Meet Clarence Klingebeil

Photo by Francesca Magnani
© Francesca Magnani

We were lucky to catch up with Clarence Klingebeil recently and have shared our conversation below.

Clarence, we’re thrilled to have you sharing your thoughts and lessons with our community. So, for folks who are at a stage in their life or career where they are trying to be more resilient, can you share where you get your resilience from?

Maybe my German roots/upbringing ? A certain stiff upper lip, stoicism was encouraged.

So in addition to what formed my resilience….I would say that surviving stage 4 throat cancer certainly left a mark on me, and made me more resilient no doubt, it was a game changer, it was when I was recovering from the treatments that I realized that I needed a new start with my photography, something more meaningful.
The idea for my portrait series ‘Skate Homies’ was conceived with my roommate , who is a professional skater. I started in the Summer of 2018, as soon as I felt strong enough. Sadly at the end of 2018 I suffered a cardiac arrest, was in a coma for several days, and when I came out of it , miraculously with all my capacities intact, it was found that due to a blood clot in my shoulder, my right arm had died off and needed to be amputated.
Losing my dominant right arm was yet another curveball, I credit with my newfound resilience…but the show must go on, and soon I was able to shoot again. I have had several shows since, and have published 3 books.

Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?

I was first exposed to the world of skateboarding through my friend and roommate, professional skater John Grigley. When I expressed an interest in taking portraits at skate parks, he immediately agreed to help me and made introductions to a few of his friends. Through these connections I gained access to this new world. One thing led to another, and I soon began heading to skate parks on my own. I would make weekly, sometimes daily visits to the skate parks of NYC. The people I have photographed have been without exception, very kind and generous with their time.

For the past 25 years, I have worked as a fashion photographer, and occasionally a celebrity portrait photographer, though my passion was in portraiture. For the first time in my long career, I feel like I am taking the photographs that I’ve always wanted to take.

On a technical note, I particularly enjoy the immediacy of working alone without an assistant. I prefer to use a simple set up which allows me to quickly establish a rapport with my subject. This body of work is inspired by Richard Avedon’s In the American West.

This artistic journey has culminated in three gallery shows as well as three books.

– Clarence K.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?

Perseverance, Stubbornness, and not giving a photographer, you face a lot of rejection… there’s a ton of competiton out there, stick to your guns and believe in yourself.

Awesome, really appreciate you opening up with us today and before we close maybe you can share a book recommendation with us. Has there been a book that’s been impactful in your growth and development?

To this day, I am incredibly inspired by Richard Avedon”s book ‘In the American West”, it really left a tremendous impression on me when I first saw it, and it continues to do so .

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Image Credits

Photo of Clarence Klingebeil by Francesca Magnani

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