We were lucky to catch up with Anitra Jackson recently and have shared our conversation below.
Anitra , so great to have you sharing your thoughts and wisdom with our readers and so let’s jump right into one of our favorite topics – empathy. We think a lack of empathy is at the heart of so many issues the world is struggling with and so our hope is to contribute to an environment that fosters the development of empathy. Along those lines, we’d love to hear your thoughts around where your empathy comes from?
Seeing people for who they truly are. Sadly, I can see someone’s heart before I see them. I see their pain, I see their story. This pushes me to gravitate toward their emotion. It’s draining because most of the time I know where they are coming from or transitioning to. With this, I am able to provide that space they are needing to share that is full of empathy and understanding. It’s like I gravitate to it. I yearn for one to know that it’s okay to feel a way and someone else is there to understand the space they are in. In the conditions that I live in, I desire the same, hoping for the space to be able to be understood with compassion and care.
Thanks for sharing that. So, before we get any further into our conversation, can you tell our readers a bit about yourself and what you’re working on?
I do a lot. But mostly I cater to the model and music industry in the back. I love being able to create from the back and watch it unfold in the front. I am the model coordinator for many shows in Jacksonville, where I train models and push them to their better version of themselves then place them on the runway to shine once complete. All while building them up, encouraging them, listening, and providing knowledge of the industry to remain successful and relevant. I partner with designers with their shows to ensure that their focus is solely on that, design. In the production of their shows, they provide me with their vision and I make it happen with the models. I provide private model sessions during the shows with newer models to make sure they are comfortable with themselves and the show models when the time is near. I cater to all models, this makes me special because the average model is a size 0-2, I provide a space where every size model is welcome on my platform. Every person is beautiful the way God made them, and I work with them effortlessly. Personal life, I also love music. Music was my first love. So I created a platform for performers to showcase their talent at my event in hopes of reaching the right person’s heart and/or situation. This year will be my 9th year of an Intimate Night with Lady J, and I’m ready to fill the air with music and love.
If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
The most important qualities that were impactful on my journey was the consistency of who I was. I never tried to be someone I wasn’t. I never tried to be the next person or the person that was already on top. I remained true to myself, and that pushed me to be where I am. The skills I possess are an ear for music and a knowledge of fashion. I know talent when I see or hear it. Knowing the industry and what’s gravitating well is always a plus, as well as knowing what will be a hit or withstanding in a forever-changing environment. Advice- Stay true to yourself. Never change who you are to fit it. It’s ok to stand out. It’s ok to research the things that tug at your heart and desires. It’s okay to invest in yourself. It’s okay to take it slow until you understand your place in the industry, It’s okay to say NO to things that don’t make sense. Build your craft. Learn you. Learn your triggers.
Who is your ideal client or what sort of characteristics would make someone an ideal client for you?
A humble and hungry spirit will ALWAYS win me over! You will need to want it more than I want it for you. Willing to accept the challenges that may lay ahead. You may not get the casting, you may not get the performance. But if you remain hungry and willing to keep pushing for greatness, that No, can turn into a million approvals elsewhere. Someone willing to grow and thrive Will take constructive criticism for the better. For Designers, someone who isn’t afraid to think outside the box, willing to partner and make greatness. I enjoy working with everyone, but I will not be for everyone, and that is fine. The ones that rock with me, Win!
Contact Info:
- Instagram: @nitrajackson
- Facebook: Nitra Jackson
- Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/anitra-jackson-ba-mba-801b20236