We caught up with the brilliant and insightful JD Walker a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Alright, so we’re so thrilled to have JD with us today – welcome and maybe we can jump right into it with a question about one of your qualities that we most admire. How did you develop your work ethic? Where do you think you get it from?
I get my work ethic from my parents. Both of them taught us about hard work. My Mom was a nurse and cared for the elderly. My Dad was in the USAF and a Vietnam Vet. He was an airline Mechanic for TWA and American Airlines. He could fix just about anything so he learned my brothers and I how to work on our vehicles.
Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?
My young adult life I was faced with tragedy, trauma and turmoil. I seen my best friend shot and killed while I was in the truck with him. Lost my wife to Cancer then dealt with losing my older brother to suicide and the after effects from that. I still loved God, I was just very mad at him so I spent many years running away from the Gospel and what he truly wanted me to be doing. I had little success in Country Music but Christian Music is where he called me to share my testimony and what all he has done for me.
There is a lot of people with great testimonies. However I don’t know anyone in this genre who has been through what I have. I am focused on sharing my testimony along with my music in hopes that it touches people enough to know that if they have strayed away from Jesus or have never known him then he is there and all they have to do is repent, get born again and live their life with him. The blessings he will bestow upon someone who follows his path are unmeasurable.
I am excited about this new album Deeper Than Blood. It’s only available on iTunes under JD Walker Music and my website jdwalkermusic.com. A portion of the proceeds from my album sales on iTunes and my website is going to the Global Vision Adoption Foundation. Being widowed at a young age, I never had the chance to have kids so this is a cause that’s very near and dear to my heart. So I hope you will join with me to help some married couples adopt a child.
I am excited to share my testimony with the world and meeting people on my upcoming tour. They will encounter an up close and personal experience during a live performance that is Boldly unique to my faith.
I am launching a Bold For Jesus Podcast. There will be topics and people can call in to ask questions. I do have merchandise for the Podcast available on my website, one of my favorites that I cam up with is. The Light Will Always Expose The Dark, I’m Just Flipping On The Switch.
There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
My relationship with Jesus. No way am I perfect, we are all sinners but the beauty of God’s grace and him sending his son to die on the cross proves that God has done everything to keep us from going to hell.
My resilience. I just didn’t know how to quit even though I felt like I wanted to.
Read your Bible and get into a Bible Based Church. I read a study that was done that reading your Bible significantly decreased your desires of the flesh. It is the living word of God and it does not change. It is the same today, yesterday and forever. People need to know that no matter the sins they committed. Jesus loves them and wants a relationship with them but they must repent, get born again and turn away from the sinful wicked lifestyle.
To close, maybe we can chat about your parents and what they did that was particularly impactful for you?
Be there for me in my trials and struggles even though they didn’t know how to help with what I was dealing with. I know their prayers kept me safe while I was running away from God and living like Hell.
Contact Info:
- Website: jdwalkermusic.com
- Instagram: @jdwalkermusic
- Facebook: @jdwalkermusic
- Linkedin: @jdwalkermusic
- Twitter: @jdwalkermusic
- Youtube: @jdwalkermusic
- SoundCloud: @jdwalkermusic
- Other: TikTok @jdwalkermusic
Image Credits
Photography; Liz Cruse