Meet Juliet Callahan

We were lucky to catch up with Juliet Callahan recently and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Juliet, appreciate you sitting with us today to share your wisdom with our readers. So, let’s start with resilience – where do you get your resilience from?
My resilience is rooted from my strong will to find my purpose and connect with myself spiritually. Resilience has been a major part of my spiritual journey and musical journey. They are both connected for me because composing music has helped me discover new parts of myself and has been an outlet for me to express/evoke emotion. I believe resilience is crucial for personal growth as it teaches you strength and patience. It helps you to withstand negativity and self doubt. It teaches you to recover quickly from tough situations. When I hear resilience I think about how I’d always dreamt of being a musician and how my resilience guided me to where I am now. It can be a hard decision to decide to pursue the arts as a career path as there is a stereotype that it is an unstable lifestyle or a “risk.” Resilience connects you with your intuition and with your true self. It helps you make decisions that to others might seem like “out of the box” thinking.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?
I am a NYC based 22 year old independent singer/songwriter, producer, audio engineer, and DJ. At the beginning of my journey as a musician 3 years ago I started out solely as a singer/songwriter but part of my dream was to make it as a producer as well. I worked really hard while attending audio engineering and production schools in LA to get to where I am. I spend most of my time honing my skills at my home studio, writing, making beats or collaborating with other artists. I have released 5 singles half of which were written, recorded, and mixed by me and the other half I wrote and co-produced. It is important to me to be multifaceted as a musician and in the business of music. I handle all my own digital marketing, single cover art, and PR. I record all my music at my home studio and am proud to share it.  My goal is to tour internationally as a singer, producer/DJ and make an impact on my listeners by moving them emotionally through my music. I believe music is one of the most healing modalities out there… I’ve always been fascinated by how music moves us and the connection between music and emotions. I am so grateful to have found my passion. Creating music completes me.

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
Learning how to produce and record (engineer) my own songs is very impactful on my journey as a musician. It gives me the opportunity to create/improve at whatever pace I want because I can practice recording, producing and writing at my own leisure. It is also very useful knowledge to have when collaborating with other mix engineers, singers/songwriters, and producers as it taught me to be able to effectively communicate my musical visions. It is a great feeling being able to walk into a studio as a singer/songwriter and also be able to understand the role of the mix engineer/producer. It makes sessions more efficient because I understand the different roles that go into creating a finished song. My advice to aspiring producers would be to research which DAW you think would be the best fit for you, download it and get to work. Collab with other musicians, look up beginner producer videos on youtube, read producer forums, and most importantly STAY CONSISTENT. Make at least a little time everyday to practice and don’t doubt the process. It can be frustrating at first but remember your end goal. Practice is your best friend and improvement is your reward.

As we end our chat, is there a book you can leave people with that’s been meaningful to you and your development?
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz has played an important role in my development and provided me with a code to live by that is very impactful on how I feel day to day. In the book, Ruiz explains the four agreements to live by to be the best and most free version of yourself. The four agreements are: 1. Be impeccable with your word, 2. Don’t take anything personally, 3. Don’t make assumptions, 4. Always do your best. It is funny because most of the time when I feel down it is somehow related to breaking one of these rules. When I feel upset about something I will revisit the chapter most relevant to how I’m feeling and will usually find the answers I am looking for. This book is very powerful and a fast read. I highly recommend it.

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