Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to DEBBIE PHAM. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
DEBBIE, we’re thrilled to have you on our platform and we think there is so much folks can learn from you and your story. Something that matters deeply to us is living a life and leading a career filled with purpose and so let’s start by chatting about how you found your purpose.
From a young age, I have noticed the impact of my presence on people and situations. It could be as subtle as the sparkle in the eyes and the smiles to an explicit affirmation of my “infectious energy” and “radiant aura”. As I was told. I seem to be able to bring joy to people unknowingly or with genuine intention. By being myself or doing something specific that serves the answers they need at that moment in time. More than anything, I always want to leave people not with just a fleeting joy but something more concrete whether it be a belief about themselves or a hope of something better.
With that innate sensibility and jubilant spirit, I transcend my passion for life with people I come across without realizing it. My greatest passion is travel. Long before becoming a travel advisor, I meticulously planned my own journeys earning trust from family and friends to curate theirs as well. I often use food as an analogy for it is something people could easily connect with. It is the same steak but how it is prepared and the chef behind the work influences and often defines the experience of the cuisine. The same with travel. I design the trips with the client’s wishes and values in mind. I aim to see my clients LIVE the experience they dream of and more. I can hear the happiness and gratification in their voice and see the change they have about travel. It is a joy I could help create for anyone and help people see the positive impact of travel long after the trip is completed.
Serving as a travel advisor aligns with my abilities and beliefs. What does all of this have to do with my purpose? I believe travel transcends one’s life experiences transforming one into a version better than one’s previous self. An understanding of different cultures broadens your perspectives in life. You likely are more appreciative of certain things in life you take for granted. A fulfillment or discovery of self you never knew existed. Seeing results such as these in the people I have helped plan their trips is the reason I continue my path as a travel advisor and did not quit in the year 2020. At the height of the pandemic, self-doubt for my work topped the chart. “Is this worth it?” A little voice asked. “Forget it!” To my shock, a different voice shot back, “No!” The innate response has given a resolution to my role as a travel advisor to help people experience travel the way it will change them for the better. In doing so, I serve my purpose as my clients create their life-long memories in travel which gradually will become their own legacies and influences to their loved ones and all who cross their path.
Thanks for sharing that. So, before we get any further into our conversation, can you tell our readers a bit about yourself and what you’re working on?
As a Virtuoso Travel Advisor, I specialize in celebration travel with a main focus on designing multi-countries or tailor-made itineraries. Celebration is a personal luxury from honeymoons and anniversaries to birthdays and celebrations of Life itself. Formatting after my own style of travel, I curate each trip for clients as if it were my own adventure. It is an investment to maximize the time and resources allowable for the best achievable outcome. That is, you feel richer after each journey only wanting to live more for the next experience. Life is short. If you don’t celebrate life now. When?
It is exciting for me to learn what brings joy and purpose to my clients and design an adventure exactly so. More than anything, it is a privilege to be trusted with my client’s most valuable asset- their leisure time. It is in our leisure time that we live most fully and create life-long memories cherished by all those who come into our walk of life.
Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
Taking baby steps, practicing mindfulness, and moving forward with resilience (failing, innovating and getting back up).
All masters were once a novice. Knowing your long-term goals is important, breaking them down into realistic and achievable bites is more relevant and conducive to their success. Revisiting your goals at regular intervals (monthly, quarterly, and yearly) is pivotal to recognizing gaps and closing those gaps with new ideas and strategies.
Practicing mindfulness is an emotional compass essential to take you through the journey and help you to enjoy your journey. Recognizing the journey is your own and not comparing it to others is instrumental to inner peace which helps to give clarity to process matters, especially during challenging times. Being mindful could be the hardest skill to master as we are wired to compare ourselves to others, berate ourselves for failures, and be the hardest on ourselves for things we have yet to achieve. Things we would not ever say or do to the people we love yet we would do to ourselves. We are quick to criticize ourselves for things we have not accomplished overlooking how far we have come. Mindfulness helps to reset our mental focus and shift the mindset important for learning and growth. It is still a daily practice for me.
Moving forward with resilience is an action needed to reach your goals. Thomas Edison didn’t discover the light bulb on his first try. It was on his 10,000th time that he finally had it worked. Understand you will make mistakes; you will fail. It is not the end of the world. Be disappointed, be frustrated, be angry… cry if you want but then fix your crown and get back up. However wobbly you feel. Stay focused. It is more important to learn the lessons and use them as stepping stones to achieve your next goals. If you’re tired, rest. The mistakes you made, you didn’t know. Now, you know them, what is your next step of action?
Awesome, really appreciate you opening up with us today and before we close maybe you can share a book recommendation with us. Has there been a book that’s been impactful in your growth and development?
“Good Morning, I Love You” by Shauna Shapiro and “How to Win Friends & Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. A few impactful nuggets are-
(1). What you practice grows stronger. Whether it be patience, compassion, or faith, what you focus on will have your attention and be the direction of your energy. The focus ultimately will drive the results you want to achieve.
(2). Criticism shuts down the learning part of the brain while receiving undesirable results with compassion and kindness open the mind to learning and encourage growth. Saying “I will never get this to work” is conclusive that whatever you have attempted is a failure and not worth trying again. Reframing the wording to “How can I get this to work?” recognizes the inherent failure as part of the process and encourages you to explore new possibilities.
(3). The split second of mindfulness is a space small but significant enough for you to choose- to behave proactively or be reactive to a stimulus. It is a pause of one to three seconds that influences your response which ultimately could make or break a situation. A long-term practice helps to maintain calmness and inner peace even in the midst of chaos.
(4). Everyone wants to be loved and heard and feel they matter.
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