Meet Iru Barfield

We recently connected with Iru Barfield and have shared our conversation below.

Iru, so great to have you with us and we want to jump right into a really important question. In recent years, it’s become so clear that we’re living through a time where so many folks are lacking self-confidence and self-esteem. So, we’d love to hear about your journey and how you developed your self-confidence and self-esteem.

I believe confidence and self-esteem are built step by step through dedication and self-discipline. For me, it started with a commitment to constantly work on myself, whether that meant improving my skills, mindset, or physical well-being. Practicing yoga has been a key part of this journey, helping me balance my mind and body while keeping me grounded in the present.

Living in different countries and immersing myself in diverse cultures also played a significant role. I grew each time I stepped out of my comfort zone, learning new languages (I’ve learned only English so far) and adapting to unfamiliar environments. These experiences expanded my horizons, opened my mind, and, in turn, fueled my self-confidence. It wasn’t an overnight transformation but a day-by-day process of challenging myself, embracing change, and evolving into the person I am today.

Thanks for sharing that. So, before we get any further into our conversation, can you tell our readers a bit about yourself and what you’re working on?

My journey is quite unconventional, and to some, it might even seem surreal. To fully tell it would take hours and many pages. I was born in Russia, where I earned my degree in architectural engineering. However, I always felt a strong pull to explore the world, as I never believed in following the traditional path. It just wasn’t exciting enough for me. After many extensive travels with friends, I eventually found myself in Goa, India—a former Portuguese colony with a rich history and a Hippie vibe. I fell in love with it at first sight and ended up staying for 13 years. Goa became my greatest teacher, filled with incredible adventures, crazy world travels, life lessons, and unforgettable experiences.

While in India, I wasn’t just traveling. I started my first business renting out holiday villas, and a few years later, I moved into interior decoration and furniture restoration. Eventually, I created my fashion brand, IRUFORU—’Iru for You’—where I designed one-of-a-kind silk dresses, travel organizers, and beachwear.

Five years ago, I met my husband during a rock climbing trip to Colorado. We married a few months later, and I moved to Florida, where I now reside. I wanted to stay in the creative space rather than transition into the office-style interior decorating common here, so I launched my photography business,, specializing in portraits and events. However, my love for Sarasota and my passion for writing led me to create my blog,, where I share stories about extraordinary people and unique experiences in the city.

Houses have always been my passion, so I plan to expand into real estate and architectural photography while continuing to write articles. I’m also a certified yoga instructor, practicing daily and occasionally offering private master classes. Although I don’t volunteer with formal nonprofits, I prefer helping directly where possible, often offering my photography services and yoga classes for free to those in need. Oh, and I’m vegan too!

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?

My perfectionism drives me to always strive for the best results. My passion for learning is fueled by reading and constant curiosity. My endurance has helped me cope with challenges and push forward.

For those early in their journey, I advise keeping your heart and mind open and curious. Read books, travel, and embrace every opportunity to learn. Nothing shapes us as much as experiencing the world firsthand. Traveling teaches us to analyze, observe, and grow. It encourages us to judge less and appreciate more.”

How can folks who want to work with you connect?

I am always looking to collaborate with like-minded individuals who share a similar energy—those who are intelligent and educated, who have traveled the world, succeeded in both material and spiritual ways, and who see life on a deeper level. When people with the same energy come together, something unique can be created. It’s an organic process where both parties benefit, and when our energies combine, that’s when the magic happens.

Contact Info:

  • Website: ,
  • Instagram:, bohemian_sarasota
  • Facebook: Iruphotos, Bohemian Sarasota

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