Meet Amity Gleason

We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Amity Gleason. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Amity below.

Hi Amity, so excited to talk about all sorts of important topics with you today. The first one we want to jump into is about being the only one in the room – for some that’s being the only person of color or the only non-native English speaker or the only non-MBA, etc Can you talk to us about how you have managed to be successful even when you were the only one in the room that looked like you?

For many years, I worked in traditionally conservative roles, such as working as an attorney and in operations management. In those environments, my way of succeeding often meant hiding my style and interests, conforming to expectations, and suppressing my style and personality. It wasn’t until I ventured into the world of custom jewelry design that I discovered a new way to be successful—by embracing and celebrating my style and personality.
Even as I began my custom jewelry journey, the mantra of appealing to everyone and looking like traditional bridal and fine jewelry stuck in my head. I have since learned the power of my alternative tastes and how so many others, like myself, cannot find fine jewelry that fits their style.
When I finally understood that my uniqueness was my greatest asset, I leaned into it. I have started creating pieces that tell personal stories and resonated with people seeking something beyond the ordinary. This shift in mindset allowed me to turn my individuality into a method of connection and creativity.
There are definitely still obstacles in the fine jewelry industry as most of the market is dominated by generational jewelers that have been in the industry for 70+ years and only want to sell mined diamonds from behind the glass jewelry case. I could not be more different. But those very obstacles have become opportunities to innovate and stay true to my mission. My mission is to banish the idea that you have to compromise on personal style. I’m all about making custom, unique jewelry–something everyone can embrace. I am living proof that authenticity and uniqueness have a place in the luxury market. This resilience has been a cornerstone of my business, proving that high-end luxury can be both inclusive and unexpected.
I feel like Amity Alexandra is in the early stages of a disruption in the luxury jewelry market. A movement to redefine what luxury jewelry can be—inclusive, personal, and reflective of each individual’s style. This vision resonates with customers who, like me, often feel like the only ones in the room with their unique tastes. I am ready to challenge the status quo and celebrate individuality.
Building on this, I am now helping others see the many options available to them, no matter their interests. This led me to start my podcast. In each episode, I explore various paths and opportunities, interviewing people from diverse fields who have also embraced their true selves and found success. The podcast is a platform to show that hiding isn’t the only answer; there are countless ways to succeed by being authentic.
Through my podcast, I aim to inspire listeners to pursue their passions–to be unapologetically authentic. Whether it’s through creative endeavors, professional shifts, or personal growth, my goal is to provide a roadmap for embracing one’s individuality and turning it into a strength. The stories and insights shared on the podcast reinforce that there’s no single way to succeed, and being the only one in the room with your unique style and interests can be a powerful advantage.

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?

It all started thirteen years ago when I was planning my Halloween-themed wedding–my Hallowedding. I couldn’t find an engagement ring or wedding band that felt like “me.” Everything was just too generic. Faced with the struggle of finding unique, custom jewelry that wouldn’t break the bank, the spark of an idea ignited—a vision where everyone could access one-of-a-kind, affordable jewelry.
My work stands out because I create designs that are more than just jewelry—they’re pieces of art that tell your story. I love creating items that reflect the unique essence of the person wearing them. It’s special to the person, incorporates their story and reminds them every day as they wear the jewelry for the rest of their life. It is not something you can get at a mass market jeweler–you get the same ring as everyone else.
When creating these pieces, the client and I establish a genuine connection. I take the time to really get to know my clients, understand their stories, and craft pieces that are not just beautiful but deeply meaningful. It’s all about that personal touch and making sure each piece resonates with the client..
Right now, I’m thrilled about some projects I have in the works. I will be launching a new collection that combines gothic elegance with modern sophistication. Perfect for those who love to make a statement! Plus, we’re expanding our custom design services, offering more personalized consultations to help you bring your unique vision to life.
I’ve also started a podcast to inspire others to embrace their true selves and chase their passions. Each episode features interviews with amazing individuals who’ve found success by being authentic. It’s all about showing that there are so many ways to thrive without hiding who you are.
Moving forward, my goal is to keep pushing the boundaries of the luxury jewelry market. I want every piece from Amity Alexandra to make you feel unique and celebrated. Whether through my custom designs, new collections or podcast, I’m all about creating beauty that’s as unique as you are.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

1. For the longest time, I tried to fit into traditional, conservative roles, hiding my true style and interests. When I finally embraced who I really am—quirky, goth-inspired, and all—I found my true calling. My work became a genuine reflection of myself, and that authenticity resonated with clients.
Advice: Don’t be afraid to show your true self. Authenticity is powerful and people are drawn to genuineness. It might feel risky at first, but staying true to who you are will attract the right opportunities and people.

2. My background in customer service showed me the value of connecting with people. When I shifted to jewelry design, this skill became even more crucial. Understanding my clients’ stories and creating pieces that reflect their unique journeys has been incredibly rewarding.
Advice: Invest time in getting to know people. Listen to their stories, understand their needs, and build relationships based on trust and respect. This will not only help you create better products or services but also foster a loyal and supportive community around your brand.

3. When I decided to pursue jewelry making, I went all in. This meant relentless dedication, perseverance, and doing whatever it took to succeed, no matter the challenges. There were times when things didn’t go as planned, but giving up was never an option. The ability to pivot when things get tough, combined with an entrepreneurial mindset that believes in success, is critical to achieving your goals
Advice: Whatever you choose to pursue, go all in. Be relentless and persevere through the tough times. Doing your best isn’t always enough—you must do what is REQUIRED, even when it’s hard. This passion and dedication will not only help you achieve your goals but also show others how serious and passionate you are about your work.

How can folks who want to work with you connect?

I’m eager to connect with businesses and individuals who specialize in customizing based on their clients’ unique wants and needs. Whether you cater to niche interests or alternative styles, if your clients are seeking distinctive, personalized services, let’s collaborate! Together, we can offer your clients one-of-a-kind jewelry that enhances the custom services you already offer!
I’m also very interested in collaborating with engagement planners. When planning an unforgettable proposal, it’s essential to have jewelry that captures the memories and emotions of that special moment. Why go to great lengths to create an extraordinary proposal and wedding, only to settle for jewelry that doesn’t carry the same meaning? This is the jewelry you’ll wear every day for the rest of your life! Let’s work together to design engagement rings and wedding bands that are memorable and meaningful.
If you’re interested in collaborating, I’d love to hear from you! Reach out through my website or email me directly at Let’s create something truly special together!

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