Meet Desiree Scarborough


We were lucky to catch up with Desiree Scarborough recently and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Desiree, so excited to talk about all sorts of important topics with you today. The first one we want to jump into is about being the only one in the room – for some that’s being the only person of color or the only non-native English speaker or the only non-MBA, etc Can you talk to us about how you have managed to be successful even when you were the only one in the room that looked like you?

Start by knowing that you’re in the room for a reason, that there are people behind you that believe you deserve to be there, and know that people are looking to you to lead by example. Nothing snaps me out of imposter syndrome quicker than looking around a room, noticing that I’m the only black woman there and immediately realizing -despite how unfair it is- that how I carry myself in this place determines whether or not they’ll let another black woman in.

We are not a monolith but the unfortunate truth is that to others, we are. I can’t count how many times I’ve been let into a room and felt that every move I made was being analyzed, every anecdote I shared about my upbringing scrutinized and my reactions picked apart. It can be an insurmountable amount of pressure feeling like your existence in a place is being viewed as a performance. When I’m in those situations it’s made me want to be myself even more. I don’t shrink into a corner or avoid conversation, I move around the space like I belong, because I do.

I believe the best thing you can do is be yourself. Don’t stress yourself trying to be what other people want you to be, resist the urge to try to fit in and do not perform. Know that your gifts and talents brought you here and shine!

Thanks for sharing that. So, before we get any further into our conversation, can you tell our readers a bit about yourself and what you’re working on?

I’ve been running my namesake brand “Desiree Scarborough” since 2020 after graduating from RISD during the pandemic. There wasn’t much to do at the time but move back home and start creating, even though I didn’t feel ready or qualified to start anything that important. Fast forward to today in 2024, I started the year with an LLC and time has just flew by! I’ve accomplished so many milestones ahead of schedule, like getting my first big brand collaboration, being on TV, participating in my first international artist residency, and dressing a few of my favorite artists.

The most exciting aspect for me and why I started my business in the first place, is because I get to create what speaks to me. I feel that the word “personal” describes my work the best. I’d say that I’m an artist whose main way to communicate my feelings is through creating wearable art. I want the consumer to feel that they are wearing something of importance, that there’s a reason why this item exists. Not for greed but because it was vital the artist bring their idea into the world.

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?

1. Confidence (Also a healthy amount of narcissism)

This quality is definitely one you have to continue fostering. You’ll receive lots of no’s, lots of folks watching but not actually supporting and lots of unanswered emails. Having confidence in yourself and your ideas makes up a large chunk of your longevity. Your mindset has to be that even if I get one hundred no’s, that just puts me one step closer to my next yes. You have to believe in your heart that your ideas have a place and a purpose in this world, and that no one else can do what you do to the level that you can.

2. Discernment (Also being able to take a step back and assess the choices you’re presented with before you make one)

For your mental health, this skill is crucial. Check in with yourself on a regular basis, make sure you are taking care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally, and triple check that the decisions you are making for your business truly reflect what you want it to be and represent. All the opportunities that will come your way will not align with your purpose and every person that enters your path claiming to offer you a leg up will not be the help you need. Practice discernment, listen to your gut and say no when it serves you.

3. Flexibility

The truth is you can do all the preparation you can think of and things will still go wrong. Give yourself the space to be upset, but don’t stay in the anger and disappointment long. Take a deep breath, embrace the change and adjust.

Please tell our readers about what you do, what you feel is most exciting or special about it, as well as anything else you’d like folks to know about your brand/art/etc. If relevant, please also tell our readers about anything new (events, product/service launches, expansion, etc)

I’m in a transitional part of my life, both within my business and in my personal life. In a business sense I’m moving my next moves around on a chess board, rearranging which next steps are the most important and trying to put my foot down on what idea makes the most sense to act on. There are times I wish someone could just tell me what to do next so I can get exactly where I need to be in the next five years.

The reality is that these are strange times and the state of the world feels heavy for lots of folks including myself. There’s a roller coaster of emotions and at the same time life and pockets of joy continue to flow. In the midst of everything I have to have a plan to keep moving so I don’t get stuck.

I’m appreciating the stillness and quiet I wanted so badly the first ten months of this year, yet at the same time my next steps feel a bit hard to reach at the moment. All a part of the journey though!

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Image Credits

Jason Serrano
Kaci Peterson
Jordy Antonio
Sophie Ming

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