Meet Donna Bond

We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Donna Bond. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Donna below.

Hi Donna, really happy you were able to join us today and we’re looking forward to sharing your story and insights with our readers. Let’s start with the heart of it all – purpose. How did you find your purpose?

For my entire life I was searching for my purpose. At the height of my career as a corporate marketing executive, I went crying to a psychic asking her to help me find my purpose. She said, “Donna, your guides are spelling it out for me. S P I R I T U A L  P S Y C H O L O G Y. I said, “what the hell is Spiritual Psychology?” Fast forward, I enrolled myself in a master’s program in Spiritual Psychology which began a journey inward. This journey helped me peel back all the false, conditioned, learned parts of my personality that were trying, striving, pushing and forcing myself to feel like I was “good enough”.

As I began to deconstruct the false framework I was operating by, more of my true authentic self was revealed. The more I began to call myself out on the lies I was telling myself, the more my ego stepped aside and my essence began to shine through.

What I discovered through my journey is that my purpose is not a job. It’s not a master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology. It’s not to be a transformational coach. My purpose is to BE ME. My purpose is to be in this life EXPRESSING as my true authentic self. My purpose is infusing all that I do, with the essence of my expression. Yes, I bring my expression to my work as a transformational coach, as a spiritual psychologist, but also as a friend, wife, sister, neighbor, daughter and however else I show up in the world.

My purpose is the full expression of me, in all that I do and all that I am. And, if you’re reading this, I want to reflect, so is yours.

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?
I serve the mass global transformation of consciousness that is taking place on the planet at this time. People all over are waking up to the knowingness that they are so much more than what they’ve been taught. People everywhere are realizing that the fulfillment they seek is not to be found in their paycheck, or their toys, their work or their relationships. People all over are beginning to recognize that everything they are searching for “out in the world” is really right here “in their own heart.”

Beyond just one to one coaching journey’s, I guide clients through online masterclasses, women’s retreats and group coaching programs to support them in empowering their highest self on their epic human journey.

All of my offerings are underpinned with Spiritual Psychology. A technology that teaches us that everything happening in our life – the good, the bad and the ugly – is a beautifully designed opportunity giving us the stepping stones into our next level of potential.

Author Wayne Dyer said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” My clients experience radical shifts out of a victim mindset, feeling like they are powerless to life’s circumstantial happenstance into clear, present, joyfilled aliveness and a sense of authentic empowerment that well up from inside of them. They find real purpose, deep meaning and greater fulfillment in their life as a result of working with me.

The most accessible program I offer is called Empower the Authentic You. It’s a self-guided, masterclass and coaching journey that allows the client to go at their own pace as I walk them through how to break through their old framework and install new Ways of Being and Seeing and Relating in the world – which are life changing.

The concepts and experiential activities in Empower the Authentic You are parallel to those offered in my first book, Original Wisdom: Harness the Power of the Authentic You. The masterclass and coaching journey is a series of engaging videos where I story tell about my own journey in leaving corporate-land and allowing the universe to guide me toward becoming a transformational coach.

My most popular offering is an all inclusive women’s retreat in Costa Rica called Connect to Your Essential Nature. This is where clients can step out of their busy life of to-doing and land with their spirit and experience their Being.

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
The most important quality one needs on any path of success is Self Trust. Self Trust is how you begin to BE YOU. It’s the medicine for approval seeking and breaking free from the perpetual loop of deriving your power and self esteem from things and people and achievements outside of you. Self Trust is the main ingredient in real confidence and the freedom to be yourself in all situations.

Second is listening to your own inner guidance system. Everyone is intuitive. What I realized through a dance with a breast cancer diagnosis, was that for my entire life I had allowed my ego and logical mind to override my inner knowing. When I had a prophetic dream that I had a fish hook through my left breast and it turned out to be a clear warning for cancer that was growing in my chest, I made a promise to myself in that moment to never violate my inner knowingness again. And, the more I listen and act on my intuition, -the more I deepen my Self-Trust.

Lastly, I want to tell you, color outside the lines! Stop trying to get it perfect and get it right. You don’t need to get it right, you just need to get it going. Give yourself the freedom and permission to do it how you want to do it. Color it with the colors you love. Shape it with what feels good to you. What if you gave yourself the latitude to follow your own rhythm? When you’re willing to color outside the lines, you find your way to yourself. You find your way to your purpose.

Thanks so much for sharing all these insights with us today. Before we go, is there a book that’s played in important role in your development?
In 1989 I was on an airplane reading The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukuv. I was coming out of my seat filled with excitement and awe at the concepts he was sharing about everyone of us is really a spiritual being having a human experience, not humans having a spiritual experience. Since then, my early twenties I have been intrigued with the world of energy, metaphysics, spirituality and psychology. I spent much of my life believing we are so much more than what we’ve been taught, now I know it for sure.

Spirituality is the relationship we have with the higher part of our being. It’s not about religion. It’s about making contact with your original wisdom. Original Wisdom is the inherent intelligence in all beings that is rooted in unconditional love. It also happens to be the name of my book, Original Wisdom; Harness the Power of the Authentic You.

Before I sent my book to the publisher, I sat at my computer and sent a blessing of love and light over every page with the intention to inspire and uplift everyone who reads it, about who they REALLY are, in the same way Gary Zukuv did for me in 1989. My intention is that you read the perfect thing at the perfect time and that you relate differently to yourself and your life as a result of reading Original Wisdom.

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Image Credits
All image credit goes to Marcy Browe Photography.

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