Meet Jacob Barrett

We recently connected with Jacob Barrett and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Jacob, appreciate you sitting with us today to share your wisdom with our readers. So, let’s start with resilience – where do you get your resilience from?
My resilience comes from dealing with a lot of challenges while growing up. My family was broken, going through tough times, and we didn’t have much money to spare. It seemed like the fighting would never end, lots of broken windows and a few broken bones.

Music entered my life like a breath of fresh air during those tough days. It was a way for me to escape from the struggles and let out my feelings. Instead of giving up, I decided to put all my energy into something positive – practice. I worked hard, spending hours learning new things and practicing different instruments. Every small improvement felt like a step forward, not just in music, but also in life.

Through my dedication and the belief that hard work pays off, I slowly started making progress. Even when life is hard, you can still achieve your dreams with a strong work ethic. My resilience comes from a mix of putting in the effort and using music as a tool to face challenges head-on. It’s a reminder that no matter where you come from, hard work can make a big difference in your journey.

Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?
I’m a multi-instrumentalist who enjoys writing and performing original music. You can catch me playing gigs around town, where I switch between instruments to create a dynamic live experience.

I love being soulful and finding the passion in the world around me. I love making music that tells a story and conveys emotions in my heart.

I’ll be playing the State Room September 23 with Dolï, a soul funkin punk band. Check out our latest single on all streaming platforms. As for my personal projects, I have a new single releasing Oct 10. Make sure to check it out an all platforms. Caravan – Jacob Barrett

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
Patience, passion, and persistence.

Embrace the process: Understand that meaningful progress takes time. Instead of focusing solely on the end result, appreciate the small steps and milestones along the way.

Set meaningful goals: Align your goals with your passions. When you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve, your passion will drive you to work hard and overcome obstacles.

Embrace challenges: Don’t shy away from difficult tasks or setbacks. Embrace challenges as opportunities to develop your skills and resilience.

Prioritize well-being: Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional health. Burnout can dampen your passion and hinder your ability to persist. Make time for rest, relaxation, and activities that rejuvenate you.

Don’t forget to celebrate your successes and acknowledge your failures.

We’ve all got limited resources, time, energy, focus etc – so if you had to choose between going all in on your strengths or working on areas where you aren’t as strong, what would you choose?
Invest effort into your weaknesses. Jack of all trades > Master of one.

A master of one can lead to expertise and recognition in a particular field, but a jack of all trades can open up new opportunities and provide flexibility in a rapidly changing world.

I’m not a drummer, but I took the time to hone my rhythm. I joined a jazz band at the age of 23. A bit rough for a non drummer, but I practiced and practiced, and because of that I’ve been able to sit in on so many paid gigs around town. It’s helped me with music as a whole. I’ve focused my whole life on string and brass instruments, but taking the time to hone a weakness has not only gotten me more gigs, but has also bolstered my strengths.

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Image Credits
Lauren Cohen

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