Meet Asia Armour (Art Amour Studio)

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Asia Armour (Art Amour Studio) . We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Asia , thanks for taking the time to share your lessons with our community today. So, let’s jump right in – one of the most essential skills for unlocking our potential is self-discipline. Where does your self-discipline come from?
I believe that self-discipline is something that needs to be practiced every day. Many people have misconceptions about what self-discipline really means. For me, self-discipline is about showing yourself some love by committing to your goals and consistently putting in the effort, even on those tough days. My motivation to succeed is what drives my discipline. Having a clear understanding of what I want to achieve makes it easier for me to stay committed. I’m determined to prove to myself that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?
As an artist, I specialize in mixed-media collage and photography. I’ve been creating art my whole life and have been a professional artist for 7 years. Originally working in film and photography, I decided to take my photography work to the next level by incorporating it into my canvas collages. I established Art Amour Studio as my art studio and have been showcasing my work and completing public projects ever since. Art Amour Studio is a luxury art brand that offers custom wall art, apparel, accessories, and unique experiences. My artwork has been displayed in various galleries in Ohio and Atlanta, and I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate on exciting public projects with locations such as the Cleveland Botanical Gardens and The Cleveland Hopkins Airport. Flowers are my signature element; I include them in almost all of my artwork and collages.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
Throughout my art journey, I’ve found that three qualities have been particularly impactful for me: consistency, relationship building, and planning. Staying consistent has been crucial to my success, as it makes up half of the necessary effort in my opinion. Many people give up too easily or lose focus once they start seeing results. To achieve success, it’s important to stay on track and stay committed to the task at hand. It took me a while to learn this, but now I apply it to my everyday art practice.

The relationships I’ve built and nurtured have also been important. Your network can make a big difference in how quickly you achieve your goals. It’s important to understand the value of both personal and professional relationships, whether it’s between businesses or creatives.

Finally, having a plan has been essential in getting the results I want. Rather than relying on hope and chance, I create clear-cut plans that guide me toward my goals. This approach has served me well and has helped me get to where I am today.

Awesome, really appreciate you opening up with us today and before we close maybe you can share a book recommendation with us. Has there been a book that’s been impactful in your growth and development?
I have found two books that have been instrumental in my personal growth: “The Artist Way” by Julia Cameron and “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. Both books have provided me with valuable insights into different aspects of my life.

“The Artist Way” has helped me keep my creativity and imagination alive. As someone who values creativity, I found this book to be incredibly helpful. I have read many reviews about it, and it has lived up to its reputation. I am writing more now than ever before, and I feel more inspired than ever.

“Atomic Habits” by Clear has taught me how to change my habits and systems. I learned that small changes made daily can lead to significant long-term success. By focusing on being just one percent better each day, I am moving toward a brighter future.

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Image Credits
Left top first photo By Photographer James Robinson Right side third down By Photographer James Robinson @semja_pendergrass

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