Meet Brianne Buishas

We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Brianne Buishas. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Brianne below.

Brianne , thank you so much for taking the time to share your lessons learned with us and we’re sure your wisdom will help many. So, one question that comes up often and that we’re hoping you can shed some light on is keeping creativity alive over long stretches – how do you keep your creativity alive?
By finding what inspires and excites ME personally. In the creative field sometimes there’s directors, artists, or films that everyone says you should watch or be affected by- but at the end of the day, whatever inspires or entertains or keeps you and your passion alive is what you should watch or spend time with. And that’s what I try to invest my time and energy into, not focusing on what “should” inspire me, but what actually does.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?
I am an actor and model based in Los Angeles. I specialize in children and animal voices in the voiceover world and have a wide variety with on camera acting and modeling work. The way I operate as an actor is by finding what genuinely affects me so that my work and emotions never feel forced or fake and that way they can truly connect to my audience in an authentic and powerful way.

Storytelling is one of the most incredible and beautiful tools I believe we have, and I’m honored to be in an industry that celebrates and focuses on that. Recently in my work, I was fortunate to work with a well known director on his newest music video and cannot wait to share more and see the final product, as it was one of my favorite days on set to this day. I’m wrapping up my very first NYFW currently and was able to walk for three shows here. In upcoming productions, I am working on a play at Playhouse West, an audio book for a new fantasy series, and just booked a dynamic and exciting Witch character for a feature film, as well as a nurse role in another.

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
1. I think having an open mind and attitude is extremely important– you just never know what to expect on set, how long you’re there, etc.

2. Knowing yourself and how you operate best– you know your skills and craft best, so finding your routine or emotional preperation and doing that is vital to perform your best

3. Listening — An underrated and essential skill. When I first started acting, I focused way too much on my lines and delivery and forgot to even listen and have a real conversation with my scene partner. Listening to how someone speaks and operates, especially in a scene, is so crucial.

My advice is to just keep working and going. Find what inspires you, act and be part of as many productions as you can that feel right to your wheelhouse, and don’t ever let yourself give up if that’s what lights up your heart.

Any advice for folks feeling overwhelmed?
I actually feel overwhelmed a lot. In this industry there’s so many things, people, schedules, contracts, scripts, auditions, etc. coming at you constantly from so many sources that it gets overwhelming and overstimulating quickly.

Something that I keep telling myself lately as reminder to give myself space and breathe is that you owe no one your time and energy. It is a privilege to give out and extend and you don’t have to do so when you are exhausted or need to focus.

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Image Credits
@dimalemur @bluehourvalley @analogfps @andersongonzalezphotographer @stevewestphoto @cbenoitphoto @makeupwith_emily @juan_herrera_photography @torinori.esthetics

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