Meet Kat Baillie

We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Kat Baillie. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Kat below.

Hi Kat, really happy you were able to join us today and we’re looking forward to sharing your story and insights with our readers. Let’s start with the heart of it all – purpose. How did you find your purpose?
From a young age, my dream was to work in the UK fashion Industry and to become a Head of Buying. I loved shopping, design and had a great commercial eye, with great analytical skills, so it made sense to me to make a career out of what I loved and was good at. Someone told me that if you did what you loved, you would become passionate and successful at it and I did. Within my 30’s I took up a leadership post, working as a Buying Manager, within a multi million pound business, got headhunted by large, fashionable US firms and in my 40’s, I would reach that once elusive Head of Buying post in a UK fashion house, travelling the world and doing what I loved most purchasing.

If you had told the younger me, that I would then walk away from a 6 digit salary, a job I loved, in order to follow my soul and spiritual destiny, I would have probably laughed at you and thought you crazy. I was not the spiritual or religious type, even though I did have a very loving, care free, and optimistic attitude towards life; the ability to love deeply, help, possibly even heal, through great management skills and efficient working techniques. I am not sure I knew what life purpose really meant back then. I just wanted to do what I loved and do it well. Finding purpose was not a term I would hear until my early 30’s, when before my wedding day, a spiritual lady would reveal that fashion was not my destiny or chosen path. What are you talking about? I love what I do, are you insane? She looked at me and told me it was not my calling, or my life purpose. I was stunned. Slight bemused and definitely confused. Then why was I doing what I do?

But as it turned out, this spiritual interlude and lady were not insane and a few months after I would have a diving accident, that would change my life course and experience forever.  It was a baptism by water for me!  From a young age, I had always been intuitive but to this particular day, I would override that intuition that had always kept me safe, enter into stormy seas, only to reemerge, post a near death experience, with a completely altered perception of life. I never passed over the veil, I didn’t have to, to understand that something else was in the water with me and spared my life that day. It came in response to a heart prayer, at that optimum moment, when I thought I was about to die. Peace, silence prevailed and yet an energy moved and drew my attention towards it.

Startled but not afraid, I would start to question, what was that? Why did this happen to me? Who am I? What does life mean? What is my purpose? It was one of those pivotal moments that close to death, I gained complete peace and clarity. As I started to further explore these very questions, more would be revealed and unfold. The situation would take me to towns I had never been to before, in search of evidence, that my soul would tell me existed, credible, tangible things, like postcards with farming landscapes, by a photographer called Sutcliffe, of my family three generations back. My family and I, never knew these images existed but find them we did, first in a little shop, in the little town, my soul told me to look and then later in an art gallery, where to my amazement, more evidence existed that whatever was communicating to my soul, had knowledge, understanding and a great level of intelligence. In awe of this intuitive and spiritual world, I found myself naturally responding and leaning in.

Gone were the days of strategies, targets, rational, now I was fully aligned with my gut feeling, my intuition, creativity and another level of intelligence that I found could help me at work and at play, as well as in other practical matters.

“Don’t waste your time training that girl, in such depth, as she will move to Hong Kong in six months time. Focus your training on that one instead for succession management purposes and team morale.” I would hear bubble up in my intuition and sure enough, to my absolute amazement, that’s exactly what would happen. Six months later, that beloved employee handed her notice in, in favour of a move to Hong Kong, even though she had been perfectly happy and well suited to her job. What is this, I thought? The more I listened, the more intrigued I became, it started to happen again and again. Suddenly I found myself more productive, more successful and feeling my way through all aspects of life. The sales profit increased. It wasn’t so much that I had found my purpose but I had stumbled upon something more curious, deep down in the human psyche, an inner voice, a soul speaker and it was really cool and totally amazing. This curiosity would then lead to my life purpose. Unfolding slowly at first, it required little moments of boldness, actions that followed intuitive feelings and knowledge. Small steps at first, tested evidentially, growing to larger leaps, as I gained more confidence and faith in my inner belief.

Eventually, like a calling, I was in a grip with what this was and what it was becoming but when the inner voice said, “It’s time.  Quit your job. We have some other ideas for you, starting with a new life as a spiritual medium.” I faltered and almost laughed but what I wasn’t aware of, was covid was about to hit and getting players into spiritual hot seats, was the powers greater agenda. “A spiritual medium? What like, a full time Spiritual medium? You want me to leave my job and jump ship, just based on your hunch….!” But of course, it was far more than a hunch. Every step of the way, this inner voice called me, it produced evidence, gave me encouragement, sent help even. It never told me to leave, it asked me politely, it appealed to my heart and my soul. It encouraged me to follow its guidance. The choice and decision seemingly mine but with reminders of my true destiny. When I faltered, which I frequently did at first, as I tried to stay attached to my current seat and original career guidelines, it would find a way to come along and just happily, joyously nudge me.

It took a few months for the inner voice to persuade me to leave my chosen career, for this new career but leave it I did. Thinking at first, it is a gap year. The gap year went by and by the end of the year, I was working as a full time medium. How it happened was a magical surprise, though it did require some effort and action on my part. Things would just happen, suggestions would be made, things would show up and if I followed the little bread crumbs, more would be revealed. It was a funny sort of dance, a funny sort of game. A little bit like this article request. Things would just appear at my door and if I opened the door and walked through it, more magical things arrived. So like that, slowly, slowly the landscape of my life began to change. Even as I write this article now, I feel my soul tapping away at the keys. What can it share? What can it reveal? How can it be of service to me? How can it help a reader or two?

It’s been an incredible seven year journey and now I find myself, at the beginning of a book, about past lives, duality and greater spiritual explorations about life purpose and how patterns and behaviours move and shift from one incarnation to another, as we explore relationships with other souls we have met before, from new angles. The whole thing may sound a little crazy to you but I assure you, the more I delve, the more intelligent it gets, the more fascinated I become. It’s really quite an adventure. Of course, it’s still ongoing, my life’s purpose, evolving before me. It’s not a permanent space or destination, more like a river, that just keeps on flowing, trying to find its way to the sea of wisdom. The ocean of life.

Yes, I am still a medium, Kat B, but I teach people how to grow their own intuition, listen to their souls, find their life purposes, connect with their loved ones, redirect people on their path, giving them signs, evidence of spirit presence in everyday life and I teach them about synchronicities and spiritual insights, those little jewels of the universe that are like calling cards to the heart, that heal the soul. It’s fair to say I embrace life, all walks of it. As the Buddhists say, I love people. I meet amazing people too, from all faiths, all professions, at all levels of life and I walk with them sometimes for part of their journey and I walk around with a smile on my face, enjoying the time I spend with them, helping them and seeing them flourish, through loss, grief and back to love again.

All this and yet, I am still a mum, a wife and have a great social life – a busy life, with lots of colour to it. I have found that by living life boldly, fiercely, bravely, I can enjoy everything I want, in moderation and have a really great life. So how did I find my purpose, I pursued it. I listened to my intuition and I followed my heart, I watched the universes sign posts unveil themselves before me, at every stage of my life and I found that as I did, life just opened up in front of me and I am confident that if you try this, it will for you as well. Ok, you might need a little bit of support and coaching along the way but there is a beauty in aligning with your higher purpose and attuning yourself to listen to your heart and your soul. A calling isn’t a spiritual thing by the way, it’s an innate thing, part of your true nature. You just have to learn how to tap into it and find it.

Want to know more, reach out to me, and you will find me at Feel free to book in for a coffee and a chat or if you are suffering with grief or just want some insights on the spiritual journey, or booking in for a reading, healing or Clinical hypnosis or past life regression session. If you are suffering from grief, following the loss of a loved one, check out my facebook site, Transcending Grief, where I with colleagues, help people on a voluntary basis transcend their grief, the spiritual way. The only way I know how.

You find your purpose, when you have the courage to boldly go after it. The unfoldment begins with that very question, what is my purpose? Maybe you’ll also be surprised like me that it isn’t always what you thought it would be and that it always evolving and changing. The most important thing is that you just become the person, you are happy being, a sunshine soul, with a great heart, who has joy in their world and within the simple pleasures of life.

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?
Spirit Medium | Mystic | Healer | Teacher | Clinical Hypnotherapist | Public Speaker | Grief Coach

Founder – – Private Business
Co Founder – Transcending-Grief. com – Free Facebook Community Hub & Group
Email: (Private email) | (Public business emails)
FB @Mediumkatb @Katbaillie
Instagram: Kat Baillie

Hi, I’m Kat B,


A former Leader & Retail Executive in the UK Fashion Industry, I understand what it’s like to press the spiritual reset button and revision your life. With well over two decades of experience as a Spirit Medium, Channel, Teacher and Healer, and over 200 5 star reviews, offers a refreshing approach to spirituality, one grounded in the reality of every day life.

Whether you are looking for spiritual guidance or connection to loved ones across the veil via a reading, tuition to enhance your intuition, soul connection and growth, grief coaching or to learn to connect to loved ones directly yourself, a past life regression, Clinical Hypnotherapy or to participate in breath work, healing sessions, learn about sound healing, we have the services for you.

I am a very logical, rational person, with a great commercial background for success. I emply clear sightedness, utilise my sense of humour and sense of fun and combined them with my ability to use her intuitively connect, to help you connect, heal, bring closure, support grief and unlimit and unlock your true and highest potential, means that she can help empower you to get back on track, redefine your limitations and help you regain your balance. With the healing side of the business, I look to investigate what your blocks and obstacles are and to help support you find ways to move beyond them.

My mastery lies within my ability to melt away the divide between the material and metaphysical worlds and combine her knowledge and skills – reminding us that everyone is a soul, having a human incarnation, housed in a body, with a spirit that has the ability to connect and tap into the unconditional love of the universe, to co create with the source energy.

I work from an authentic place of loving intention. A certified and blind tested Evidential Medium and Teacher with over 200 5 star reviews online. My work is impactful and can change, transform lives and the way you perceive the world. I also have the ability to trance heal and read with spirit, though mainly do this face to face and not online. All other services are available virtually.

You will find interviews with me featured on leading spiritual and wellness podcasts for Seeking Center, Conscious Grief, The Holistic Life Coach, Ask Julie Ryan, Grief & Rebirth & Grief2Growth.

I am also a service provider to many grief groups, helping support the bereaved on both a paid and voluntary basis. Helping restore hope and transcend grief.

I am available for virtual one to one readings, consultations, grief coaching, clinical hypnotherapy, past life regressions, reiki healing, tuition, demonstrations and talks.

What I am most excited about it taking mediumship and connection out of the dark ages and into the modern world, where it can be seen as a beautiful inspirational and healing tool, that can help us transcend grief, bringing joy, closure, hope and comfort back towards everyday life.

I also specialise in teaching Buddhist techniques like Meditation, Breath work, Sound Healing with the human voice (Chanting & toning), Lucid dreaming and basic Astral Travel instructions.

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
3 key qualities:

Ability to Act/Take action

Advice/Top tips:

Ask/seek help and guidance
Educate yourself
Follow recommendations
Learn to tune into your gut feeling and intuition
Be willing and prepared to make mistakes but see them as a growth opportunity and experience
Have faith and trust in yourself – what is right for you, might not be what is right for your neighbour and vice versa, so resilience and self motivation
Engage your sense of humour and spirit of adventure and have fun

How would you describe your ideal client?
My services are open to anyone with an open heart and looking for spiritual direction and support and healing services. There are no real limitations and I already service a wide variety of clients from all walks of life.

In terms of the spiritual aspect of the work I do:

Spiritual work is energy work and therefore can be affected by thought forms, belief and energy frequencies and vibrations. Working with energies that are compatible, is highly conducive to having a great experiences. You only have to check out my reviews, to see, that the majority of clients, have a great experience but being a great person, does not guarantee you a connection. I am never in charge of a reading and my providers will define the compatability.

I therefore believe that the services I offer are best suited to people who are already open to receiving and have a level of belief in the process, themselves and are open to the spiritual inquiry and self discovery work. I have no problem with open scepticism and I am happy to help educate people but I find that it can limit experience. If you are cynical, it will also mean that your belief system and thought framework are so strongly defined, you will not be open to receive or experience, affecting the energy and connection ability, resulting in a poor quality of experience and therefore I always people to feel into the energy and situation for yourself and ask the question, does this resonate with me? my life path? and feel right for me? If it doesn’t feel right, then it isn’t and I recommend you go elsewhere, as you will only limit my time and availability for someone else, who could greatly benefit from my work. If on the other hand, it resonates with you and you feel draw to work with me, then I welcome you into my space with open arms. My work is best suited to those that choose to believe and are open to receive and have faith and trust in themselves and the process. Many people write great reviews, because they made the right choices.

The healing element of the business, which is not energy affected and driven is open to all and not affected by energy frequencies and vibrations.

Contact Info:

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