Meet Amanda De La Madriz

We were lucky to catch up with Amanda De La Madriz recently and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Amanda, so happy to have you on the platform and I think our readers are in for a treat because you’ve got such an interesting story and so much insight and wisdom. So, let’s start with a topic that is relevant to everyone, regardless of industry etc. What do you do for self-care and how has it impacted you?

I hate the word self-care honestly….it’s so overused. I prefer to use the term self-connection in my practice because it encompasses so much more! At the end of the day, taking care of yourself is really about connecting with your needs and meeting them—whatever they may be and whatever is possible for you in that moment. It’s all about intention. Don’t have 3 hours a day every week to go to the gym? That’s fine. Take 5 minutes and sit outside…and believe that’s still worth it.

My self-care routine is really just about doing my best to tune into myself consistently. Asking myself questions like, “how do I feel?” “What do I need right now?” “What do I want right now?” They are all opportunities to connect back to myself throughout the day. So some days it’s a snack, some days it’s blasting music, some days it’s being in nature (a lot of days it’s being in nature lately), but what these questions do is signal to my brain that I’m filling my cup. It’s creating that connection so I know what I need in that moment—and so many people don’t even know what they need in order to take care of themselves!

When I am tuned in then I can be more present, more patient, less reactive and more focused. It’s truly the answer I’ve found to showing up the way I want to in my life.

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?

In 2013 I got certified as a Life Coach and focused on helping clients make career shifts, but in 2016 I gave birth to my son and decided to become stay at home mom. However after having two kids and dealing with the world shutting down after Covid, I realized I was in chronic survival mode. I wanted to do something for myself and so I decided to complete a second certification through another school in 2022. I reopened my practice, this time though with the goal of helping moms dealing with the same issues I had been struggling with—burnout, overwhelm, boredom, disconnectedness and dysregulation.

I see now how much we need to connect with ourselves in order to be able to thrive in our lives as mothers and as women. How being selfish is actually the best thing for our families. And this is what I teach my clients. I help them build awareness around the power of their perspective, I show them how to release the mom guilt, and then we get to work on reconnecting back to oneself.

I want to be here as a guide to help other women find their way back to themselves. It’s a lifelong journey and there’s no finish line, but motherhood is no joke and this is the answer I’ve found to be our best chance at ensuring we show up the way we want to.

At the moment I only work 1:1 with clients, but I am planning to launch a group program in the next few months! Moms need community too, and that is something I’m so excited to start offering.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

The first is understanding how everything is really about perspective. We create the results we have in our lives by believing the thoughts we have in our brains, and in reality we actually DON’T have to listen to them. They’re not facts, they’re stories! You have power over your life because you have power over your perspective, and when you understand that, you can create your dream life.

The second was realizing that putting myself first wasn’t selfish at all—it was the best thing for everyone around me too. When I prioritize self-connection (which can be explored in a lot of ways), then I have more energy, better emotional regulation and a the greatest chance at fully showing up in all areas of my life. If I take a break to myself and recharge, when I come back I’m ready to play with my kids, vs being with them all day but not being present because I’m overstimulated.

The last is just being brave enough to do shit. You will blow your own mind with what you can do when you trust yourself and take action. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I’d be doing podcast interviews, making presentations and having speaking engagements, or hosting 400-person events. And once you realize you can do stuff then there’s no stopping you. Start that company. Open that shop. Get that degree. Take that chance. No one will tell you no.

Tell us what your ideal client would be like?

I am looking for women who are frankly unhappy in their motherhood experience. The moms who want to love being a mom (and do at times), but mostly only see how hard things are and how much work it is. Maybe they have it all under control on the outside, but are barely holding it together on the inside. Maybe they are a hot mess through and through. But they feel terrible and don’t know why, because logically they know their lives are good (even great!) and so they believe something is wrong with them.

I am looking for the moms who are so incredibly sick of feeling this way though. The ones who don’t know why they are having a tough time, but are really ready to change things because they just want to be a good mom for their kids. They just want to feel better.

You are my people and I’m here and ready to help you.

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Image Credits

Jess Koehler

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