Meet David Fakunle

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to David Fakunle. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

David, so many exciting things to discuss, we can’t wait. Thanks for joining us and we appreciate you sharing your wisdom with our readers. So, maybe we can start by discussing optimism and where your optimism comes from?
My optimism, despite all that is occurring in the world, comes primarily from the fact that I am still in the world. I am grateful for the understanding I learned about what is most important in life, and I see my purpose as reminding others about that too. So far, I have been right far more times than I have been wrong…honestly, I have never been wrong. That tells me all I need to know.

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?
The simplest way to explain what I do is that I am a storyteller, and my efforts revolve primarily around the creation, cultivation and embrace of narratives. I am based in public health so my goal to demonstrate the transformative power of creative energies, however they manifest, for the benefit of human health and wellbeing. I do it through research, practice, education, advocacy, communication…I am probably missing something but you get the point, I am all over the place. That is by design, because solutions to the challenges of health in society require cross-sectoral collaboration. If I can serve as an example of how that can happen, then I am using my life appropriately. I love what I do because fundamentally, I get paid to be myself and catalyze healing while healing myself. Me from 5-10 years ago would have never believed it was possible…but here I am. I wish everyone had the chance to exude the best of themselves…so I do my best to try and make that happen.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
1. Storytelling

2. Public Health

3. Humanity

Embrace your own narrative, then be open to others’ stories. Have basic knowledge of how everything is connected to health and wellbeing. Accept that every human being wants the same thing at their core: acknowledgement, appreciation, respect, understanding, and love. You do that, and I have faith that everything else will fall into place as it should. It will not necessarily be easy or simple, but life works it out.

Before we go, maybe you can tell us a bit about your parents and what you feel was the most impactful thing they did for you?
My parents grounded me in life-changing learning experiences, both inside and outside academic spaces. It helped me to acquire a wider view of the world, which is essential for navigating it with any success. Then, they let me figure it out myself. I am forever grateful for their trust in me with that.

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