We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Jean Prominski a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Alright, so we’re so thrilled to have Jean with us today – welcome and maybe we can jump right into it with a question about one of your qualities that we most admire. How did you develop your work ethic? Where do you think you get it from?
Horses- I grew up around horses and from a young age have always been very inspired to work hard and to learn from my mistakes. Not only did I have a lot of inspirational horse people around me, but the horses themselves inspired me to work hard.
Glassblowing- I learned to blow glass in college, and then worked as a production glassblower for many years. This type of work reminded me a lot of my time with horses. It’s a lot of rugged, physical labor, combined with an attention to detail and fine craftsmanship. Glassblowing involves a lot of teamwork, and I always wanted to make sure that I was putting in my share to make sure that the team could run smoothly.
Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?
I work with clients in-person and virtually to help them organize their belongings so that they can live the life they want to be living. We often spend the majority of time “going through stuff” and decluttering. After that, we can find homes for the things they want to keep. I help my clients create systems so that it’s easier to put things where they belong and stay organized. The majority of my clients have ADHD, as do I. In addition to hands on and virtual organizing, I also offer hypnosis for ADHD related issues such as clutter and organization. I help clients in Seattle, WA and am expanding my service area to Carlsbad, New Mexico in the summer of 2024.
My artwork is infused with Reiki energy and is designed to create clutter clearing vibes and promote organization.
There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
Tenacity- I have a Jack Russell Terrier, and feel like we both share a lot of similar qualities! I don’t give up easily.
Curiosity- I ask a lot of questions and my brain works well with divergent thinking. I’m able to link a lot of seemingly unrelated thoughts together, which helps me think outside the box.
Beginners Mind- Even though I have a lot of experience with a variety of things, I always love to learn new things. I am able to believe two opposing thoughts at the same time, which is a universal neutralizer. This removes the idea that something is either “right” or “wrong”, “good” or “bad”.
Advice for folks early in their journey- find a really good teacher/mentor (or several) and meet with them on a regular basis. Find someone who helps you see the bigger picture, and doesn’t let you get caught up with egoic thinking.
Who has been most helpful in helping you overcome challenges or build and develop the essential skills, qualities or knowledge you needed to be successful?
One of my most impactful teachers is Herrieta Obriko: https://seattlerapidtransformation.com/ She is incredibly gifted at calling me out when I am letting my ego have too much power over my thoughts. This is the voice in your head that says “you’re not good enough”, or “you can’t do that”. Herrieta is like my fairy godmother. She is wise beyond words, and says what she means. She is a gift.
Michelle Woodward : https://www.michelleraewoodward.com/ Is someone who I’ve worked with for almost a decade. Michelle has helped me and several of my friends reframe thinking and pave the way so great things can happen in our lives. Michelle demonstrates empathy far better than anyone I’ve ever talked to. She has helped me feel heard at times when no one else could. She has helped me process the grief many complex issues including the passing of my father. Michelle has been hugely instrumental in helping me get my business off the ground in an ADHD friendly way. She has been uniquely helpful with teaching me unconventional productivity habits. She is incredible!
Daisy Thompson: https://www.northwesthealingstudio.com/ is someone who I credit a lot of my success to. I have also worked with her for almost a decade. I studied with her for three years of her advanced energy healing training, as well as all levels of Reiki. She is THE most profound teacher I’ve ever had. One of my favorite things about her is her willingness to speak with assertiveness and certainty. She’s got great boundaries, is consistent, and she’s able to articulate nuances about some of the most complex issues. I admire her greatly.
There are a handful of other teachers who have been helpful beyond words for me, but the three I mentioned above are the ones who I’ve worked most extensively with.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://seattlesparkle.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seattlesparkle/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/seattlesparkle/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jean-prominski-cpo-cvpo-051ba749/?locale=pl_PL&trk=people-guest_people_search-card
Image Credits
(the professional photo of me was taken by Shannon Garbaccio)