Meet Coach Valentin

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Coach Valentin. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Coach, looking forward to learning from your journey. You’ve got an amazing story and before we dive into that, let’s start with an important building block. Where do you get your work ethic from?

I believe my work ethic stems from the example set by my parents, who were both hardworking and dedicated. As a child, I absorbed their commitment, and over time, I’ve continued to refine it. I’m fortunate to love what I do—training clients—so my motivation is natural, not forced. This passion fuels my professional work ethic. I focus on doing my best consistently, not just completing tasks, but using my energy and resources efficiently. I believe being fully present in my work is crucial, aiming for excellence rather than simply getting things done.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?

As a coach, I view myself as both a sculptor and an artisan. My role is to help people achieve their best form by crafting personalized diet plans and training programs. My gym, located in Wynwood, is like my workshop—every tool and piece of equipment has been carefully chosen for its functionality. Each one serves as a chisel, helping to sculpt and shape my clients’ bodies to their full potential.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

Early in my career, I had a solid grasp of training and nutrition, which made me a good personal trainer, but not the best I could be. My wife encouraged me to explore topics outside my field, so I started reading about history, philosophy, art, politics, economics, astronomy, biology, and more. This broader knowledge helped me become a more well-rounded person and improved my ability to relate to clients and understand life beyond just fitness. It transformed not only my career but also how I approach human relationships and problem-solving.

For those starting out, my advice is to deepen your expertise in your field, but also expand your horizons. By learning about diverse subjects, you develop a more holistic understanding of the world, which ultimately enhances your skills and ability to connect with others.

How would you describe your ideal client?

My ideal client is anyone who is willing to work hard and has an open mind to receive feedback — what I like to call being ‘coachable.’ It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting your fitness journey or if you’re a seasoned athlete. Your current fitness level is not important to me; what matters most is your mindset. As long as you’re dedicated and ready to put in the necessary effort, we can achieve great things together. In this partnership, I bring my knowledge, expertise, and skills, while the client brings their commitment and drive. Together, we form a powerful team focused on reaching their full potential.

Contact Info:

  • Website:,
  • Instagram: @coachvalentin, @bevillamiami
  • Youtube: @coachvalentin
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