Meet G. S. Gerry

We caught up with the brilliant and insightful G. S. Gerry a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Hi G. S. , thank you so much for opening up with us about some important, but sometimes personal topics. One that really matters to us is overcoming Imposter Syndrome because we’ve seen how so many people are held back in life because of this and so we’d really appreciate hearing about how you overcame Imposter Syndrome.

I felt like imposter syndrome wouldn’t come into play for me. When I decided to become an author my first goal was to write in a unique voice with narratives that aren’t along the traditional lines. I knew I wanted to bring something different to the table—something that flips the narrative on its head and dances on the boundaries of conventional writing. My stories aren’t your typical bedtime reads; they’re rollercoasters of satire and wit, with a sprinkle of the absurd. Overcoming imposter syndrome meant embracing the fact that my voice wasn’t just another echo in the literary canyon.

I focused on the uniqueness of my prose, the unexpected twists, and the unapologetically offbeat humor. I realized that the world didn’t need another copycat; it needed an original, someone willing to write in a way that makes readers do a double take. So, I stopped asking if I belonged and started writing like I owned the place. And guess what? The imposter left the building.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?

When it comes to what I do, I like to think of my journey as an author as a wild adventure, much like the stories I write. My focus is on humorous contemporary fiction—taking the ordinary and spinning it into something that makes you chuckle, think, and feel all at once. I aim to bring a fresh voice and unique narrative style to my stories, something a bit different from the conventional paths most authors tread.

What’s most exciting about my work is the blend of humor with real-life experiences. My stories are not just about making you laugh; they’re about connecting with readers on a deeper level, showing that even in the midst of chaos, there’s always room for a good chuckle. It’s about turning life’s absurdities into tales that captivate and amuse, providing an escape while reflecting some of the truths we all face.

And speaking of new ventures, I’m thrilled to announce my upcoming project, “Leaving Stronger Than You Started.” This anthology, releasing in September 2024, is particularly close to my heart. It dives into some of my personal experiences, like overcoming teenage pregnancy and finding peace in the storms of life by relying on God. It’s a departure from my usual style but remains true to my commitment to storytelling with a purpose—blending humor, faith, and the rawness of life’s challenges.

So, whether you’re here for a laugh or some deeper introspection, my work aims to deliver a bit of both. Keep an eye out for “Leaving Stronger Than You Started,” and join me in this journey of turning life’s twists and turns into something worth smiling about.

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?

In my journey as an author, three key qualities have been the most impactful: originality, persistence, and connection. First, originality is crucial. The literary world is teeming with voices and stories, so it’s essential to carve out your own unique narrative style. I focused on bringing something different to the table, a voice and narrative that could stand apart in a crowd. This unconventional approach has not only shaped my writing but has also resonated with readers who crave something new.

Second, persistence is your best friend. Writing a book is a marathon, not a sprint. There were times when imposter syndrome crept in, whispering doubts in my ear. But I kept pushing through, knowing that each word was a step closer to my goal. Staying persistent in honing your craft, even when the path seems uphill, is key to success.

Lastly, connection is vital. Writing can be a solitary endeavor, but the story isn’t complete until it reaches the reader. Engage with your audience, understand their desires, and build a community around your work. Your readers are your biggest champions, and their feedback and support can fuel your journey.

For those just starting out, my advice is to embrace your uniqueness. Don’t be afraid to break the mold and experiment with your voice. Keep writing, even when it feels like an uphill battle. And most importantly, connect with your readers—they are the lifeblood of your storytelling journey.

Before we go, maybe you can tell us a bit about your parents and what you feel was the most impactful thing they did for you?

The most impactful thing my parents did for me was instilling a strong work ethic from an early age. My father ran a book bindery business from y early years and I starting working with him as a preteen, I spent my afternoons after school working alongside him. It wasn’t just about learning the value of hard work; it was about understanding the pride that comes with creating something tangible. Watching my father pour his heart into every project taught me dedication and perseverance, qualities that have been crucial in my journey as an author. Those early days in the bindery weren’t just about binding books; they were about binding together the values that would shape my future.

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Lonnie Busch (

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