Meet Beverly Schweigert

We recently connected with Beverly Schweigert and have shared our conversation below.

Beverly, thank you so much for joining us and offering your lessons and wisdom for our readers. One of the things we most admire about you is your generosity and so we’d love if you could talk to us about where you think your generosity comes from.
My generosity comes from a few key places in my life. First and foremost, it comes from my faith in God and the teachings of Christ, which call us to love our neighbors and give freely to those in need. I believe that everything I have is a gift from God, and I feel called to share those blessings with others. This is why I’m so passionate about our mission trips to the Amazon Jungle in Peru, where we distribute school supplies, Bibles, and toys to families along the Amazon River. Seeing the profound impact that even small gifts can have on these families, and how deeply grateful they are, has really reinforced for me the importance of giving.

Secondly, I learned generosity from my amazing mother. After losing my father when I was just four years old, I watched her sacrifice and go without to provide for my siblings and me. Yet even with limited resources, she never hesitated to share what she had with others. Her example taught me that there is always something we can give, whether it’s our time, our talents, or our resources.

Finally, my own experiences have shaped my generous spirit. I know firsthand what it’s like to struggle and need help from others. When my husband and I were going through a tough financial time while raising our young daughters, we were blown away by the generosity of both friends and strangers who stepped up to support us. Those acts of kindness touched me deeply and inspired me to pay it forward whenever I can.

That’s why, in addition to our mission trips, I also run a free Facebook group called Blessed Intentions. There, I help women dive deeper into scripture and grow closer to God using our proprietary BLESS Method of journaling. I love being able to offer this resource for free, as well as providing regular downloads, incentives, and even gifts to my customers, especially those who I know are going through tough times.

So for me, generosity is a way of life, rooted in my faith, my family, and my own story. It’s why I’m so passionate about using my business to bless others in whatever way I can. The more Blessed Be Boutique grows, the more I’m able to give back – and that’s what truly motivates me each and every day.

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?
As the owner of Blessed Be Boutique for the past six years, my mission has been to help women grow their faith and feel closer to God. While I started out selling Christian jewelry, I felt called to pivot my business nearly two years ago when I discovered the transformative power of scripture journaling.

Inspired by my own journaling practice, I developed the BLESS Method, a unique approach to journaling that I was eager to share with others. This led me to start writing devotionals and offering journaling supplies to help women deepen their connection with God.

Currently, I’m most excited about two subscription programs I offer. The first is Draw Near Daily, a 30-page monthly digital download packed with scripture prompts, graphics, puzzles, coloring pages, cards, and more. These resources can be used for journaling, card making, scrapbooking, and other Christian crafts, providing subscribers with a wealth of creative ways to engage with their faith.

The second is a bi-monthly subscription box centered around a six-week devotional that explores the life and story of Jesus from a creative perspective. Each devotional includes crafts, recipes, music, coloring pages, poetry, and more, along with a variety of journaling supplies and other special extras.

For me, the most rewarding aspect of running Blessed Be Boutique is hearing from customers about how these resources have helped them grow in their faith. Whether it’s through our mission trips to the Amazon, the free support and encouragement I offer in my Blessed Intentions Facebook group, or the products and devotionals I create, my goal is always to help women feel closer to God.

As a child of God, wife, mother, and grandmother myself, I know firsthand the challenges that women face in making time for their spiritual lives amidst the demands of family and daily responsibilities. That’s why I’m so passionate about providing tools and resources that make it easier for women to consistently connect with God and experience the peace, joy, and purpose that comes from a deep relationship with Him.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
Looking back on my journey, I believe that three key qualities have been most impactful in getting me to where I am today: my deep love for Scripture, my creativity, and my organizational skills.

First and foremost, my passion for digging into the Bible has been the foundation of everything I do. I learn something new each time I write a devotional, and that continuous learning fuels my growth and helps me create meaningful content for my customers.

Secondly, my creativity has been essential in designing engaging devotionals, journals, and other products that resonate with my audience. I love the process of bringing ideas to life in a way that inspires and encourages others.

Finally, being list-oriented and organized has been crucial in managing my business effectively. I rely on tools like Trello and my calendar to keep track of tasks, deadlines, and appointments, which allows me to stay focused and productive.

For those who are early in their own journeys, my advice would be to dive deep into the areas that light you up and never stop learning. If you love Scripture, read the Bible consistently, share what you’re learning with others, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. There’s always more to discover, and that continuous growth will enrich both your personal faith and your ability to inspire others.

Similarly, if you want to cultivate your creativity, just keep trying new things and exploring different ideas. The more you experiment and practice, the more you’ll develop your unique creative voice and skill set.

Above all, remember that your journey is your own, and it’s the passion and purpose you bring to it that will make all the difference. Stay focused on what matters most to you, put in the time and effort to grow and learn, and trust that God will guide you every step of the way.

What is the number one obstacle or challenge you are currently facing and what are you doing to try to resolve or overcome this challenge?
As an entrepreneur with a creative mind, my biggest obstacle is often having too many ideas and not enough time to implement them all. While it’s exciting to be constantly inspired and full of new possibilities for my business, it can also be overwhelming and lead to a lack of focus.

To overcome this challenge, I’ve been learning to slow down and take a more thoughtful approach before acting on new ideas. When inspiration strikes, instead of immediately diving in, I give myself a day or two to sit with the idea, pray about it, and consider how it aligns with my overall business goals and values.

This pause allows me to gain clarity and perspective, so I can better prioritize which ideas are most important and have the greatest potential to serve my customers and grow my business. It also helps me avoid getting sidetracked by shiny objects or spreading myself too thin.

Once I’ve identified the ideas that are truly worth pursuing, I break them down into manageable steps and integrate them into my existing plans and schedules. This ensures that I’m making steady progress without getting overwhelmed or neglecting my core responsibilities.

Ultimately, I’m learning that while creativity and inspiration are invaluable gifts, they need to be balanced with wisdom, discernment, and intentional action. By taking the time to pray, prioritize, and plan, I’m better able to harness my ideas and turn them into meaningful offerings that truly bless my customers and glorify God.

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