We recently connected with Jeffrey Segal and have shared our conversation below.
Jeffrey, so good to have you with us today. We’ve always been impressed with folks who have a very clear sense of purpose and so maybe we can jump right in and talk about how you found your purpose?
I got sick. Cancer. I had been a lawyer for over 20 years and I hated it. I hated it so much, I made myself get sick. I would think, “I gotta get outta hear, No matter what, I need to make a change”. But i couldn’t, the “golden handcuffs” of the money and security my lawyer job gave were too tight, too strong. But my subconscious took my thought “no matter what” and manifested it by me giving myself cancer. The cancer is gone now, and has been for over 15 years, But in looking back, I did this, I made myself sick, so I could finally get the kick in the rear to finally take the leap, leave law, and find my purpose in life.
And I did, I took the leap. I took a sabbatical from being a lawyer, dug deep, and searched for the answer to the question so many of us ask ourselves during our lifetime, “If I could do anything, be anything I wanted, what would it be?”. I asked myself, “What are my passions? What am I most passionate about in my life?” My answer was “my spiritual path.”
I took this answer and decided to open Mystic Journey Bookstore.
The bookstore opened in 2008, and since then i have been able to say, “I love what I do”. I found my purpose, to serve other by providing them any of the tools they need to continue their journey on their own spiritual path.
Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?
As the owner of Mystic Journey Bookstore and Mystic Journey Crystals, I get to meet so many wonderful people who come into our stores. In the bookstore, I get to assist those who come in to find just the tool they need, whether it be a book, a tarot deck, a sound instrument or a crystal, to take the next step on their spiritual, their mystic journey.
In our crystal gallery, I get to talk to our customers about the amazing crystals we have, ranging in size from a few inches tall to many feet tall, and weighing from a few grams to many hundreds of pounds. Beyond this, I get to travel the world, South America, Africa and more, to select these crystals! I go to the mines and workshops where the crystals and geodes are found and made ready for the public to see. I have been able to learn the whole process of how the pieces we offer come out of the earth and are worked on so that we can present the only highest quality crystals and geodes to our customers. I personally select every crystal we offer in both our gallery and out bookstore. This way our customers know that any piece they purchase from us comes directly from the source to them, with only Mystic Journey in between.
I even get to search for pieces of a specific type, height and shape, when i have clients come and ask me to find just the crystal they want. It’s all so much fun! And i get to work with so many amazing, wonderful “crystals people” around the world, who i can now genuinely call my friends. It’s all so great!
Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
I still remember a portion of my commencement from law school, when the speaker, a judge said the following:
Do you best to follow these three practices as you move forward in life, they will protect and serve you well:
1. Return all messages. (The senior partner in my old law firm added to this by saying do this within 24 hours if at all possible, and always within 48 hours.)
2. Don’t take shortcuts. (I would add to this that nothing replaces dedication and hard work. And if you love what you do, it’s not really work at all, and what you do doesn’t feel “hard”.)
3. Be home for dinner every night. (Nothing can replace the love of family and partnerships, and without sharing your life with those you love, it is far less meaningful.)
Alright so to wrap up, who deserves credit for helping you overcome challenges or build some of the essential skills you’ve needed?
My answer to this question is not a person, but an organization. It is a worldwide spiritual organization whose contact information I was given during law school. I didn’t contact the organization until I failed the CA bar exam. I felt I needed some extra help, some extra guidance, to overcome this hurdle.
Contacting this organization, was the best and really the most important choice and action I have ever taken in my life. Through them, I was given wisdom, and the instruction on how to use that wisdom, to create anything and everything I have wanted in my life. This now includes having my dream job, the one that fulfills the purpose in my life, my dream home, a beachfront condo, an amazing, successful and independent daughter, and a wonderful relationship that now 15 years in the making.
The organization is called Builders of the Adytum, and it can be found online at BOTA.org.
Contact Info:
- Website: info@mysticjourneyla.com
- Instagram: @mysticjourneyla
- Facebook: @mysticjourneyla
so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.