Meet Andrea Lichterman


We recently connected with Andrea Lichterman and have shared our conversation below.

Andrea , we’re so excited for our community to get to know you and learn from your journey and the wisdom you’ve acquired over time. Let’s kick things off with a discussion on self-confidence and self-esteem. How did you develop yours?

Confidence isn’t something that came from a single experience or victory—it’s the result of many different factors that have shaped me over time. It all started with my immediate circle, particularly my family, who fostered my curiosity and encouraged me to try new things from a young age. As I grew, I continued to build my confidence by setting small, achievable goals, and each success deepened my trust and belief in myself. From setting academic goals in high school, to making the bold move to San Francisco to start a career in AdTech, working towards a promotion, and completing my Master’s degree, each step reinforced my self-belief. My journey has been one of constant learning, growth, and self-accountability. I’m always setting new intentions and goals, knowing that each step forward strengthens my confidence. Ultimately, it’s about staying dedicated to the process and showing up for myself. This continuous cycle of growth and accountability is what keeps my confidence thriving.

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?

For the past six years, I’ve worked in performance marketing across platforms like Reddit and Apple. Much like myself, who operates daily with goals in mind, I love supporting brands in achieving their own goals. I get to brainstorm innovative ideas while using data to optimize campaigns and drive measurable results for brands. The ability to combine creativity with data-driven results motivates me, making every day in this field both exciting and fulfilling.

Working in this field has inspired me to take on passion projects with a few small businesses. While these are newer ventures, my long-term goal is to scale these efforts by developing a curriculum specifically designed to help small businesses navigate marketing challenges and set themselves up for long-term success. It’s a way for me to keep challenging myself while giving back to causes and businesses that I care about.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

Looking back on my journey, the three qualities that had the greatest impact were setting clear goals, leveraging my network, and maintaining curiosity.

1. Setting Goals
This one’s been with me since I was a kid. In High School, I was determined to break a school record, and my dad had me write that goal on a post-it note and tape it to my mirror so I’d see it every single day. Now, more than a decade later, my record has yet to be broken. (Thank You, Dad!) That same mentality carried over into my professional career and adulthood. The key is having a clear vision of what you want to accomplish and staying laser-focused on it. Be intentional with your goals. Write them down where you’ll see them daily, and be specific about what you want to achieve. Whether it’s a career milestone, a personal challenge, or a financial target, having a clear goal will keep you motivated, and taking small, consistent steps toward that goal will help you stay on track.

2. Use Your Network
Throughout my career, leveraging my network has been invaluable. The relationships I’ve built—whether with colleagues, mentors, or industry peers—have opened doors to new opportunities, collaborations, and learning experiences. Many pivotal moments in my career were sparked by conversations or connections that I nurtured over time. In college, I pursued research with one of my favorite professors, not to build a résumé, but to learn new skills and stand out from the thousands of students competing for internships. Working with that professor for multiple years opened up exciting internship opportunities and, unexpectedly, led to me being awarded the Outstanding Graduate Award for my class at Arizona State University—all because I tapped into my network. Don’t wait for opportunities—create them. Reach out to people who inspire you and see how you can contribute or learn from their work. You never know where it might lead!

3. Stay Curious
Curiosity has always driven me, and it’s one of the reasons I’ve been able to keep evolving in my career. Even after working at companies like Apple and Reddit, I didn’t stop seeking new opportunities to learn and grow. That’s why I decided to pursue my Master’s degree. I wanted to challenge myself, gain fresh perspectives, and continue expanding my skills, even after already having a solid career foundation. It’s easy to get comfortable once you’re in a good spot, but staying curious keeps you sharp and open to new opportunities. Whether it’s diving into new technologies, exploring industry trends, or going back to school, that constant hunger to learn can set you apart and keep you moving forward.

Any advice for folks feeling overwhelmed?

When I feel overwhelmed, I lean into strategies that help me manage my busy schedule, which is something I thrive on. I genuinely enjoy having a full plate—it drives my productivity and keeps me focused. But I’ve also learned that part of thriving in a busy environment is knowing when to say no to projects that don’t align with my goals. Protecting your time and energy is crucial to staying efficient and productive.

Set the Tone with a Productive Morning Routine
I start every morning with pen and paper. There’s something about physically writing out my to-do list and goals that helps me clarify my priorities for the day. I combine this with habit stacking, a method where you build one good habit on top of another. For example, I’ll write out my daily goals while enjoying my coffee, stacking the act of planning with something I already enjoy. This sets the tone for a productive day and gives me clear direction.

Tackle the Hardest Tasks First
One strategy that has made a huge difference is tackling the hardest tasks early in the day. This way, I’m not dragging those difficult projects with me throughout the day, and by the time the afternoon rolls around, I feel lighter and more accomplished. One simple yet powerful way to build momentum is by completing an easy task right away—make the dang bed! It’s a small win that gets you into a productive rhythm and signals to your brain that it’s time to tackle the day.

Embrace Organized Chaos
Even when my schedule is packed, I’ve learned to embrace the feeling of “organized chaos.” It may seem hectic, but I have a system that works for me. I stick to my schedule rigorously and make sure to reward myself for doing so. After a few hours of focused work, I’ll take a break, go for a short walk with my dog, or grab a coffee. These small rewards keep me motivated and help me avoid burnout.

My advice for anyone who feels overwhelmed is to first say no to projects that don’t serve your bigger goals. Start your day with a routine that gives you clarity, tackle your hardest tasks early, and reward yourself along the way. By creating sustainable habits, you’ll find that even during the busiest of weeks, you’ll feel organized, focused, and in control.

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