Meet Jackie Smook

We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Jackie Smook a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Jackie, first a big thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and insights with us today. I’m sure many of our readers will benefit from your wisdom, and one of the areas where we think your insight might be most helpful is related to imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome is holding so many people back from reaching their true and highest potential and so we’d love to hear about your journey and how you overcame imposter syndrome.

I started to believe I was what I really wanted to be. I was in voice lessons starting at the age of 5. I was in acting classes, dance classes – though I still can’t really dance – have a degree in musical theater and acting and still couldn’t bare to call myself an actor, puppeteer, you name it. I couldn’t. Even though I had put in this time. I then decided one day to call myself the things I wanted to be. It’s like manifesting. A hopeful little fib. I started opening my “what do you do?” reply with “I’m an actor.” I then started telling myself I was. And I started my career. I was booking commercials all through pandemic and after. I then started writing more. Oh doodles, don’t get me started on my journey of writing. I have dyslexia, where words and letters jumble and I have trouble reading without having to go back multiple times to understand what I’m reading. Anyways, I had a teacher tell me I’d never be a writer and that was okay. I also thought Id never be a writer – or puppet builder for that matter. I then wrote my one woman show in College. I performed it on and off broadway and won awards. Was I now a writer? I started adding that behind actor. “Im an actor and writer.” Oodle doodle geez thats gross. Am I really? I then wrote a screenplay and then got into a film festival and was nominated for my writing. I can’t be a writer. I told people I was and am. I now believe it and walk around like I am and wow it feels good. Telling myself I was even though I didn’t believe it made it easier to manifest the things I really want and wanted in life. So, long story short, I just told myself little fibs until they came true.

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?

Hey hello! My name is Jackie Smook and I am a designer. writer, creator, Director, actor and puppet maker. I have my own company called Jackie Smook Company LLC and work in the united states as an actor and singer, puppet builder, set and film/television designer, and writer/director. I have worked as a lead actor in multiple national commercials, was a contestant on American Idol featuring my puppets, performed on and off broadway with my puppets and guest starred on multiple TV shows. I have also built puppets and costumes for big brands and big budget feature films. And I just filmed and created a new TV show concept pilot called Dillys World. Here, I’ll read this – “Dilly’s World: A new show that follows fun-willed, wacky friend Dilly and her gaggle of colorful not so ordinary friends as they take on and learn from the unexpected twists and turns of day-to-day life. Dilly welcomes the audience, kiddos and parents alike, to her magical world— vibrant and musical, where TVs and clocks talk and her friendly neighbors make their appearance. We also explore her wonderful and whimsical town, full of the most interesting people and talking sidewalks alike! A female-forward, fresh take on family and stoner television, Dilly’s World uses goofy gags, physical humor, and catchy songs to usher social-emotional topics, and important life lessons in a digestible and wildly fun manner. The show plays with various visual mediums to make Dilly’s world tactile, unique, and engaging! Inspired by mixed-media 80s children’s television, Dilly’s World experiments with various practical effects, highlighting live puppetry, 2D and 3D animation, and stop motion techniques.” You all should look into it. Its so cool and i am extremely proud of the team of people I was able to work with and to see all there greatness on screen. We also so badly want to finish the season, so, if you can donate, send to your cousin who knows people, that would be amazing!

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?

Kindness, genuine connection making, and listening. Everywhere I have gotten and the opportunities I have had the privilege of working on have to do with the people I have curated genuine relationships with – and no one wants to work with a doodle head. Truly, I really always hope no one thinks I’m a total doodle head or come off that way. A recommendation gets you so far! A first impression is important. Knowing people’s names is important. – And I am someone who is bad with names. I heard this amazing advise – which is to know people’s names. Deeper than this, you want to listen to their names and listen to who they are and remember. I love when people remember me. The least I can do is remember you. Also, work hard and don’t listen to your negative thoughts or others negativity. Keep on ding dong doodling!

If you knew you only had a decade of life left, how would you spend that decade?

Currently I am working as an actor, puppet builder, teaching workshops, and trying to sell a show. I have written shows, scripts, plays – you name it. I now have made this magical wonderful thing called Dilly’s World with the most magical team, working with over 30 people to create a female forward, artistic and queer show for a spread of ages. The best part is that we have gotten so much traction and are building so much excitement around it – and I am equally excited! Now how do I get it in front of the right eyes, the right people? I am looking forward to the day when people know Dilly, and kids want to learn more about her wacky world full of the animations, the not-so-ordinary friends and of course her world! I believe deeply this project can make so many people happy and that makes me so happy. This challenge to make people aware of the show and to pick up the show is a challenge I am willing to conquer. I just want to make the season. I want people in Chicago to have work doing something like this. A huge goal is to also hire woman, non-binary, and trans film makers to be apart of the whim.

Contact Info:

Image Credits

ELAINE MILLER – Studio photos
American Idol release photos
Dilly’s World Pilot Screenshots

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