Bouncing Back from Job Loss

Losing your job is painful and unfortunately the current economic conditions have led to many layoffs and firings in companies large and small. However, we’ve learned though thousands of interviews over the years that job loss is one of the most common catalysts for massive life improvement. Below, we’ve shared stories and perspectives from some very successful members of the community around how they dealt with job loss.

Augustine Dokolas

Getting laid off twice by the same company in just four months was not what I had in mind when joining the start-up world. The first time, my position was eliminated. A month later, they invited me back for a higher-level role—cue the comeback music! But three months in, I found myself on another familiar call with HR. This time, it was because the company was acquired, and I was laid off again. It felt like God was trying to tell me something, but I wasn’t quite sure what. Read more>>

Michael Davis

Those who know me or my family, know that the “work” we do (in public and in private) is intended to represent a commitment to the life, love and liberation of everyday Black people and communities made vulnerable by systems of inequity. After spending 15 years expressing this commitment in academic institutions, government agencies, and corporations (😮‍💨 that last one…), I’d forgotten that… I, too, am “everyday Black people” in need of (what my favorite writer, Kiese Laymon, articulates as) “access to good love, healthy choices, and second chances”. (These three things, I believe, are the fruits of a commitment to liberation work in just about any industry context.) Read more>>

Milene Jardine

I was devastated after getting laid off and it took years to not feel ashamed about it. I was at Macy’s for over 12 years. I had nine different positions and had won multiple awards for being a leader and director who achieved high sales goals. I took the news personally. I kept thinking that I should have been the exception in the massive layoffs. With time and distance, I realized that these things happen to many people during their careers, and it wasn’t just me. Read more>> 

Rachel Vicente

In my career, I have been laid off twice – once in 2017 and the other time in 2020. Being laid off two times within a 4 year period can come with many emotions – confusion, sadness, anger, relief and hope. For me, I took this as a sign of needing to pause and become intentional and really get in tune with my values and my faith. Truly, I asked myself what was God or the Universe trying to tell me at that moment – especially as I was getting laid off at the start of the pandemic. I took an entire month to be present and allow myself to sit within the cycle of grief. I find that people often don’t consider a job loss as loss – and therefore don’t properly grief. Read more>>

Josh Bakken

In March of 2020, I was working as a Sous Chef at a large catering company. While I was comfortable with where I was in life, deep down, I knew I wasn’t truly happy. For the first time in my adult life, I found myself praying—really praying—with tears streaming down my face as I drove to work. I asked God for a sign, for guidance on what to do next. Little did I know that His plan was already in motion. Just a few hours later, I was laid off from my position. It was a devastating blow, especially with a wife and two small children at home. Read more>>

Christina King

I believe that everything happens for a reason. The reason can be identified quickly but most often it takes perspective, patience and therefore faith. I was fired in May from a Visual Arts teaching position. Although I sensed the layoff, I’ve never been fired before and didn’t know how deep the insult would run. It brought past layers of fear and doubt right to the surface. To distract and remain purposeful, I decided I would use the time to study for the State Art Therapy exam. Read more>>

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