How did you overcome Postpartum Depression?

In nearly every neighborhood in America there will be at least a few mothers who have experienced Postpartum Depression (PPD). Despite its prevalence and severity, it’s a topic that is rarely discussed. At the core of BoldJourney is a belief that learning from each other’s experiences is essential and so we asked some incredible mothers to open up to us about their experiences with PPD.

Lydia Hannah Wilson

No mother would want to begin her motherhood journey with such a silent, invisible wall around her! Postpartum depression is never invited, no mother desires it, it just happens & it is not the mothers fault! Hard to understand & harder to accept! Society has often painted motherhood as a gorgeous mama stepping out in a fancy stroller, showing off her cute blessing & yes, it is true, every mother is gorgeous but the story does not end there & sadly no one talks about it. Read more>>

Valerie Bong

End of 2023, I was blessed to welcome twin girls via C-section at 36 weeks. Honestly, nothing can prepare you for motherhood. Even though I had a planned due date I didn’t feel ready or prepared at all, I just knew that I wanted the babies out of my tummy and to be able to sleep on my back again. Read more>>

Ebonie Baker

Hello my name is Ebonie Rose Baker, I am known as a Commercial Mortgage Broker. I help Entrepreneurs get Money for their Business. Because I specialize in building everyone up around me to help them better themselves or there business has always been my niche. I have been working since I was 7 years old, started out working with my father and my uncle as a janitor, landscaper, and window washer. Growing up I’ve always had a pretty strong work ethic and a passion for helping others. I am a proud Mother of 5, 3 miscarriages. Read more>>

Emily Carter

A huge reason why I started my photography business, besides making an income as a stay at home mom, was because of my experience with postpartum depression. Postpartum depression was an unexpected visitor after welcoming our first baby. A new mom with a newborn, unsure of her new identity, and scared to let people down. I spent my first few months as a new mother being absolutely miserable and not understanding what was going on, after all wasn’t this supposed to be one of the best times of our lives? Read more>>

Perspectives on Being an Optimist

We’re often asked if we’ve seen a pattern of success among the many thousands of

Mastering Communication: Stories & Lessons

“Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.”

Perspectives on Staying Creative

We’re beyond fortunate to have built a community of some of the most creative artists,