. Strong networks can provide support, advice, and opportunities that can accelerate your journey.

Advice for Developing These Skills:

Resilience: Learn to manage your mindset. Focus on what you can control and build routines that keep you grounded, like journaling or taking time to reflect on progress.
Creative Problem-Solving: Stay curious. Constantly learn from books, podcasts, or courses outside your core area, which will help you approach problems from new perspectives.
Building Relationships: Don’t network for the sake of networking. Find ways to offer value in every relationship you build, and remember that long-term connections are built on trust, not just transactions.

These three qualities—resilience, creativity, and relationships—have shaped my path as an entrepreneur and will serve anyone well who’s early in their journey.

As we end our chat, is there a book you can leave people with that’s been meaningful to you and your development?

One book that played an important role in my journey is “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek. This book deeply resonated with me because it emphasizes the importance of having a clear purpose behind your work. As I was building Sphere Photo, understanding why I was doing it became crucial to shaping my business model, marketing strategy, and customer experience.

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