Meet Branden Nelson

We were lucky to catch up with Branden Nelson recently and have shared our conversation below.

Branden, thank you so much for joining us today. Let’s jump right into something we’re really interested in hearing about from you – being the only one in the room. So many of us find ourselves as the only woman in the room, the only immigrant or the only artist in the room, etc. Can you talk to us about how you have learned to be effective and successful in situations where you are the only one in the room like you?

Being effective when you’re the only one in the room starts with truly knowing who you are and being confident in that person. When you don’t need validation from others, the fact that you’re the only one who looks like you in that space becomes less important. It’s about understanding your own value and walking into every room with a clear purpose.

For me, I’ve always been a planner. I know what I want, and I’m not afraid to go after it, even if it causes discomfort. Being in those spaces requires intention. You have to know exactly what you want to achieve, and you’ve got to have a plan to get there. The other part of it is mastering the art of listening. It’s a skill, and it’s a gift that pays off infinitely. I’ve learned to pay attention to what’s spoken and, more importantly, what’s unspoken.

Because I’m “different,” I leverage that difference. I use it to my advantage by observing everything in the room—the dynamics, the conversations, the energy—and I make it work for me as I move closer to my goals. Every room is an opportunity, and I’ve learned to navigate them with intention and purpose.

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?

I’m a business owner’s secret weapon! Through my consulting firm, BN The HR Guy LLC, I provide business and human resources support to companies of all sizes and industries, covering everything from infrastructure and culture building to employee exits. With nearly 20 years of experience in HR, I’ve worked extensively in Talent Acquisition, Organizational Development, Learning & Development, Employee Relations, Global Business Operations, Mergers & Acquisitions, and Labor Relations.

During the pandemic, I took a leap from my role as Vice President of HR for a publicly traded cannabis company to start my own consulting firm. It’s been an incredible journey that’s allowed me to tap into all the expertise I’ve gained over the last two decades, offering customized, out-of-the-box solutions for my clients, whether through retainer-based services or just-in-time support.

What excites me the most about running BN The HR Guy LLC is the variety—no two days are ever the same. One day, I might help a client navigate a corporate restructuring initiative, while the next, I’m flying to Atlanta to facilitate a team-building retreat. I also get to be flexible in my approach, meeting clients where they are—whether that means dressing casual for a laid-back client or going full-on dapper for my more corporate engagements.

Looking ahead, I’m thrilled to be launching an official mentorship program for HR and business consultants in 2025. I’ve had the privilege of learning from some incredible mentors throughout my career, and I’m passionate about paying it forward by sharing the insights and knowledge I’ve gathered. I’m also launching an HR internship program, partnering with colleges and universities to give students hands-on experience as they prepare for careers in HR.

There’s a lot in store, and I’m excited for what’s next!

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

Looking back, the three qualities that have been most impactful in my journey are having a strong foundation, a willingness to learn, and the ability to build genuine relationships.

First, having a solid foundation rooted in my faith and the support of my family has been crucial. God and my family have carried me through every challenge, and that support system is what keeps me grounded and focused. For those early in their journey, I’d advise developing a strong foundation that aligns with your values and having a support system you can lean on when times get tough.

Second, being coachable has been key. No matter how experienced or knowledgeable you are, there’s always room to grow. I’ve always been willing to learn, adapt, and be molded by the experiences and people around me. My advice to those starting out is to stay humble, open to feedback, and eager to learn from mentors and peers alike.

Lastly, I value relationships—both the ones above me (vertical) and those beside me (horizontal). Building authentic connections with people has opened doors for me that I never could have anticipated. Nurturing those relationships has led to word-of-mouth referrals and access to rooms simply because of the value placed on the bond. My advice: prioritize people, not just transactions. The relationships you build today can lead to opportunities tomorrow.

Any advice for folks feeling overwhelmed?

When I feel overwhelmed, the first thing I do is pray. It’s my way of reminding myself that nothing I do is by my own strength, power, or ability. It helps me re-center and shift my focus back to my foundation. After that, I talk to my best friend and biggest supporter—my wife. She knows me so well, and talking to her always gives me perspective. Whether it’s advice, solutions, or just a reminder of who I am, she’s always there to help me regroup.

I also have a tight-knit group of friends, known as C3, who are like brothers to me. We gather often to do life together, pray for one another, share resources, and keep each other accountable. That sense of community and support is invaluable when things feel overwhelming.

My advice is to lean into your faith, your closest relationships, and your community. You don’t have to navigate the weight of life alone, and having a strong support system makes all the difference.

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Image Credits

Instagram: @guud_vibes_
Instagram: @knowmadik

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