Meet Andrea Martinez

We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Andrea Martinez. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Andrea below.

Andrea , so great to have you with us and we want to jump right into a really important question. In recent years, it’s become so clear that we’re living through a time where so many folks are lacking self-confidence and self-esteem. So, we’d love to hear about your journey and how you developed your self-confidence and self-esteem.
Well, I did not have much confidence or self esteem at the beginning of my career or at all to be completely honest. I had always struggled with things such as my outward appearance, my speech, my confidence etc. I had struggled with those issues throughout my adulthood and even into my married life. It was not until God got a hold of me and got me in alone time with Him that I was able to start the process of building up both my confidence and self esteem. Oh it was a refining process for sure but it has been so worth it let me tell you. I had to come to the realization that I was made special and that the qualities and gifts I was given were given specifically for me because God had a specific job for me to do, a purpose for my life and I was the only one who He had called to do it. He began to show me how special I really am despite my flaws, mistakes and bad choices and He began to show me His unconditional love. That was the best part. It was through all of that that I was finally able to see who He really had made me to be and I could then step out with confidence knowing that I was going to make it and not only make it but be great at what I was doing because I was called by Him to do so and the Bible tells us that those He calls, He fully equips. So with that being said, how could I lose? God was backing me and when He does, there is always victory.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?
I am a permanent makeup artist and I have been for about 5 years now. I started my young career in Dentistry and was in that about 25 years. I have always wanted to do something to help others and to make others feel good about who they are. I had gone through so many traumas and pain in my life that I wanted to use everything I learned to help others not to have to go through the same types of things. I remember telling God that I wanted to make a difference and I did not want a single person to ever feel the way I did if I could help it. It was at that time that I decided to open my own business. I knew that I couldn’t speak freely about certain things in the dental field but I could in my own business. I prayed hard about what avenue I should take and God placed the permanent makeup route in my lap. How could I not obey His calling. It was then that I decided to use this platform to love on so many people and help them in any way God showed me. Not just in their outward appearance but in the inside as well. I absolutely love it! We are able to sit and share so many things. I end up being good friends with most of my clients and I pray over a great deal of them as well. I absolutely love what I do! I do not limit myself to my business alone, my husband has his own woodworking business as well and I help him in it in the same way. I go with him to every art show and we love on people and show them Gods love there too. It’s what we do together. We are a team, 2×2.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
I know this may not be the conventional way of doing business but I have to be honest, I simply trusted God the entire way and asked Him for His wisdom on every decision and every step of the way. That was my number one priority, to put God first in my business. Then I would say, I would have to be completely obedient to the things He would tell me to do. It’s very difficult because most of the time, He will tell you to do things quite opposite of what the world would do in the same situation and it was up to me to make the choice to either be like everyone else, or take the leap of faith. I have to constantly stay in communication with God and let Him guide me. It’s tough at times because I tend to want control and want to do things my way yet I know that the results of that would be much less rewarding than if I surrendered my desires to God and follow His ways instead. I’m a work in progress and I am constantly learning. I will have to say that if anyone will follow this regime and let God lead you, you will not fail.

Who has been most helpful in helping you overcome challenges or build and develop the essential skills, qualities or knowledge you needed to be successful?
Of course this question is very easy for me. It was no one BUT GOD! I had no one at this point. I had just gone through a recent traumatic divorce and had no clue what to do or where to go from there. I prayed so hard and asked God to guide me into everything I needed. He sent the right people at the right times. The ones who would show me how to do exactly what I needed to do at that specific time. If I needed help with a business license, someone came out of the blue and showed me what I needed to do. If I had any questions, there was always someone who came out of nowhere to offer assistance. It was quite unbelievable to be honest but I knew who it was. God has never left me alone. He was and will always be there.

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Instagram: @microbladingdivinebrows
  • Facebook: @divinemicroblading & Permanent Makeup Studio
  • Youtube: @OnlyTook30Years

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