We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Casie Ellison a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Hi Casie, so happy to have you on the platform and I think our readers are in for a treat because you’ve got such an interesting story and so much insight and wisdom. So, let’s start with a topic that is relevant to everyone, regardless of industry etc. What do you do for self-care and how has it impacted you?
Self-care is something that needs to be practiced every day. And, if we’re being completely honest, I’m still not great at it. When I think about my self-care, I think about being in a quiet space. I think it’s important to take time to decompress from a rough day. And that is just the bare minimum. When I really focus on my self-care, I would make myself my favorite beverage, put on some comfy clothes, have background noise- may it be a podcast or a YouTube video or a show… and then I would spend time sitting. If I could choose my ideal day- filled with the things that make Casie happy- My day would start out with coffee, a pedicure, and then go out to eat at my favorite restaurant, absolutely some retail therapy.
Sadly, that’s not an option for my every day.
I can’t simply only focus on my ideal days with no other responsibilities than myself and my own self-care.
You, yourself- you can get so busy. I’m a mom, I’m a wife- I’m a corporate worker. I run a nonprofit and I’m a best friend. Because I wear so many hats all the time- I also have to balance my time for myself. I don’t always get to do a spa bath, or “me time”, so when I do self-care, I want to make it count. I love pedicures, I enjoy getting my hair done and I love a good day of antique shopping, visiting thrift stores-
I have recognized not putting self-care as a priority in my life, there are times I have reached the end of my rope. And THAT makes life hard. Whether or not the day was hard- I’m at the end of my rope. I’ve reached my bandwidth. My cup runs dry.
I’ve noticed when I put my own self-care as a priority- I have a much longer rope. That self-care may look like taking a longer shower, or “oil pulling” my face. Watching a documentary or laying down for a rest. It’s also as small as taking a walk around my neighborhood. Every little bit of glitter counts. Self-care is Self-Love.
The opposite of self-care is self-neglect. Self-neglect and Self-destruction come hand-in-hand. Personally, self-care has been a journey and there are still days, for me, where my level of ability varies.
The three main components of self-care can be broken down into physical, mental, and emotional health. These are each equally important as a part of your basic needs. I did not grow up understanding how important it was to attend to my own needs. As if I cared more for others would make up for my lack of self-love.
But that’s not how it works. It works more like listening to the flight attendant on a plane, instructing you to put your oxygen mask on first, before you help anyone else, including your children.
If you cannot put yourself first, you will be placed last.
I had to sit with that. No one was going to love me more than I needed to love myself.
No one is going to brush my teeth every day. No one is going to wipe me or change my clothes.
No one is going to live my life. And no one is going to be able to make me want to live if I didn’t have the will.
Self-care involves taking deliberate actions to improve one’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Some common self-care activities include getting enough sleep, engaging in regular exercise, practicing mindfulness or meditation, maintaining a balanced diet, pursuing hobbies, spending time with loved ones, and setting boundaries to manage stress. Engaging in self-care can have a positive impact on effectiveness by promoting overall well-being, reducing stress, increasing productivity, enhancing focus, and improving one’s ability to handle challenges. It’s important to find a self-care routine that works for you and prioritize taking care of yourself.
It can seem overwhelming. As if you could fail.
Take each day as it comes, and sometimes, that means taking it hour by hour or minute by minute.
Giving yourself grace is self-care
My depression swallowed me whole.
I lost all ability to take care of my own basic needs. I wasn’t able to get out of bed. As if there were an invisible person holding me down. The weight of life, along with the circumstances I was going through became too heavy for me to hold and my brain went numb. I couldn’t function.
It was too much. Life seemed like living was too much.
It seemed like everyone around me knew I was drowning, but no one knew how to help me….so…..they just ignored it.
I went a little over 3 weeks without showering. Didn’t brush my hair, couldn’t bring myself to brush my teeth. I wore the same jeans and hoodie repeatedly, day after day…covered in stains, begging anyone to reach out and remind me how to stand. Show me how to balance and regain my strength; my self-worth…to notice.
I lost the ability to “feed myself”. I lost the ability to look at my reflection in the mirror and see past the darkness depression had painted over my shine. I was blank. Blank and unimportant. Unnecessary. A burden.
I felt like Oobleck.
I made it to the peak of hypomania when I felt this life was better without me in it. My children could have a better life without me in it.
I had a plan.
My legs were covered in scars from razorblades demanding I show emotion. Anything. Wishing I had enough love for myself to snap out of it.
Years of therapy, including a mental vacation in the psych ward, concluded this would be a battle I would need to be prepared to fight every day.
Taking each and every day as it came… one single day at a time. Somedays taking it hour by hour. Minute by minute.
My recovery started with steps so small and seemingly minute, yet vital to my stability.
Accountability. Then, self-accountability.
My therapist gave me an assignment to call and leave her a voicemail each time I took a shower.
A shower… Something so overwhelming to think about having to undertake… yet, so invigorating to experience.
Stepping into the warmth of the water streaming from overhead, washing my filth and sadness away. Relaxing me… holding me with its cleanliness and peace. Solitude.
I can remember the first shower, after our understanding, stepping on the ceramic floor as the warm water poured down over me, thinking, “Why… why don’t I do this more often. Why does this seem so difficult? Why do I talk myself out of this? This is wonderful.”
Then I sat down, knees to chest, as I cried and cried until I had no more tears left to produce. The shower engulfed my humiliation, cradling me in an umbrella of camouflage that would hide my weeping as a good “soul cleansing”.
Slowly and steadily, my record of going showerless started to decrease. I began bathing twice a week… then 4 days a week, then every other day…
Before I knew it, I was taking the extra step of blow-drying my hair… then I was shaving…
I stabilized a routine of brushing my teeth and sure enough, one day I found the energy to do my makeup.
Coordinating my outfits.
I didn’t realize others took notice until they began to compliment me on my style;
Something I had forgotten I had. I enjoyed the notice. I began to notice, myself.
I learned to own those compliments. ACCEPT them.
People don’t normally waste their time to come up to you and tell you “Those are great shoes,” or “Your hair looks great today,” if they’re not true. I, for one, don’t waste my time personally going to a stranger and handing out false compliments.
Accepting those simple statements had to be the most uncomfortable redirection of mental filtration I needed to learn to direct. Owning and accepting my self-worth, no matter how flawed I saw myself…
In my junior year of high school, my Spanish teacher presented me with a challenge I never forgot, yet, I didn’t apply it to my life until this point… the point I figured, “It couldn’t hurt to give a shot.”
Naked, I stared at myself in the mirror. I stood there, ashamed and in all my glory, mandating myself to find one thing about myself that made me beautiful. ANY “one” thing. Find one thing that you love about yourself, physically. Day in and day out, each time I stood in front of that mirror, I forced myself to find one more thing to add to the list of my uniqueness; no matter how big or how small the physical attribute was. One more thing to place on the list of why I mattered and what I had to offer.
Makeup and Photography are my two favorite passions, so I thought… “Why not combine the two?”
That’s how Change the Face of Depression originated.
Our mission is to create a charity hosting a once-a-year convention giving worldwide Makeup Artists/ Stylists and Photographers wanting to expand their freelance hours and portfolios the opportunity to participate in transforming a life. The variety of artistic perspectives will enhance the opportunity to show beauty in a multitude of forms. Open to anyone that wants to attend- giving them the gift of life with a different perspective, once again with a photo shoot and mini-makeover.
My self-care started with brushing my teeth and taking a shower. It transformed into cheering for myself and others.
I can conquer any day, with at-first, conquering love for myself.
Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?
Who I am depends on the day. I am many different people- my best friend will tell you that I’m “like having 5 different friends”. On top of all the hats I wear, I do have a mental health disorder. Which is why I’m here, talking to you-
I am an advocate for mental health and the founder of Change the Face of Depression, a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness and reducing the stigma surrounding depression and mental illness.
I started CTFOD because, in my life, I’ve been through some crazy ups and some crazy downs. I’d like to think of myself as a strong woman, but every strong woman still has weaknesses. I want to empower everyone who struggles with Depression, anxiety, and self-worth issues, and let them know that they’re not alone.
I’m a person that always likes to see a solution, I want to provide tools to people to help them get through the hard times. This includes self-care. Even if it’s just a little, every piece counts
on an off day, you can catch me being a mom, being a wife- enjoying my creative side or spending time going on adventures with my family.
Through this organization, I strive to provide support, education, and resources to individuals who are affected by depression, as well as their loved ones.
What excites me the most about my work is the opportunity to make a positive impact on people’s lives. Mental health is a topic that often carries a heavy burden of stigma and misunderstanding, which can prevent individuals from seeking help or feeling understood. By creating a platform where individuals can openly discuss their experiences, share stories of hope and resilience, and access valuable resources, I believe we can make a significant difference in changing the conversation around mental health.
At Change the Face of Depression, we organize various events and initiatives to engage our community and spread awareness. From educational workshops and seminars to art exhibitions and fundraising campaigns, we strive to foster a sense of community and support for those impacted by depression. Our aim is to create an inclusive environment where people can find solace, connect with others who understand their journey, and access the tools and resources they need to navigate their mental health challenges.
Our organization is constantly striving to connect with the community, working on expanding our reach and impact, and engage volunteers who share our passion for mental health advocacy.
One fantastic way we’re doing this is through our Wellness Wednesday initiative. Every Wednesday, we offer a virtual space for individuals to come together and focus on self-care and mental well-being. It’s a time for open discussions, sharing personal experiences, and learning from one another. We believe that by fostering this sense of community, we can create a supportive environment where people feel comfortable expressing themselves and seeking support.
Speaking of events, we have some incredible ones lined up! Change the Face of Depression is actively planning workshops, seminars, and local community events in collaboration with mental health professionals, artists, and partner organizations. These events will provide a platform for education, creative expression, and networking opportunities. We believe that by bringing together diverse voices, we can create a powerful collective impact and drive change in how mental health is perceived and supported.
Additionally, we’re always looking for volunteers who are passionate about making a difference. Our volunteers play a vital role in our organization, helping us with various tasks such as event planning, content creation, and community outreach. If you’re interested in getting involved, we have a dedicated webpage where you can find more information about volunteering opportunities and how to join our team.
To stay updated on all our latest news, events, and resources, I encourage you to visit our website at www.changethefaceofdepression.com, to explore our initiatives, learn more about how you can Change the Face of Depression, and discover ways to get involved. There, you’ll find a wealth of valuable resources, including informative articles, personal stories, and a blog where we share insights and perspectives on mental health.
Through various initiatives, campaigns, and artistic expressions, I aim to promote a compassionate and understanding society for individuals facing depression and other mental health challenges.
Depression is a deeply personal and often misunderstood condition, and by bringing it to the forefront of public conversation, I hope to break down barriers, foster empathy, and provide support to those who are struggling. By challenging societal misconceptions and creating a safe space for dialogue, my ultimate goal is to inspire hope and empower individuals to seek help without fear or shame.
Change the Face of Depression uses various platforms to amplify its message. One notable aspect of my work is the utilization of art as a powerful tool for self-expression and healing. I believe that art has the ability to transcend language and connect with people on a profound emotional level. Through art exhibitions, installations, and collaborative projects, we aim to engage the community and spark conversations about mental health.
In terms of new developments, I am thrilled to share that Change the Face of Depression is actively planning a series of events and workshops in collaboration with mental health professionals, artists, and community organizations. These events will provide opportunities for education, support, and creative expression, furthering our mission to change the face of depression and promote mental well-being.
This campaign will focus on challenging societal perceptions and stereotypes about depression, with the goal of fostering empathy, understanding, and support for individuals struggling with mental health issues.
In summary, my passion lies in raising awareness and creating a supportive community for those affected by depression and mental illness. Through Change the Face of Depression, I strive to make a positive impact by reducing stigma, providing resources, and advocating for mental health support. I believe that by working together, we can change the conversation around mental health and create a world where everyone feels understood and supported.
Together, we can Change the Face of Depression, and make a lasting impact on the lives of those affected by mental health issues.
There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
Looking back on my journey, there were three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that truly made a significant impact on my path. I’m happy to share them with you, along with some advice for those who are just starting out on their own journeys.
The first quality that played a crucial role in my journey is resilience. The road to making a difference in the mental health arena is not always easy. There were times when I faced setbacks, encountered resistance, or felt overwhelmed. But by cultivating resilience, I was able to bounce back, learn from my experiences, and keep pushing forward. My advice for those starting out is to develop a mindset of resilience. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, learn from failures, and believe in your ability to overcome obstacles. This mindset will help you stay determined and motivated even when faced with difficulties.
The second skill that had a profound impact on my journey is effective communication. To create change and raise awareness, I needed to effectively convey my message to various audiences. This involved honing my skills in public speaking, writing, and connecting with others on an emotional level. I found inspiration in the work of Jordan Peterson, who emphasizes the importance of clear and articulate communication. My advice for those starting their journey is to focus on developing strong communication skills. Practice expressing your thoughts and ideas clearly and concisely, learn to actively listen to others, and study effective communicators in your field of interest.
The third area of knowledge that greatly influenced my journey is the understanding of the power of thoughts and beliefs. I drew inspiration from the teachings of Florence Scovel Shinn and Esther Hicks, who emphasize the role of thoughts and beliefs in shaping our reality. Developing a positive mindset and cultivating empowering beliefs was instrumental in overcoming self-doubt and staying focused on my mission. My advice for those starting out is to become aware of your thoughts and beliefs. Cultivate a positive and growth-oriented mindset, challenge limiting beliefs, and surround yourself with uplifting and supportive influences.
In summary, the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that had the most impact on my journey were resilience, effective communication, and the understanding of the power of thoughts and beliefs. My advice for those embarking on their own journeys is to cultivate resilience, develop strong communication skills, and embrace the power of positive thoughts and beliefs. Remember, every journey is unique, so stay true to yourself, keep learning and growing, and never underestimate the difference you can make in the world.
As we end our chat, is there a book you can leave people with that’s been meaningful to you and your development?
One book that has played a significant role in my personal development is “The Complete Works of Florence Scovel Shinn.” Florence Scovel Shinn was a remarkable writer and spiritual teacher whose works have provided me with invaluable insights and wisdom.
One of the most impactful nuggets of wisdom I gained from her writings is the concept of the power of our thoughts and words. Florence Scovel Shinn emphasized that our thoughts and words have creative energy and that we have the ability to shape our reality through the thoughts we think and the words we speak. This idea profoundly influenced my mindset and approach to life. It made me realize the importance of cultivating positive thoughts and affirming beliefs.
Another valuable teaching from Florence Scovel Shinn is the principle of divine guidance and intuition. She emphasized that we are connected to a higher power and that we can tap into this guidance to lead us along the right path. Trusting my intuition and listening to my inner wisdom has allowed me to make important decisions with greater clarity and confidence.
Florence Scovel Shinn also stressed the significance of faith and trust in the face of challenges. She taught that having unwavering faith in the divine plan and trusting in the goodness of life can bring about miracles and positive transformations. This teaching has been a source of comfort and inspiration for me during difficult times, reminding me to stay optimistic and have faith in the greater purpose behind my journey.
Overall, “The Complete Works of Florence Scovel Shinn” has been a guiding light for me. It has taught me the power of my thoughts, the importance of trusting my intuition, and the transformative impact of unwavering faith. These nuggets of wisdom have shaped my mindset, deepened my spiritual connection, and empowered me to overcome challenges on my journey of making a difference in the realm of mental health.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.changethefaceofdepression.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/changethefaceofdepression
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/changethefaceofdepression
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Casiecasem
- SoundCloud: https://www.buzzsprout.com/790928, https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/take-off-the-mask-with-casiecasem/id1493347696
Image Credits
GenoVision photography and video