Meet Hannah Musser

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Hannah Musser. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Hannah, we are so happy that our community is going to have a chance to learn more about you, your story and hopefully even take in some of the lessons you’ve learned along the way. Let’s start with self-care – what do you do for self-care and has it had any impact on your effectiveness?
I think that self-care comes in all different forms for everyone, and I think that’s what is great about it! For me, something as simple as spending time outside can be self-care, like going on a walk, gardening, camping, or fishing! Being outside in the sun or in the woods makes me happy.

Being a small business owner it can sometimes feel difficult or overwhelming to step away from work on your designated “day off” to just relax and not put allll your focus on work. My mentor, Shannon Clark, has always encouraged that self-care and designated time off work is 100% necessary to be the best version of yourself behind the chair and in everyday life! I believe that since I started implementing small acts of self-care into my routine, my effectiveness at work and all-around mood have improved greatly!

One of my favorite parts about being a Hairstylist is being a part of my guest’s self-care journey and giving them a salon experience that they leave feeling better than they came in!

Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?
I have just passed the two-year mark of being a licensed stylist, and one year of being a booth renter stylist full-time. After going to the Upper Valley Career Center during my Junior and Senior years for Cosmetology, I found myself at Color Vibe Salon in Troy Ohio! I started there job shadowing my Junior year with a stylist and then once licensed, I moved on to being an assistant with Shannon, the Salon owner. While being an assistant I learned the importance and value of not only doing great hair but also giving that great customer experience as well.

Running my own business now for over a year has taught me more than I ever could have imagined it would! I have been diagnosed with ADHD since about 2019, and to say that has made this career harder would be an understatement! It took me a lot longer to grasp most things, have good conversations, and more, but truly, I wouldn’t change it! Although there will always be bad days and harder days I think it makes me value this whole career a lot more knowing how far I have come!

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
Being a KIND person! I think having a kind heart and being true to who I am is an important piece of who I am right now. I have always tried to stay on my path and do what I think is right, I never have wanted to have to fit into what you “should be” or be what is considered “cool”. I think being yourself and doing what makes you happy is way cooler!!

Saying YES to opportunities given to you! I do believe that in order to climb up your ladder saying “yes” to the opportunity given to you is a huge part of doing that! Even when I feel scared or nervous to do it, that is always where I see the most growth in myself!

Give yourself a break sometimes! I have a hard time with this myself, but sometimes I can be so hard on myself and I forget that I’m human too and it’s okay to have bad days, as long as you know how to get back up from them that’s all that matters!

What has been your biggest area of growth or improvement in the past 12 months?
I think my biggest area of growth has been in myself. Learning all of the things that go into the hair business from Shannon has made me grow as a person and learn so many new things that I have become much more independent and knowledgeable about so many different things in all different areas of my life! It makes me feel good that I can call the business my own and have something that I can be so proud of!

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Image Credits
Brooke Francis Photography

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