Meet Ashlee Bradshaw

We were lucky to catch up with Ashlee Bradshaw recently and have shared our conversation below.

Ashlee, first a big thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and insights with us today. I’m sure many of our readers will benefit from your wisdom, and one of the areas where we think your insight might be most helpful is related to imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome is holding so many people back from reaching their true and highest potential and so we’d love to hear about your journey and how you overcame imposter syndrome.

First, I don’t believe that imposter syndrome is entirely negative, so it’s not something I aim to “overcome.” Instead, I’ve learned to understand its benefits and manage those feelings so they don’t dictate my actions or limit my personal and professional growth.

In my view, while imposter syndrome can be challenging, it serves an important purpose. It shines a light on the areas where I feel least confident, helping me focus on where I need to improve. Additionally, those feelings help minimize blind spots, as they keep me in a constant state of self-reflection, which is an invaluable trait to have as a leader and owner of a company.

By recognizing the benefits of imposter syndrome, I’ve accepted that it will always be present as long as I’m committed to growth and improvement. To prevent it from influencing my decisions—like doubting my ability to run my own business—I’ve spent significant time reflecting on my process and building trust in myself. I’ve reviewed the objective evidence of my past achievements, proving to myself that I’m capable of overcoming challenges and achieving success. I CAN TRUST MYSELF.

Once I cultivated the belief that I can trust myself, I learned to manage imposter syndrome by “faking it until I make it.” Even when I don’t feel fully prepared for something new, I dive in and take it one step at a time. I’m also mindful of my self-talk, regularly using “I am” statements, as the brain can’t distinguish between reality and what we tell it. By affirming my abilities, I reduce the impact of imposter syndrome and stay focused on my growth.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?

At Elite Minds, we’ve created a dedicated space where athletes can access both mental health services and mental performance training. Our team includes three skilled mental health counselors and a certified mental performance consultant—all former collegiate athletes who understand the unique challenges athletes face and are committed to helping them thrive.

In addition to sports counseling and mental performance training, we’re proud to offer sports specific neurofeedback services through iBrain Technologies. This cutting-edge service is designed to help athletes train their minds and bodies as if they were physically practicing, making it especially beneficial for those recovering from injuries or returning to play after surgery.

As a former athlete who struggled with the mental side of the game, and with over thirteen years of experience in the counseling and sports world, I quickly recognized a significant need for this type of service—not just locally, but nationwide. Many athletes still hesitate to seek support due to the lingering stigma around mental health, and our goal at Elite Minds is to create a space where athletes not only feel safe reaching out for help, but also to contribute in breaking down those stigmas.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

The three qualities that have been the cornerstone of my success are self-awareness, openness to feedback, and a commitment to continuous personal growth.

For anyone looking to develop these skills, the first step is cultivating self-awareness. This means understanding your strengths and weaknesses, as well as recognizing how your attachment styles influence your behaviors and relationships. Perfection is unattainable, and as humans, we are wired for learning and growth; therefore, it is equally important to reflect on your beliefs about failure and whether you’re truly open to personal growth. Every person has blind spots, which is why it’s crucial to embrace the belief that there’s always room to improve and be willing to accept feedback on areas that need work.

Once these belief systems are in place, you can engage in self-reflection, incorporate feedback, and translate that reflection into tangible goals for improvement. Being committed to personal growth requires consistent effort and ongoing attention.

After working with thousands of individuals across various ages and backgrounds, I’m convinced that self-awareness, openness to feedback, and a dedication to personal growth are the keys to success, regardless of one’s profession or path in life.

Tell us what your ideal client would be like?

An ideal client at Elite Minds would be any athlete, coach, team, or high performer (doctor, lawyer, musician, etc.) that wants to improve their mental skills. Training the mind is a skill that is rarely taught, yet is essential in enhancing mental resilience, focus, and overall well-being. A well-trained mind can help foster better decision-making, improve performance under pressure, and develop a growth mindset, which is key to personal and professional success.

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Image Credits

47 Photography (Cody Clements)

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