We recently connected with Domina Mara and have shared our conversation below.
Hi Domina, appreciate you sitting with us today to share your wisdom with our readers. So, let’s start with resilience – where do you get your resilience from?
I think the reason I am so strong-willed is My Mother’s Matriarchal Line. I’m extremely proud that all the Women on My Mother’s side are self-made who never needed a man to compliment them. Their partners are wanted in their lives. My Grandmother is the source of My familial ties, having given Me unconditional love throughout My entire life. I’ve been blessed with such a force of nature and such a positive, beautiful human being that gave birth to Our Lineage. My Grandmother always told Me I could do it. Anything I wanted to. Anything I put My mind to. I will always be grateful for Her wisdom, Her generosity, and Her love. Love is the most powerful thing in the world. Not just for people, but your relationships to your passions, too. The love you receive is the love you output back into the world.
Thanks for sharing that. So, before we get any further into our conversation, can you tell our readers a bit about yourself and what you’re working on?
I’m currently transitioning My Dominatrix Career into Virtual Spaces in addition to In-Person Events + Sessions. I’ve been focusing more on Youtube and Twitch producing education videos about the Kink Lifestyle, promoting brands that I find interesting to endorse, collaborating with new people in My industry, and hosting events for like-minded individuals to connect while being able to openly share their backgrounds in safe spaces.
I am more selective with in-person sessions now and have been more accepting to teaching skills and D/s relations with those who seek it from Me. I’m trying to keep My artist side alive by continuing to create Female Dominant art such as photography and short films, but it’s been more difficult to juggle everything when I want to increase travel again as well. I love organized chaos and thrive in spontaneity, so as long as it doesn’t feel like work, I will keep doing it until My goals change.
There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
Be Humble: I will never stop being a student, no matter how far up I climb. There are always new things to learn and more ways to do one thing.
Be Personable: Treating others respectfully circled back to Me with a lot of gifts. I’m not just talking about physical gifts, but gifts of time, gifts of advice, and gifts of energy. Degradation, humiliation, and just being generally mean intentionally should only be done if consented after negotiation.
Be Open: I’ve tried to take away negative verbiage and connotations in My thoughts + speech. I’ve had too many “No’s,” “Nevers,” “Don’ts,” and Can’ts” in My life. I want the “Yeses,” the “What if it can,” and the Silver Linings. Having a more optimistic outlook opens more doors and allows for opportunity to flow freely without resistance. If there is something I disagree with, I still take a good look at the other side and accept that it is a valid point of view. I choose to healthily move on with My life separating Myself from it. I am living without regrets.
One of our goals is to help like-minded folks with similar goals connect and so before we go we want to ask if you are looking to partner or collab with others – and if so, what would make the ideal collaborator or partner?
I am lucky to have a very small team I’ve built over the years who consist primarily of My partner in life, and a few photographer / videographer friends I cycle through for various projects. I’ve been with My current partner for 10 years coming up in February 2025. I love him whole-heartedly and am super grateful that he always says Yes to about everything I want to do. Not only does he support Me with his presence, but he also is My assistant, My model, My cameraman, My driver, and My bodyguard. I am always seeking people I can rely on who will give Me loyalty, and 120% of their efforts because they believe in My work and projects.
For people I seek to collaborate with, they must be professional. They must have a business mindset or be open-minded. A positive view in life helps. Overall, I prefer someone with a great personality over someone with stunning looks. Looks are a bonus, but it’s the Person that makes the collaboration worth it and fun. If W/we don’t have fun, then there is no point in working together because the viewers will see it. When there is genuine connection, that’s when audiences will flock and keep coming back.
Contact Info:
- Website: http://dominamara.com
- Instagram: @maradomina
- Facebook: http://fb.me/goddessmara
- Twitter: @maradomina
- Youtube: http://youtube.com/dominamara
- Soundcloud: https://open.spotify.com/show/7jsi6aJ1n96gKnZU0XTK31?si=vug19L6oThKZcB1ba-R17g
- Other: http://linktr.ee/dominamara
Image Credits
Dominant: @maradomina on IG + Twitter; submissive: @thesunnysub IG / @bananabell8 Twitter; Photos by AV; Editing by Domina Mara.
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