Meet Isaiah Frizzelle

We were lucky to catch up with Isaiah Frizzelle recently and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Isaiah, so excited to talk about all sorts of important topics with you today. The first one we want to jump into is about being the only one in the room – for some that’s being the only person of color or the only non-native English speaker or the only non-MBA, etc Can you talk to us about how you have managed to be successful even when you were the only one in the room that looked like you?

Just envision walking into a room (the world) and knowing that wherever you go, there you are; you exist, and you literally take up that space. Your shoes… Just think about that.

How I look, along with what I’ve created, accomplished, or produced, appears as unconventional or “out of the norm” for many, and the goal isn’t to convince them to like me or be what they want/desire me to be; it’s to reaffirm myself.

Understanding that there is only one of me – because two of me just sounds like chaos – I recognize how necessary that is to process and value that person: myself. There have been many times I’ve been compared to other people or asked who I want to be like when I grow up, and as I’ve grown, understood, and embraced myself, I have been eager to be more of Isaiah. That dude is always up to something!

I feel that before you seek to be another person, being your own person matters: See them first and always. Be your biggest supporter, be sincere, be real with yourself, and recognize how much dopeness you haven’t even discovered yet. That allows a level of reassurance that you take in – or out of any room. My trajectory, for many reasons, has never been about being better than someone else, since I don’t necessarily know what it took for them to be who or where they are at all. I do know my story, and I refuse to abandon him because being someone else seems more enticing at that moment.

A successful acceptance of self encourages you to be more curious and appreciative of your individuality, and in turn, allows you to define what success means.

Self-acceptance, self-recognition, self-appreciation… go a long way.”

These changes should improve the overall clarity and readability of the response.

Thanks for sharing that. So, before we get any further into our conversation, can you tell our readers a bit about yourself and what you’re working on?

“Life is a recipe, and I’m always cooking! I just finished writing and illustrating my second book. I’m still trying to process that; I wrote not one, but two books! And what’s great is they’re very different genres but very much on brand with who I am. What I love most about life is my ability to be versatile and dynamic, and how that has allowed me to be very effective as a Mental Health coach, Podcaster, Actor, and human. I’m an Artist, and life is the canvas!

You are not your experiences, but you can definitely use them to the best of your ability.

In my work and helping others to do the “work,” I find it necessary to have an awareness and experiences of your own outside of a piece of script or text. Knowing yourself and honestly working on yourself allows comprehension, encourages trust, and enables community. I

Being multifaceted cultivates a colorful life. Life has genuinely been interesting, and I love that I’m responsible for that.”

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

“Curiosity! Curiosity is huge! The more healthy curiosity you have, the more you see your adversity as opportunities and life itself as a generous giver. I’ve always loved to learn, especially in regards to human behavior.

Learning the true concept of self-love – It’s not just about the “good” moments or pampering yourself; it also consists of the “hard” stuff: hard conversations, hard decisions, a good look in the mirror without looking away or slapping on a filter. And firm boundaries – not just when it comes to others but yourself too. It’s also ‘heart work.’

Community – You can learn so much from and about the company you keep. My tribe is full of teachers. We are all learning from one another. I learn a ton from my relationships, and I value that immensely because my growth is always a constant. You want to surround yourself with people who value the importance of growth, safety, support, and sincerity.”

What would you advise – going all in on your strengths or investing on areas where you aren’t as strong to be more well-rounded?

“My sister calls me ‘Jack-Jack’ if that tells you anything.

I’m a real ‘jack of all trades,’ and the only thing that bothers me about it is that sometimes they all demand my attention at once. Diversity as a person and in practice has allowed for some rewarding discoveries.

I feel too often we are told we have to ‘choose’ a thing and stick to it if we ever want to be successful, or if we do exist in one particular profession, we’re not allowed to speak to other concepts. The funny thing about being an actor is that there is this connotation that you have a limited wealth of knowledge and existence, and you’re just here to smile and dance—I’m not sure where it came from. I’ve auditioned for a doctor, cop, painter, taxi driver, and they all required me to have the skill of being well-rounded, aware, and embody the experience. My academic degrees are in psychology and communications. Those two have literally been applied to every aspect of my life. It’s LIFE!

Five years ago, the idea of being a published writer,  seeing my book on a shelf in Barnes & Noble, and having in-person signings never crossed my mind. Having a podcast currently ranking globally in personal development with its own merch line wasn’t on the list. Becoming a viral content creator and cultivating a community for personal development and mental health wasn’t up there either! And now being featured in magazines… What?!!!

You’re not a piece of paper, but you are a canvas that you have the opportunity to paint and create something awesome. Use all the tools and colors you have at your disposal. I literally started singing ‘Colors of the Wind’ in my head just now—don’t judge me.

Be all that you are. Go ALL IN and KEEP GOING!  You’re going to grow regardless because a “weakness” is just a strength that’s working through stage fright.

 Whose success are you trying to achieve?”

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Image Credits
Barnes and Noble – Studio city

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