Meet Brianna Harwart


We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Brianna Harwart a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Brianna , we are so appreciative of you taking the time to open up about the extremely important, albeit personal, topic of mental health. Can you talk to us about your journey and how you were able to overcome the challenges related to mental issues? For readers, please note this is not medical advice, we are not doctors, you should always consult professionals for advice and that this is merely one person sharing their story and experience.

There was a time, a big chunk of my life, when things were dark and heavy. I would put on a happy face for colleagues, family, and friends, but the reality was that I struggled with depression. Now, I wasn’t always this way; as a matter of fact, things didn’t start to feel heavy until my late 20s. A lot of my depression stemmed from not feeling enough, from comparing myself to others, and, if I’m honest, from playing the victim. I had the mindset that things were happening to me, and because of that, I wouldn’t be able to do or have the things I wanted. I stayed in that space, hoping for a way out of feeling so low and unworthy for years. And if I am really honest, there were moments when I felt like I didn’t want to be alive.

From the outside looking in, I have a good life: a beautiful new home, a great, well-paying job, travel, and family and friends who love me. Yet, I felt this big emptiness and hopelessness.

This leads to the big question: how did I overcome these heavy, dark feelings?

Looking back, I would say that I wanted to live more than anything. I say that because I constantly looked for ways to better myself and grow. I didn’t see that while in it; I didn’t recognize that I constantly fought for myself and fought to be better than I was in the moment. I didn’t see how seeking out self-help books, going to low-cost workshops on self-development, and working with coaches were my way of valuing myself and showing myself my worthiness. Instead, I was focused on having a quick fix to a deep internal healing that required time and grace.

I struggled with my heavy and dark thoughts from my late 20’s to my early 30’s. The books, workshops, coaches, and therapists were helpful, but they weren’t the key to overcoming one of the most challenging moments of my life. The one thing that changed me was seeking God and building a relationship with Him. Through my faith, I know I am loved, worthy, and whole, just as I am. My faith has allowed me to accept ALL of me. It has allowed me not to carry the burden of having everything figured out. I get to seek Him and lean on Him in all ways always.

There is power in prayer, there is power in worship, and there is power in the Word. I am a testament to God’s love, grace, and mercy. Every book I read, every workshop I attended, and every coach and therapist I worked with was God sent.

Every day isn’t perfect. I still have moments where I struggle, and they are just that, MOMENTS. They aren’t the week or month-long dark hole I would put myself in the past. I have learned to seek out God first. That could look like me praying or talking to him. It can also look like putting on worship music so I can shift the energy in the room. I remember playing the song, See A Victory by Israel and the New Breed, constantly because it uplifted me and gave me confidence and strength.

Ultimately, we are left with at choice. We have a choice to choose what we will focus on, and I chose to focus on something bigger than me.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?

I have always had a passion for supporting and helping others, which led me to acquire my coaching certification in 2012. However, it wasn’t until 2023 that I decided to go all in and start a coaching and consulting business, Graceful Revelations Development. As an innovation catalyst and brand storyteller, I work with clients to co-create lasting strategies to move them through moments of doubt, uncertainty, and lack of confidence so that they can grow their business or life in an authentic way. My clients include solopreneurs, college students, and young professionals looking to level up and want an accountability partner and life strategist who will support and provide accountability.

In addition to my coaching and consulting, I host the podcast Life After College, where I share life experiences and lessons learned as well as interview guests on topics ranging from leadership to finance to developing a growth mindset.

If you are curious about coaching or ready to dive in, visit and schedule a discovery call. You can also subscribe to the Life After College podcast so you don’t miss an episode.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

The three most impactful things I have gathered from my journey are you are always at choice, there are endless possibilities available to us, and be in ownership of your life.

If you can truly embrace and live out these three tools/mindsets, you will set yourself up to be so resilient which will allow you to move through life’s challenges more quickly.

Being at choice means that you get to choose how you live out your life. Life is going to be challenging. That is a guarantee. However, you get to choose what way you want to take on the challenge, and how you decide to take on the challenge will determine your outcome.

This then leads me to the mindset of endless possibilities. There are endless possibilities out there, so allow yourself to dream, get curious, and explore what could be. You may land exactly where you wanted to, or you could land in an even better place. The important thing is to allow yourself to live and dream and then be in action toward what you want. My coaching certification was the same weekend as my college graduation. I was going to skip my certification because I felt that was the only choice. I then got on a coaching call with my mentor coach, and she asked what I would like to happen. I said I wanted to certify on Friday morning so I could fly home in the evening and make my college graduation the next day. I thought that would be out of the question. It turns out it was possible. If you don’t dream and don’t ask, you’ll never know.

Lastly, be in ownership of your life. You are the leader of your life, which means you get to be in ownership of your actions, your results, and your intentions. That means you are empowered to make the changes necessary to have the outcomes you deeply desire.

Learning each of these allows you to live life with more enthusiasm, curiosity, and excitement because you will have an abundance mindset rather than scarcity. You will be able to pivot quickly while also welcoming all the blessings and opportunities into your space.

How would you describe your ideal client?

My ideal client wants to reach the next level in their life or business and is willing to put in the work. They are looking to live and operate more authentically so that they have the life and/or business they deeply desire. They are looking for a coach who will not only support them but also co-create strategies that align with who they are, in addition to providing accountability throughout the process.

From the consulting perspective, my ideal client is a solopreneur who loves what they do and wants to grow their business. They are looking for a creative consultant who will be an innovative catalyst that will anchor their brand, grow their product line, and attract new clientele.

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Image Credits

Photos by: May Memories Photography

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