Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Hunter Logan. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Hi Hunter, appreciate you sitting with us today. Maybe we can start with a topic that we care deeply about because it’s something we’ve found really sets folks apart and can make all the difference in whether someone reaches their goals. Self discipline seems to have an outsized impact on how someone’s life plays out and so we’d love to hear about how you developed yours?
I would have to say that my self discipline came early in life. Being an only child, I did a lot of things for myself growing up. My mom worked a full time job and my dad was self employed for most of my childhood. Other than being in the military, I have never been able to work for anyone more than two years at a time. The first time I worked for myself was to play music full time. I started playing in different clubs and venues around New Orleans. I had four house shows at four different clubs. I was actually playing nine times a week. I would faithfully get up at 8:00 am every morning and learn new songs so I would have new material for the shows. I started venturing out from the New Orleans area and playing out more and that led to Branson Mo. which led to Nashville Tn. which led to me working at the Nashville Palace when I got a call to go to work as an entertainer for Carnival Cruise Lines. Seven days a week Kingston Jamaica to Grand Cayman Islands to Cozumel Mexico. Even though I was on the ship, I would still get up at 8:00 am learn new songs that way I could always have new material.
I didn’t renew my contract with Carnival as I came home so my wife could finish college and I would be Mr. Mom and go to work for a local radio station by accident almost. I didn’t know any thing about radio, but again, it only lasted about two years, as I can not work for anyone. Praise the Lord for my wife and her foresight and understanding. She said well you might as well work for yourself since you can’t work for anyone else. And we embarked on a Christian Country Internet radio station which I am happy to say is still going strong and in its 12th year.
Again, up at 5:00 am every morning to get ready for a live morning show Monday through Friday. So, self discipline from an early age was learned and is still practiced today.
Thanks for sharing that. So, before we get any further into our conversation, can you tell our readers a bit about yourself and what you’re working on?
My story is really pretty simple I think. I grew up in a small town and in church. After graduating high school, I joined the Air Force, got married, traveled the world, had kids. I got out of the Air Force right after Desert Storm and settled down in New Orleans for a bit. That’s when I decided to do music full time. This would lead me to working at the Nashville Palace in Nashville Tn. then on to Carnival Cruse Lines for a stint of Seven Day cruises going to Kingston Jamaica, Grand Cayman Islands and Cozumel Mexico. As I finished up my contract with Carnival, it would be the time that I would dedicate my life back to Christ. I came back home to the same very small town I left and started going back to church and actually got into radio not expecting to. I went to visit a local radio station that had been playing my music. Upon visiting with the owner, he asked me if I would be interested in doing a Saturday afternoon show. I said I don’t have any radio experience what so ever and he said that wouldn’t be a problem, he could show me what I needed to know. Little did I know at that moment, that I would be starting a journey that the Lord had already prepared for me.
I didn’t stay but a few months at that station, things just wasn’t working out between me and the owner. There was another station in town that I stopped in to visit with and this was where I would really get the training for radio that I would use and still use now. In the next two years to follow, I was being groomed by a gentleman who had the number 1 morning show in Myrtle Beach South Carolina for 5 years running. The training would be what would propel me to start what would be HLE Radio today with three more radio stations being built on it’s frame work.
The number one priority for me is souls. I always say whether I am doing the live morning show, or I am performing live with my songs or even preaching at a venue. The goal is souls. The goal is always souls. Reaching the lost is the number one goal. Telling the people the good news is what we are about.
I am really excited that we are starting to put on events again. This is really exciting for us. 2020 and the pandemic pretty much shut us down as it did most folks. This September we have an event called HLE Homecoming where we will have around 20 artists performing over 3 days. Street vendors complete with craft booths and food booths, A beauty pageant and Sounds of Small Town America will be down filming for a new TV show. Twenty contestants will be competing for a chance to go to Nashville Tn. and perform on the Grand Ole Opry at the Inspirational Country Music Awards to sing an original song written for them by A list Nashville songwriters and produced by Nashville producers.
If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
The Three most important qualities? That really is a good question. And I would have to think on this one. 1. Most important quality is your word. If you give your word to someone you have to keep it.
2. I believe your character is next. Honor what you say you will do. If you are going to be somewhere, if you are going to call someone, do it! If you don’t have time to talk or meet at least call at the time or before the time and let them know or even let them know you changed your mind. That is a lot better than not saying anything.
3. Be attentive and listen. Don’t always be the first to speak. A lot of times you can learn more by listening and contribute more by saying less.
1 and 2 I have pretty much practiced all the time but over the course of the last few years I have really started practicing number 3. It has really made a difference. I wish I would have done more of that early on. I am not sure if that works for everyone, but I know it sure helped me.
Alright, so before we go we want to ask you to take a moment to reflect and share what you think you would do if you somehow knew you only had a decade of life left?
The challenge we are facing and have been facing since the beginning is funding and marketing. We carry a 501c3 status but we have not had anyone to help us with marketing or how to secure funding. Some programs that we thought were available ended up not being available simply because we had a religious tag to us even though we are not affiliated with any religion or church. One of the things I find frustrating for me is having the tools and not knowing what to do with them or how to use them. We have been keeping analytics since 2013. For example we are heard now in 191 of the 195 known countries in the world. I can tell you which countries listen to us the most, I can tell you which state, which cities in that state listen the most. I can give you the demographics of our listeners, I can give you the break down of how they find us whether direct, organic, social etc. We even have a pretty good twitter following over 61k now. But having all this useful information and not knowing what to do with it, well there lies the frustration. But each month, the doors still remain open, and God sees fit for us to continue on. So no matter how frustrated I may get at times, I just realize that his timing is not my timing and God does things the way he sees fit, not the way I do and after all he is my provider! I will say this, I am so THANKFUL to GOD for granting me the opportunity to do this everyday. It is never a chore to come to work. I LOVE WHAT I DO and you know what else? I love Jesus and he loves you too!!
Contact Info:
- Website:
- Instagram: hunterlogan3
- Facebook: Hunter Logan
- Linkedin: Hunter Logan
- Twitter: @hleradio
- Youtube: @hunterlogan6400
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