Meet Justin Sherrod

We recently connected with Justin Sherrod and have shared our conversation below.

Justin , we’re thrilled to have you sharing your thoughts and lessons with our community. So, for folks who are at a stage in their life or career where they are trying to be more resilient, can you share where you get your resilience from?
I think from growing up I went through a lot of things that made me who I am today. Going to school I was one of the few black kids at the school so I would always be the odd one out it felt to me. That kind of subjected me to being a target of bullying and things of that nature. I think relationships that I have had in the past with women have also helped me learn to become stronger and face adversity through challenges during the relationship and also after the relationship ended. I think it’s a key point for me that makes me who I am as a person today. I tend to give it my all whenever possible and that applies everywhere, especially relationships. They have taught me how to rebuild myself back up and to build myself to be stronger than ever before. A lot of things in my life that have happened to me I always try and grow from it and stay strong.

Thanks for sharing that. So, before we get any further into our conversation, can you tell our readers a bit about yourself and what you’re working on?
I love to do a lot of things. The thing I am known most for is making music. Being a producer and rapper for about 8 years now making music is something that I have grown to love. Growing up I always wanted to be like my bigger brother Grant, he was and is still one of my biggest idols on who I am today and one of the reasons why I wanted to make music. I am self-taught and self-made and that is something that I am very proud of because, for many people when things get hard or when you have to do the work all by yourself, people tend to give up. I started writing poetry in about 7th Grade and then I had the idea to record my poetry on beats and make songs out of them as soon as I started, I just kept going and knew it was one of my passions. Fashion and music are two things that will always go together. I have always had a love for clothes and fashion since I could remember. As a kid, I would wake up early in the morning with my mom and have her buy me the shoes I wanted with her credit card at 6 a.m. and I would pay her with the money I saved up. I always wanted to have the newest and coolest clothes and to have the clothes that separated me from the rest and truly encompassed what makes me, me. There were times when I didn’t have enough money for the clothes that I wanted growing up and that is something that plays a big role in my brand Justin Matthew. I want everything that I make to be able to be bought by many people without having to sacrifice the quality of the pieces I make just to make a profit. The clothes that I make, are more than just fabric they are memories and they are meaningful if you look through the materialistic part of it and see the deeper meaning behind it all. They tell stories and they are time capsules that are almost like pictures in a sense because I remember so many details of my clothes that I have and have made and they bring back memories of when I first got them.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
I think the most important thing to do and the most impactful thing I have learned is to just say fuck it and live your life. Take risks, do new stuff try out new things, talk to new people, and go to new places. Do not be afraid to live your life and do not live your life always thinking about the what ifs. Living in fear is something that will always hold you back and once you start to truly understand and believe that then I think your quality of life will improve. Also making the most out of your situation is a great thing to learn as well. That is something that I had to do and I am very grateful that it is something that I experienced because now it has helped me see the bright side to situations that are not the best My advice to people is to go out there and follow your dreams no matter what. Do not let anything stop you from achieving what you want to do in your life. I know for myself that I do not want to live a life that isn’t mine, I don’t want to live a life to make someone else happy. In my mind when you live like that, you are living for yourself. Start living for yourself.

Okay, so before we go, is there anyone you’d like to shoutout for the role they’ve played in helping you develop the essential skills or overcome challenges along the way?
My mom has played a big role in helping me get back on my feet when I was down. We used to bump heads a lot when I was growing up but I knew it was just because she always wanted the best for me and for me to be successful. Now I and my mom have a great relationship with each other and I talk to her about what I’m going through when I need help that is something I normally don’t do and it has brought us much closer. My friends, Daphne, Hayden, Skylar, and Steve also have played a major role in getting me back on my grind as well too. My brothers Eric, and Grant, and my father have always supported me and had my back growing up. My friends and family are the people that keep me going and I am forever thankful and grateful to have them in my life because I would not be here if it weren’t for them. Journaling and exercising help me overcome challenges and develop myself into something better. I typically have a very hyperactive brain and I think about a million things at a time. Sitting down and writing out my thoughts without thinking or rhyme or reason really helps me become less overwhelmed. It helps me visualize and rationalize all the things I have to do. I have always played sports my whole life and been a very active person so making sure I am active plays a HUGE role in helping me function better mentally and physically.

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Image Credits
Shanti Kot Jean-Claude C. Cubias

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