Meet Ginger Grant

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Ginger Grant. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Ginger, we’re thrilled to have you on our platform and we think there is so much folks can learn from you and your story. Something that matters deeply to us is living a life and leading a career filled with purpose and so let’s start by chatting about how you found your purpose.
The many layers of purpose.

For many years I chased my version of what I thought purpose meant. An epic story of achievement that made an impact in the world and created a legacy to pass on to my children. But over time it was clear that in an infinity of purposes, this was most likely my ego hoping to feel some sense of value in a body that was insecure and searching for meaning and connection.

As I reviewed my life patterns I noticed a tendency to jump into ventures quickly with excitement, and halfway through doubt myself if it didn’t come easily. I tended to avoid extra research and development because I was chasing the money and didn’t want to overthink the details if I could fake it till I made it. After years of observing, I saw the flaw in my thinking. If you chase the money without a sense of purpose outside of your business or career, you will only bring half of yourself to the experience and it will become your identity. What you “do” will become your value system of “who you are”, and this happened to me. I lost sight of the “why” and started feeling like a failure because when the trucks of money didn’t arrive, I labeled myself as broken and a failure. This polarity allowed for some financial stability, but at the loss of my peace of mind because I was always worried about money and it attracted more anxiety.

So when a sea of challenges sent me into depression, hopelessness, and paralyzing fear, I had a life shift that called me to pray and meditate deeper than I ever had, and from this place, a new awareness came to me. I realized I had forgotten who I was. I had forgotten I could listen to my inner guidance system and my intuitive voice would guide and protect me if I just got quiet. I was choosing the screaming voice of my inner critic over the whispers of my soul. Here I was trading off the support of the entire universe and shrinking my life into a ball of anxiety. Once I removed the helmet of fog and fear I could see the reels of fear playing out in my mind and how they had trapped me. I began to unravel my fear of success and failure and pinpoint the cracks and the root of my conflict and how I got them. It was time to decide who I wanted to be, what I wanted to do, and how I wanted to show up for myself moving forward.

From this inner work, I saw that “your purpose” and a “sense of purpose” are completely different things, and knowing the difference can determine whether you spend endless years searching for the proverbial unicorn within yourself or achieving daily wins in the game of joy. Ultimately, until you have an understanding of who you are, what you believe, and what you value, there is no foundation from which to discover your purpose or have a sense of purpose. If we think of the world as a globe of potential experiences, each having a unique meaning, then each experience holds within it “a purpose” to live out the meaning of the experience. From this perspective, you can ultimately assign meaning and purpose to every action you take, and this is what I chose to do by sorting my experience of purpose, into layers.

•My life purpose: To align my actions and behaviors with what I believe and serve the Divine will for my life. To do this I will commit to my soul work and continue to learn, grow, heal, and transform; I will draw my power from the Divine stream; I will connect to the energy of joy, humility, and gratitude; I will love and serve myself, my family, and my global community; I will spread love and unity with my gifts and talents and contribute to the betterment of the world.

• My daily purpose: To anchor myself in spiritual energy; to walk in faith, and see God in everyone. To do this I will connect to my higher power daily; I will strive to walk peacefully on the path of the unknown; In times of fear I will course correct and put my trust in God to guide me and protect me; I will remember who I am, who walks with me, and what I came here to do; I will connect with my Divine teachers and explore the adventures they offer to me; I will surround myself with people on a healing path; I will walk as my authentic self by loving and honoring my darkness and my light, knowing without one I cannot experience the other.

•My service purpose: To contribute to the betterment of the world by empowering women through music, humor, acceptance, movement, breath, drumming, community, art, and tools for self-healing; to continue to look for ways to share my wisdom and life experience; to collaborate and support like-minded groups; to remain open to being called in ways I don’t expect; to show up in integrity and humility and allow myself to be guided; to take action when I feel called to take the first step.

•My career or professional purpose: To explore my natural gifts and talents and look for ways to leverage them into a career or profession; to educate myself when needed; to find a path that makes me feel purposeful, useful, engaged, and in alignment with my natural self; to come rooted, self-assured, healed, resilient, grateful, and humble; to come in the spirit of service, joy, and humility.

Now all I needed to do was to align myself to my own sense of purpose… and that was easier said than done. It took me a minute to sort out the residual stories around service and money and being paid for spiritual offerings because I wanted to give it away, but I couldn’t pay my rent and a friend reminded me, that every business venture is technically a spiritual offering because a spiritual being created it (whether they know it or not). Somehow that made me look at it differently. Money will flow to anyone who feels worthy of it, so I continued to unpack my last few money blocks, and things began to align. Within a short time, SoulHub (community & learning tools) and OneTree (music) began gaining momentum.

By bringing my whole self to the birthing process, I finally co-created an organic platform that was far beyond any spreadsheet or PowerPoint infused with my original intention. The alignment was mystical, it came with pre-fabricated spaces linked to alignments and collaborations that were already being made years prior that fell into place because the authentic container to receive them was now in place. It was mystical and awe-inspiring as well as fraught with the normal challenges that come with growing an empowerment community and monetizing portions of it.

I first had to create the frequency of healing, love, acceptance, fun, music, sacred ceremony, joy, creativity, and financial flow, within my body and then it flowed into the outside world and became the reflection of my own truth. This venture is completely aligned with every sense of purpose I can imagine and the long labor was worth the beautiful baby of sacredness and alignment.

Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?
I have had 4 accidental businesses in my life, and strangely all of them created enough income to sustain me for over 15 years. I had an onsite organization company (OrgOne), a publishing company targeted at new tract homes (Homecoming), a project manager moving and interior design for large companies (Simple Solutions), and a graphic designer for women entrepreneurs (Inspired Medea). They were all Divine orchestrations because, I wasn’t trained for any of them, but somehow I knew how to do them.

My first intentional company was a non-profit, OneDrumm whom I partnered with a like-minded friend to bring healing to indigenous women scarred by the trauma of colonization in the US. After several years, my soul called me in a new direction inviting me to offer healing to all women and I launched SoulHub and OneTree. SoulHub focuses on empowerment for women through community events, drum and song circles, women’s fire circles, art therapy, healing and craft workshops, and online emotional empowerment classes. Our musical arm, OneTree, is a traveling women’s group from all cultures, backgrounds, ages, and religions bringing inspired music, medicine songs, and the power of ceremonial drums from around the world to events, festivals, gatherings, and spiritual groups across Southern California. People often tell us their bodies didn’t know what to do with their emotions once they feel the power of the drum in sync with our voices and the words of the songs. We come humble and grateful to serve in this way

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
Know what you believe and what you stand for. There is a saying that if you don’t know what you stand for you will fall for anything. Know what you believe because there are no gray areas in the truth. If something doesn’t align with your inner compass don’t do it, and if you’re up against pressure to do it anyway, then run. That is not the environment for you, I don’t care what it pays in money, the emotional price of regret is too high and it bleeds into all aspects of your life. The universe opens another door, I assure you. And if you feel called to stand for something you believe in, don’t be afraid to explore its potential. Begin to surround yourself with people who lift you up, support you, get you, and accept you, because while you find your footing you may need to call out for support. Many of my best ideas happened because life forced me to figure something out and to present what I believed in an approachable way, and they became the seeds of some of my best material. But the support of like-minded people helped me not to think I was crazy. My online program, my art, my oracle cards, and my music were all born from charting a course paved by what I believe. When I stopped trying to be like others and spoke my truth, I came to realize it was other people’s truth too. You’ve heard the saying; be yourself, because everybody else is taken.

Honor your creativity in your own way
Everyone is creative in their own way. Don’t buy into the common narrative of creativity looking a certain way and miss out on realizing that you are super creative. No matter the circumstance you have creative forces within you that will birth things you don’t realize can be done. Creation comes in an infinity of forms, and you have it in you, so cultivate it and use it. It’s what makes you unique.

Resilience and Determination
I remember driving down the freeway the day I had to leave my marriage with two small kids and find my own place. A miracle happened and I found the perfect place on the lake which I had prayed for and was heading over to sign the lease and they called saying there might be a problem with my application. After I hung up I began screaming at the top of my voice “I am not giving up” I won’t give up”. ” Never! Never! Never!” I just kept repeating it louder and louder. By the time I exited the freeway they called back to say, they worked it out and to come over. I can’t tell you how many times knowing where you are is the key to getting through something unexpected. I knew it was a test to see if I was ready to be on my own. Creator wanted to make sure I had the fight in me before he sent me out alone with two kids. I swallowed my story of fear got out my sword and screamed my intention. It’s going to be like that sometimes, what feels like a setback is actually mercy. Get comfortable with not resisting the medicine of what you prayed for, because what you resist could actually be the key to the main entrance. When you resist the medicine, stuff just doesn’t work out. Laziness and fear are the stealer of dreams.

Tell us what your ideal client would be like?
We love to collaborate with heart-centered groups that want a unifying and healing ceremonial drum experience as part of their program or event. Each drum seats 7-9 people, we come with drums from Africa, Samoa, Japan, Native American Plains, and more. Each drum holds a unique healing vibration that attracts those who need it to sit down. We currently work with festival or event coordinators or companies and communities actively creating spaces for connection, communication, and alignment. We offer a variety of customized programs providing immersive music experiences and restorative healing. Reach out for a demonstration, because until you experience it, you won’t fully understand its power.

We frequently work with the following communities: Yoga, sound healing, energy healing, art therapy, naturopaths, plant medicine ceremonies, natural foods, breathwork, indigenous ceremonies, and any group raising the frequency of love.

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Suggest a Story: BoldJourney is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.
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