Meet Anna Bobikova

We were lucky to catch up with Anna Bobikova recently and have shared our conversation below.

Anna, so many exciting things to discuss, we can’t wait. Thanks for joining us and we appreciate you sharing your wisdom with our readers. So, maybe we can start by discussing optimism and where your optimism comes from?
It’s a philosophical question. I was inclined to answer something like: I engage in cardio exercises, practice meditation and Ashtanga yoga, eat a balanced diet, abstain from drinking, and dedicate time to self-education by reading and listening to spiritual leaders. I’m also involved in an innovative business project. The combination of these daily activities helps my body produce ‘happy’ hormones, and as a result, I feel optimistic.

However, I’d like to delve into the philosophical aspect of myself. Optimism arises from my acceptance of pessimism, both within myself and in others, and recognizing its presence in the world and the Universe. When something ‘bad’ happens to me, I say to myself, ‘Welcome to Earth.’ Things here are not perfect; they simply are what they are. Optimism cannot exist without the counterpart of pessimism. To be an optimist is to have the ability to embody various roles: pessimist, optimist, a neutral observer in the middle, and even all the shades of roles in between.

How would we recognize optimism without the existence of pessimism? Optimism is located on the opposite side of the spectrum from pessimism. When I accept that it’s okay for me to be pessimistic at times, it creates space for optimism to thrive.

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?
My unique background, encompassing television project management, business training and coaching, and mental health counseling, played a pivotal role in conceptualizing this project. I am deeply honored to be nominee for the Innovators Award from the American Society of Psychodrama and Group Psychotherapy (ASGPP). Additionally, I am currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Human Development at Fielding University, where my research focuses on the effi-cacy of video courses. My dissertation is going to be in the video format.

Psychodrama and (AM) offer a revolutionary approach to mental health, education, and coaching.
Unlike traditional talk therapies, they focus on action and strengths as the catalysts for change vs talking and pathologies. Why? Action allows to experience and internalize change, making it a faster and more impactful way to understand and grow.

Before the pandemic, in-person workshops were the exclusive format for Psychodrama and Action Methods (AM) training. However, their high costs and extensive planning made them inaccessible to many. Participants often left these workshops without the ability to effective-ly apply the techniques, necessitating repetitive training.

The emergence of Zoom webinars during the pandemic provided easier access but still lim-ited students’ ability to apply their learned skills effectively. To address this challenge, I en-visioned creating pre-recorded video courses.
My journey began with the Action Explorations YouTube channel, featuring in-terviews with renowned psychodramatists and practical demonstrations of the method. Today, it offers over 250 free, high-quality videos that are accessed by specialists worldwide and recognized for professional psychodrama certification.

Driven by my unwavering belief in the transformative power of Psychodrama, Action Explorations Education (AEE) specializes in producing and offering pre-recorded online video courses tailored to mental health counselors, psycholo-gists, marriage and family therapists, educators, and life/health/business coaches. We offer an extensive array of free content, giving our followers the opportunity to explore our courses through complimentary trials. This allows them to experi-ence firsthand the innovative approach to learning Psychodrama before making the decision to purchase the complete course with its carefully sequenced mod-ules.

Our short-term video courses provide practical action techniques for addressing issues such as trauma, substance use, eating disorders, anxiety, depression, iden-tity and gender issues, conflicts, and working with challenging age groups. We empower professionals with outstanding skills training for individuals and groups, whether in-person or virtually. For educators and coaches, our courses cover class management, conflict resolution, organizational development, group dynamics, and more.

Our courses effectively address three key challenges for our customers: high costs, limited access to top trainers, and the ability to apply learned techniques effectively. Accessing top trainers from Europe and the U.S. has never been eas-ier. Our platform directly connects you with renowned experts.

While in-person workshops offer valuable firsthand experiences, our video courses shine with flexibility. Customers can revisit the content as often as need-ed, allowing for a deep absorption of material for real-world application and seamlessly integrate learned techniques into their practice.

Our customer base spans over 60 countries, and the skills acquired through AEE have made a significant social impact. These skills have been instrumental in as-sisting individuals affected by events such as the pandemic, the Russian-Ukrainian War, the aftermath of Turkish earthquakes, and we are committed to offering free video materials for those working with the Israel-Palestinian crisis.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
Listen and trust yourself. This project transcends mere business; it embodies a profound journey of personal growth — one that is as challenging as it is satisfying, as joyful as it is daunting. I firmly believe that for every business owner, their project serves as an avenue for personal development. It reflects their values, their social network — encompassing those who work alongside them and those they serve as customers. This narrative speaks volumes.

Amidst the deluge of messages, including those from employees, customers, and governing bodies, it is imperative for the owner to heed their own inner message. This can be exceptionally challenging; many voices may offer criticism or advice that may not align with the project’s vision. For a business owner, it is vital to pause, grant themselves a voice, and follow it. Along this path, there may be numerous steps that others might label as ‘incorrect,’ but remember, it is your project and your unique journey.

Be open to the idea that things may unfold in unexpected ways. Our world moves at such a rapid pace that what you meticulously plan today may require a complete overhaul tomorrow. Embrace the notion that change is constant, and you may not always have control over it.

Give your absolute best to your project, and allow events to unfold as they are meant to. Trust in the process, and have faith that, in the end, things will align as they should.

Who has been most helpful in helping you overcome challenges or build and develop the essential skills, qualities or knowledge you needed to be successful?
My answer is simple: myself. I place unwavering trust in my abilities and convictions, which I openly share with both the world and the individuals engaged in this project. This forms the foundation of a robust support system that avoids fostering unrealistic expectations and ensuing disappointments in others.

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