Meet Saubir Logan

We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Saubir Logan a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Saubir, so excited to talk about all sorts of important topics with you today. The first one we want to jump into is about being the only one in the room – for some that’s being the only person of color or the only non-native English speaker or the only non-MBA, etc Can you talk to us about how you have managed to be successful even when you were the only one in the room that looked like you?

Being the only one in the room who looks like you is one of the most challenging obstacles but, you must overcome! One of the words I live by is perseverance.

When you are the only one in the room who looks like you it can be difficult to find comfort or relatability. There is so much power in groups that share the same characteristics, but there is more power in standing alone.

I was always around individuals who looked like me and related to me in several aspects until I got to college. By sophomore year I was the only African American female in all my classes. I was also the only African American female in my graduating class earning a degree in Psychology.

This was an extremely challenging experience because I never had anyone to talk to. I always felt alone, or like I had to fend for myself. After a while though you have to use pain as your motivator. Take your negative emotions, and instead of using them to self-destruct use them to advance!

Perseverance is the ability to have persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. I could have used not having anyone who looked like me as an excuse but instead, I took that as a sign that I was creating a legacy for myself. Nothing in life is easy no matter who you are, you have to work hard to achieve your goals and the higher you go the lonelier it gets.

Despite being the only African American in many spaces, I never stopped striving for success. Whether it was going to class, not only going to class but participating, getting on the dean’s list, earning a communications award, reciting an original poem at my University’s Kente Ceremony, starting my business, and simply just shining my light.

I did not let my challenges silence or push me to hide.

Being the only one in the room who looks like you also gives you an advantage. After all, you become a key to a door in which so many people were unable to get into. Others can finally gain access because you showed them what was possible!

Persevere and use your pain as power!

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?

Swifty is one of my passions and what I put a significant amount of energy into. Swifty was created in 2018, it started as a creative digital platform that promotes culture, community, clothing, and education. Swifty has made great achievements since our last feature in Shoutout Michigan! Swifty now has a space! We had a fabulous grand opening on August 3, 2024, and it was one of the most fulfilling experiences.

To see our vision manifest into an actual space was beautiful. There is now a location where people can come not only to purchase merch but, to produce all creative ideas. The Swifty Warehouse has a photo room with professional lighting and backdrops, a studio for musical artists, and we also host creative events!

We welcome all creatives in the Metropolitan area to come to The Warehouse for an original experience that is truly one of a kind!

We are located in the Russell Industrial Center right off 75 North!

Swifty is community-driven driven promoting education in inner city areas with the founder being an educator herself, giving back clothes every year, and creating positive content for many to be inspired by.

The most exciting thing about Swifty is how much momentum the brand is gaining. We are becoming a common name, many people want to be a part of the movement, and our unique clothing designs are being notarized. Swifty is special because there is no brand like us.

Swifty creates streetwear style merchandise and black female streetwear designers are few and far between.

Our aura is different and it’s something you have to come and experience for yourself!

Follow Us on Instagram @swiftymedia to see our warehouse availability.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?

Three qualities, skills, and areas of knowledge that were most impactful in my journey are resilience, work ethic, and self-confidence!

Out of all of these skills, the advice I would give any upcoming creative is to believe in yourself! You have to know for yourself that you have a million-dollar idea, and you can not wait for other’s approval. Once you come up with a million-dollar idea start putting the work in to make it happen! But, if you don’t believe in yourself you’ll always stay looking to others for validation and that’s not how you become successful. You must know for yourself that you are the best at whatever you are doing and if you are not find out how you can be the best!

What has been your biggest area of growth or improvement in the past 12 months?

My biggest area of growth these past 12 months would be that success is hard. There are many people I thought would be on this journey with me, but they are not. I had to realize it’s okay for people to leave your life because they are not meant to be in it.

When you are insecure, struggling, distracted, etc. you have the most friends, but when you’re striving for success people tend to withhold their support but keep going! Real supporters, family, and friends will be there through it all!

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