Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Diana De Avila. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Diana, first a big thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and insights with us today. I’m sure many of our readers will benefit from your wisdom, and one of the areas where we think your insight might be most helpful is related to imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome is holding so many people back from reaching their true and highest potential and so we’d love to hear about your journey and how you overcame imposter syndrome.
A twist of fate through unexpected health challenges ignited my artistic journey. I chose not to imitate others but let my instincts guide my creations, pouring my heart into every piece. Embracing authenticity, I faced and conquered imposter syndrome by experimenting and crafting a unique artistic style that truly defines me. Learning from fellow artists, I realized that we all grapple with doubts, but the key lies in taking action and moving forward. Push the doubts away and just go for it!
Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?
I am a visual artist based in Sarasota, Florida, where I found meaning through creating mesmerizing art. My goal has always been to create my digital abstract and fractal art in such a way that it takes the viewer beyond the tangible, revealing hidden connections through intuition and spirituality.
Despite experiencing adversity from several significant health challenges, I find solace and purpose in art. It has saved me. Art has saved me. It allows me to communicate my deepest thoughts and emotions. Each stroke of my digital brush and every fractal pattern showcases the resilience of the human spirit and the boundless potential of artistic expression. I feel like my life is a testament to that.
I’m fascinated by the interplay between the seen and unseen realms. My art bridges this gap, inviting viewers to contemplate the hidden dimensions that shape our world. With each artwork, I aim to uncover the essence beneath the surface, encouraging contemplation of existence and our place within it.
I have had the opportunity to exhibit my work internationally, which has been incredibly fulfilling. Connecting with fellow artists and collectors brings me immense joy. I can think of nothing better.
If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
Tenacity, Perseverance, and Fearlessness. Despite life challenges, your potential to flourish hinges on your outlook. Tenacity and perseverance. I reflect on the first time I breathed life into visual art. It felt like an actual creation moment. It was my artistic genesis where a visual artist was born. I had to move outside of fear and go for it. I had to start with that inaugural digital stroke.
Art was the last thought on my mind. Growing up, I wouldn’t even color in my twin brother’s coloring book because I couldn’t color within the lines. Thinking about it, what an incredible life metaphor!
Some advice: Refuse to confine yourself, disregard those lines and the naysayers in your head, discover your authenticity, and keep at it. It’s not always about intellect or innate skill but more often about the unyielding spirit, persistence, and resolute determination.
Is there a particular challenge you are currently facing?
The number one obstacle is financial and gallery space or space to display my art. The process of producing and exhibiting my artwork entails significant costs. Given my prolific level of creative output, I carefully select which pieces to bring to life, determine their size, and find suitable display or storage locations. As a digital artist, my computer serves as my studio.
I apply for grants to help produce my works and try to sell them as I can.
Contact Info:
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- Other: (NAWA Member Gallery)
Image Credits
Diana de Avila