Meet Crystal Bright

We recently connected with Crystal Bright and have shared our conversation below.

Crystal, we’re thrilled to have you sharing your thoughts and lessons with our community. So, for folks who are at a stage in their life or career where they are trying to be more resilient, can you share where you get your resilience from?
During my early 20s, I found myself living in my car in the valley of Los Angeles. It seemed that life relentlessly dealt me blow after blow, challenging my resilience and limiting my aspirations. It felt as though the world was setting boundaries for me. Yet, with limited entertainment, I turned to my iPhone’s “books” app, where I discovered two transformative reads: “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill and “How to Win Friends & Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. These books not only shifted my perspective but awakened a resilience deep within me. They taught me that our thoughts and feelings, particularly about ourselves, play a pivotal role in shaping our destinies.

Fast forward a decade, and I draw my strength and resilience from my profound connection with my business, MyGlo. This isn’t just a company to me; it’s an embodiment of my passions, a testament to my journey. Just as I fiercely love and support my child as a mother, I’ve nurtured my business with an unwavering determination. The clarity of purpose, belief in the possibilities, and a laser-focused mindset have been my guiding stars, ensuring I never even entertain the thought of giving up.

My journey into sustainable lighting was a result of my quest as an interior designer seeking environmentally conscious solutions. Despite skepticism, I pioneered the design of mycelium pendants, emphasizing their air-purifying properties long before their benefits became widely acknowledged. As one of the few black designers in my field, I often felt underestimated. However, this only fueled my determination. Over time, the strength of our mission has garnered attention and garnered the support of influential platforms and backers. Together, we aim to revolutionize the interior design landscape, championing biofabrication one design at a time.

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?
‘m thrilled to introduce MyGlo to those passionate about sustainability. At its core, our brand champions the principle of sustainability, not just as a buzzword, but as a holistic approach that encompasses our practice, packaging, and products.

Our signature product is a testament to our commitment. Crafted from plant waste and mushroom mycelium, it’s not just sustainable—it’s compostable. This isn’t your everyday material. In our market research, we discovered a whopping 76% of respondents were unfamiliar with mycelium. So, part of our mission at MyGlo is not just to produce, but to educate.

Mycelium, for the uninitiated, is the intricate, root-like structure of mushrooms. It operates beneath the surface, functioning like a natural, organic internet that connects plants, transfers nutrients, and communicates with insects. We harness its incredible properties by combining it with hemp waste, inoculating this blend with mushroom cultures. As the mycelium grows, it consumes the hemp, transforming loose plant material into a cohesive, flexible living mass. Once dried, this results in a durable, strikingly white structure that we can mold into various shapes and forms.

We’re excited to share that MyGlo is taking another giant leap towards sustainability. We’ve recently commissioned the construction of our design lab, which will be insulated entirely with mycelium. Its flame-retardant properties and energy-saving capabilities make it the perfect material for our future mushroom lab and production studio.

As we continue on this journey, we’re launching a Patreon. This platform will allow us to gather support as we develop our mushroom lab, ensuring our production process becomes even more waste-free and efficient. The vision for MyGlo has always been to build a brand that doesn’t just talk about sustainability but actively embodies it. The incredible support we receive daily on social media fuels our passion and determination, and we are eternally grateful for our community that believes in our mission.

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
Reflecting upon my journey, there are three foundational pillars that have truly shaped my path and driven my success:

Resourcefulness Over Expertise: Often, the smartest person in the room isn’t the one with all the answers but the one who knows where to find them. Embracing resourcefulness has been a game-changer for me. It has allowed me to navigate challenges and opportunities effectively, often surpassing those with more experience or qualifications. My advice to those starting out: Cultivate the art of seeking knowledge. Being proactive and resourceful can open doors you never even knew existed.

Mind Mastery: The phrase “thoughts are things” resonates deeply with me. Throughout our lives, our thoughts reverberate continuously within our minds. If you truly wish to steer the course of your life, begin by mastering your thought patterns. Envision success intentionally and consciously. Address and unlearn thoughts that may have once served a purpose but now hold you back. Controlling your inner narrative can radically alter your life’s trajectory.

The Power of the Four Agreements: Life’s journey will always have its ups and downs, but abiding by the Four Agreements has been my steadfast compass. They are:

Don’t Take Anything Personally: Understand that people’s actions and words are often a reflection of their own reality, not yours.
Be Impeccable with Your Word: Ensure that your words and thoughts align with truth and positivity.
Avoid Making Assumptions: Clear communication and understanding can prevent many unwarranted conflicts.
Always Do Your Best: Remember that ‘your best’ can vary from one day to the next. It’s about effort and intent.
To those embarking on their journey: Equip yourself with these principles. Keep them close, like tools in a toolbox, ready to be used when navigating the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

How can folks who want to work with you connect?
bsolutely! At MyGlo, we believe that collaboration is the key to innovation. We’re always on the lookout for individuals who share our passion for sustainability, innovation, and improving the world around us.

Who we’re looking for:

Designers who are intrigued by the potential of mycelium and want to explore its diverse applications.
Researchers and scientists eager to delve deeper into the properties and benefits of mycelium.
Sustainability advocates and influencers who can help spread awareness about the importance of sustainable living and the unique advantages of mycelium-based products.
Entrepreneurs or businesses in the sustainable sector, looking to explore synergies and potential collaborations.
How to connect with us:
If you resonate with our mission and see a potential partnership or collaboration, we’d love to hear from you. Please reach out to us via our official website’s contact form or drop us a direct message on our social media platforms. We value every connection and opportunity to further our goals, and together, we can pave the way for a brighter, more sustainable future.

Contact Info:

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