Meet Hallie Rae Ward

We recently connected with Hallie Rae Ward and have shared our conversation below.

Hallie Rae, we’re thrilled to have you on our platform and we think there is so much folks can learn from you and your story. Something that matters deeply to us is living a life and leading a career filled with purpose and so let’s start by chatting about how you found your purpose.
I grew up in Austin, TX with my family whom I have been close with my entire life. My parents always encouraged me and my twin brother to pursue what we love and what makes us happy. My first love was sports, with a focus in volleyball, and with the help of my family, work ethic, and passion, I played school and club volleyball throughout my youth. At the same time I have always had an entrepreneurial and creative spark in me. These characteristics are inspired by my parents, my daddio, Dave, who is a business man, and my mama, Kem, who is an artist. Entrepreneurially, I had always loved the surf and skate realm and thought perhaps I would own my own surf shop some day. Then creatively, I loved making cards for people with bubble letters of their names and doodles of repetition and patterns. I also always enjoyed vibing to music and experiencing visual art.

When I went to college, my main goals were to play volleyball competitively at a high level and then major in Business Management. At my college, they required you to take an art class and therefore I took drawing. After taking that class, I realized that my true love was visual art. I switched my major to Visual Arts and a minor in Business Management and continued to play on the volleyball team. Throughout my college years, I took a variety of art classes to figure out what mediums spoke to me. During the sophomore art show, one female artist was selected to be granted a scholarship and I was chosen. One of my professors who is a master painter, also created work in different mediums depending on the concept. He inspired me to explore what materials I use for what I am trying to convey. During my senior year, I had a solo exhibition for my senior thesis. This was the first time that I created a professional body of work and fully developed what my work was about. Having this opportunity to create a big body of work shifted my energy and confidence to believing I have what it takes and this is what I truly love to share with the world.

After college, I went to Europe through a U.S.A. agency to try to get picked up by a European volleyball team. There were no teams that needed my position, libero (defensive specialist), so I was able to do some traveling. After I got back to the states, I pursued my art while having other jobs which included being a Business Director for a sand volleyball club. Since 2012, I have been pursuing my art at the fullest capacity that I can and for the past seven and a half years, I have been the Art Business Director at Art for the People Gallery.

Throughout my journey, I have lived life passionately pursuing what I love. The thing about life is that you never know until you try and the answer is always no unless you ask. So give it your all because passion, a good work ethic, consistency, and intentional decisions can lead you to love your life’s journey.

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?
I am a visual art artist who creates PURE ART and has a design line called HRW Designs. For my PURE ART, I love to use fibers, LEDs, paint, poetry, and a variety of mediums to create my work. When someone enters a space with my artwork, they enter a Positively Poppin’ world. No matter the age, everyone starts to smile, connect with the work and what it is about, and engage with the energy being contributed.

My artwork is full of energy and is inspired by the human connection and nature. I am inspired by all types of relationships; relationships with oneself, relationships with others, and relationships with nature. My artwork celebrates life through the repetition of patterns and simple forms. Repeating patterns and shapes is a kind of meditation for me. Life itself is generated by repetition; the repetition of DNA, cells, and other structural elements acts as a building process for nature. Through colors, simple forms, and repetition, my art and I take life one step at a time, in jubilation!

HRW Designs is derived from my PURE ART. It’s a way for people to enjoy Positively Poppin’ energy in the form of apparel, pillows, lighting, cards, and prints. When you incorporate HRW Designs into your life, the vibe you will embrace is that you will opt for optimism, circulate in creativity, play with positivity, examine with energy, and go and glow. Who and what you surround yourself with is important, therefore be intentional and have fun with it!

I am continuously spending time on ways for my artwork and career to evolve. Keep an eye out for new works and opportunities I’m pursuing to develop!

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
Here are three things that have hugely contributed to my life’s journey so far. First, being passionate and driven in everything that I do. I always want to do the best that I possibly can. Second, staying consistent with my work ethic and taking intentional steps to move forward have gotten me to my targets and have opened new doors. Third, knowing that there are infinite possibilities and to utilize resources; asking people questions, looking online, and going to different events and places.

In terms of advice to give, I’d say ask yourself a lot of questions out loud, try new things, and figure out what you are passionate about. Also, figure out a system and schedule that will help you stay focused and on top of your targets. Creating a network of people you can ask questions, cheer you on, be honest with, and receive advice from is a huge help and contributes to your foundation. Sometimes life can be overwhelming, so find ways to keep your peace and take one step at a time.

Also… where there’s a will, there’s a way! You got this!

Any advice for folks feeling overwhelmed?
It is a part of life to feel a bit overwhelmed at times. Especially when you are creating your career as an artist. The key is to take breaks when needed so that you can thrive through the wonderful and rewarding marathon of life and being an artist. It is important to take time to rest and recharge. Sometimes that rest looks like sleeping and sometimes it means laying down. Recharging can also look like taking time to hang out with friends or do one of your favorite hobbies. Exercise has been an important way for me to take a break and to focus on my mind and body connection while being healthy and strong. I’ve worked on creating a morning routine which has made me feel good and have a great start to my day. Also, practicing gratitude for all aspects of life, everything from the basics of living and being alive to being able to create art. I utilize some journals from Habit Nest and Passion Planner that have helped me stay focused, motivated, grounded, and to embody gratitude through my journey. Take time for yourself and be at peace with the pace.

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Image Credits:

Hallie Rae Ward

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