Meet Edgar Vargas

We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Edgar Vargas a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Alright, so we’re so thrilled to have Edgar with us today – welcome and maybe we can jump right into it with a question about one of your qualities that we most admire. How did you develop your work ethic? Where do you think you get it from?

I developed my work ethic from my upbringing and the long, rigorous journey to becoming a plastic surgeon in Mexico. Growing up, I saw my parents work tirelessly to provide for our family, instilling in me the values of dedication and perseverance. My medical education and training required countless hours of study and practice, often involving long nights and demanding schedules. The road to becoming a specialist was challenging, but each step reinforced the importance of hard work and resilience. My commitment to excellence and patient care is a direct result of these experiences and the unwavering work ethic I cultivated along the way.

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?

The most exciting part of my career as a young plastic surgeon, particularly with my focused training in aesthetic surgery, is the transformative impact I can have on my patients’ lives. Seeing the joy and confidence that my work brings to individuals is incredibly fulfilling. Each procedure, whether it’s a facelift, breast augmentation, or body contouring, is an opportunity to blend art and science, creating natural and harmonious results. The constant advancements in techniques and technology also keep the field dynamic and engaging, allowing me to continuously learn and refine my skills to provide the best possible outcomes for my patients.

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?

As a young plastic surgeon, I firmly believe that resilience, patience, and persistence are the three most important aspects of professional growth in any field.

Resilience allows us to bounce back from setbacks and challenges, which are inevitable in any demanding career. In my own journey, there have been times when surgeries didn’t go as planned, or when I faced intense competition. However, resilience helped me learn from these experiences rather than be defeated by them.

Patience is crucial because true expertise takes time to develop. Mastering the intricate techniques of aesthetic surgery didn’t happen overnight. It required years of training, practice, and gradual improvement. Patience ensures that we stay committed to our long-term goals, even when immediate results aren’t visible.

Persistence drives us to keep pushing forward, no matter how tough the journey gets. The road to becoming a specialist is long and filled with obstacles, but persistence helped me stay the course and achieve my goals. It’s the continuous effort and determination that eventually lead to success.

Advice for Young People:
To develop resilience, patience, and persistence, start by setting clear, achievable goals and understand that progress is a journey, not a sprint. Surround yourself with supportive mentors and peers who can offer guidance and encouragement. When faced with setbacks, view them as learning opportunities rather than failures. Practice mindfulness and stress management techniques to maintain a positive outlook. Remember, every small step forward is part of your growth, and staying focused on your long-term vision will help you navigate the challenges along the way.

Awesome, really appreciate you opening up with us today and before we close maybe you can share a book recommendation with us. Has there been a book that’s been impactful in your growth and development?

There are many good books but if I had to choose one that can improve professional and personal life is Angela Duckworth’s: Grit, the power of passion and perseverance, where she depicts four psychological assets of grit:

Interest: You need to have a genuine passion for what you’re doing. It’s essential to find something you love and are deeply interested in.
Practice: Developing skill requires dedicated practice. Deliberate practice, which involves setting specific goals and working towards them, is crucial.
Purpose: Connecting your work to a broader purpose can sustain your motivation over time. Purpose adds meaning to your efforts.
Hope: Maintaining a hopeful and optimistic outlook, especially in the face of challenges, is vital for long-term perseverance.

Growth Mindset: Duckworth emphasizes the importance of a growth mindset—the belief that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. This mindset fosters resilience and a love for learning.

Parental Influence: The book discusses how parents can nurture grit in their children by encouraging them to pursue their interests and teaching them to work hard and persist through difficulties.

Effort Counts Twice: Duckworth presents a simple equation: Talent x Effort = Skill, and Skill x Effort = Achievement. This illustrates that effort is crucial at both stages. Developing skill and then turning that skill into achievement.

Passion and Perseverance: Both elements are essential. Passion without perseverance leads to unfulfilled dreams, while perseverance without passion can lead to burnout.

Reading Grit by Angela Duckworth provides valuable insights into how cultivating grit can lead to greater success and fulfillment in both personal and professional endeavors.

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